ACMG 12/7/2017 Newborn Screening Translational Research Network Virtual Repository of Dried Blood Spots Supplemental Slides February 16, 2012 Call in Number: (470) 200-0303 Access Code: 682-449-951
Virtual Repository ACMG 12/7/2017 And now, Erica Marrari will go into more detail of the VRDBS functionality. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 Institution administration is where you can edit information about your institution. 1) Sign in to the NBSTRN VRDBS application. Hover your mouse over the Administration item in the menu bar to access the Institutional Administration section. 2) You have permissions to edit your own institution, and you will see an Edit button in the Action column for your institution. Click the Edit button to edit institution information. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 3) If you are a participating state in the VRDBS, check the Network Participant box. When selecting the checkbox, new sections will appear: Participation Level DBS Use Restrictions - Payment Address - DUNS/EIN - Payment Instructions Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 4) As a participating state in the VRDBS, you can select your state’s participation level in the VRDBS. A) Full Participation: Selecting this checkbox means that your state is using the DBS request forms built into the VRDBS application and do not need researchers to fill out separate documents from your state. B) Partial Participation: Selecting this checkbox means that your state is not using the DBS request forms built into the VRDBS application and need the researchers to fill out separate documents from your state. Information on where to find your request processing information needs to be entered into the Request Processing Information URL text box. This information will be displayed to the researcher if they request DBS from your state. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 Note: the DBS Use Restrictions text area is where you can list any DBS Use Restrictions required by your state Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality NOTE: When an investigator searches for specimens, the Search Results page displays a link that when clicked shows a pop-up of the specified DBS Use Restrictions. Lab Quality Assurance Committee
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 Request Administration allows the Administrator to view and approve/deny requests for DBS specimens submitted to the state. DBS Specimen Requests – NBSTRN Administrator can view all DBS requests. 1) Hover your mouse over the Administration item in the menu bar to access the Request Administration section Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 2) Request Administration contains two tabs: DBS Specimens and Questions to States. On the first tab select the Only show request that require my action checkbox to filter the list to those that require your attention. Once the list is filtered, select the Review button to see the request details. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 3) Here you can review the original investigator request. In the State Review area you can vote to Approve or Deny the investigator’s request. A text area is provided to add comments back to the investigator. 4) Anytime you receive a request you can access this area through the home page alert system. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 Questions to States – State Administrators can review and comment on questions submitted to their state. 1) Hover your mouse over the Administration item in the menu bar to access the Request Administration section. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 2) The last tab labeled Questions to States contains a list of questions posed by investigators. Click the Review button to take action on a question. Here the Administrator can submit a response to the question. A Question can be in one of three states: - Pending – No action taken yet. - Responded – You have responded. - Responded Off-line – Indicates you responded by calling or emailing the investigator outside of the system. A comment is required if this option is selected. A notification is sent to the investigator when an off-line response is submitted. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 Order and Shipping Administration - Once you’ve approved an Investigator specimen request, the State Lab Technician will receive an action to ship out the specimens. To view the shipment information, follow the steps below: 1) Sign in to the NBSTRN VRDBS application. Move your mouse over the Administration link to access Order and Shipping Administration. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 2) On the Order and Shipping Administration screen you can view the shipments by clicking on the Shipment # link. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Administrator Functionality ACMG State Administrator Functionality 12/7/2017 3) View and print invoice Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Lab Technician Functionality ACMG State Lab Technician Functionality 12/7/2017 Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Lab Technician Functionality ACMG State Lab Technician Functionality 12/7/2017 Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Lab Technician Functionality ACMG State Lab Technician Functionality 12/7/2017 Specimens Ready for Shipment - After a state administrator approves an Investigator specimen request, the State Lab Technician will receive an action to ship out the specimens. To ship specimens, follow the steps below: 1) Sign in to the NBSTRN VRDBS application. Move your mouse over the Administration link to access Order and Shipping Administration. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Lab Technician Functionality ACMG State Lab Technician Functionality 12/7/2017 2) On the Order Administration screen you can view the shipments by clicking on the Shipment # link or the Review button. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Lab Technician Functionality ACMG State Lab Technician Functionality 12/7/2017 3) This is the details screen where final price is set. You can always view the request details and the review details through the View Request Details and View Review Details buttons at the top of the page. You can add specimens to the request through the Add to Order button and remove all the specimens at once with Remove All button. Use the Remove button to remove a single specimen. The Order Total will update automatically as you enter/change your fee information. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Lab Technician Functionality ACMG State Lab Technician Functionality 12/7/2017 4) The Shipment Recipient information, Shipping Information and any notes you want displayed on the invoice are available below the fees box. At the bottom of the page, Ready for Investigator Review is a checkbox that when selected will display the fees to the Investigator next time he logs in. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network
State Lab Technician Functionality ACMG State Lab Technician Functionality 12/7/2017 When done press the Save button to complete the process. The other buttons at the bottom of the page perform the following functions: - Print Invoice – Create the invoice for printing. - Mark as Shipped – Press this when the order is ready to be shipped. You will be prompted to enter the shipment date. Once it is marked as shipped the investigator will get notified. - Cancel Order – You will be prompted with a dialog box asking if you are sure you want to cancel. Once canceled, the order cannot be reopened. Newborn Screening Translational Research Network