Analysis of Low Activity Waste Streams and Volumes in Decommissioning NPPs  Lisa Edwards Sr. Program Manager, EPRI LLW Forum April 13-14, 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Analysis of Low Activity Waste Streams and Volumes in Decommissioning NPPs  Lisa Edwards Sr. Program Manager, EPRI LLW Forum April 13-14, 2016

Overview Decommissioning of a nuclear power plant involves the safe disposition of a very large quantity of radioactive, hazardous and conventional waste These projects have used various waste disposal and interim storage options, and have developed successful methods for handling the large quantities of decommissioning waste These experiences provide important lessons learned and successful strategies that can reduce decommissioning cost, schedule and complexity EPRI has captured these lessons learned in a recently published report Review of Waste Management Best Practices during Nuclear Plant Decommissioning, 3002005252.

D S I T US Power Reactors Decommissioning Status Four Sites Twelve Sites Seven Sites Three Sites Source: US NRC Website 3

Global Outlook for Decommissioning To date, about 100 commercial power plants have shutdown worldwide and only 13 have completed decommissioning An estimated 100 or more plants will shut down in the next 10 years Active dismantlement activities currently underway at nearly 50 plants

Recent Shutdown/Planned for Shutdown US Plants Unplanned Reactor Shutdowns Crystal River Unit 3 - Crystal River, Florida (February 2013) Kewaunee Power Station - Kewaunee Wisconsin (May 2013) San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 & 3 - San Clemente, California (June 2013) Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station - Vernon, Vermont (December 2014) Reactors that Plan Early Shutdown Fitzpatrick Nuclear Station - Oswego, New York (Announced Shutdown for 2017) Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station - Forked River, New Jersey (Announced Shutdown for 2019) Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Plymouth, MA (Announced Shutdown for 2019) What are the Economic Drivers Leading to Pre-mature Plant Closures? Low Cost Gas Subsidized Renewable Energy Sources (Wind, Solar) Deregulated Markets Pressures Power Grid Restrictions Undervalued Carbon Effects Plant Capital Improvements

Waste Volumes for US Decommissioning Projects Waste Class Plant Name Connecticut Yankee ft3 Maine Yankee ft3 Rancho Seco ft3 San Onofre Unit 1 ft3 Trojan ft3 Class A 3,754,572 3,224,000 608,713 1,680,558 Not Available Class B/C 10,354 20,000 3,284 1,050 > Class C (GTCC) Not Available 378 96 Total 3,764,926 3,244,000 612,375 1,681,704 275,000 Decom- missioning Strategy Little Decon- tamination of Buildings & Equipment Little Decon- tamination of Buildings & Equipment Buildings Decon- taminated, Little Decon of Equipment Large Difference in Volumes between Plants that Decontaminated Buildings Compared to those that Disposed of All RCA Buildings As Radioactive Waste

What Makes Up Decommissioning LLW? Radioactive Waste Material Volume for Connecticut Yankee ft3 Percent of Total Volume Waste Class Primary Types of Materials Primary Components & High Dose Waste 10,354 0.3% B & C Segmented Reactor Internals, Chemical Decontamination Resins Building Debris 3,166,000 84% A Concrete and Rebar Soil 492,000 13.1% Mostly for Groundwater Remediation Dredging Spoils 84,671 2.25% Mostly to Allow Barge Shipment of Reactor Vessel Asphalt 10,014 RCA Asphalt Mixed Waste 1,887 0.05% PCB Paint Contamination Total 3,764,926 100%   Most of the Class A Waste would quality as BSFR or Exemption Under 20.2002

Global Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities The majority of nations employ a waste classification program that is based in whole or part, on the IAEA system with a few using a U. S. based classification approach Most countries have access to a disposal site for low and intermediate level waste and some include an option for very low level waste (VLLW) VLLW trench and waste emplacement at ANDRA’s Morvilliers facility in France

Projected Volumes of Radwaste through the Current Licensed Life of US Power Plants 69% of this waste is from decommissioning Graph conservatively assumes that only 2/3 of Class A decommissioning waste would qualify as VLLW Estimated Cumulative Savings from new VLLW Classification - $6 Billion

Selected EPRI Reports Related to Decommissioning Waste Management Decommissioning Low Level Waste Management and Reduction Guide, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. 1999. TR-110234. Decommissioning Waste Management Workshop Proceedings, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. 2000. 1000006. Remediation Technology: Hazardous Waste Workshop Proceedings, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. 1999. TR-112875. Basis for National and International Low Activity and Very Low Level Waste Disposal Classifications, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. 2012. 1024844. Concrete Characterization and Dose Modeling During Plant Decommissioning, Detailed Experiences 1993 – 2007, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. 2008. 1015502. Proceeding: The 10th International Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management Workshop, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA. 2012. 1026514.