SPOUSE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COURSE DAY MONTH YEAR – DAY MONTH YEAR “Resource Not Rescue” START END WHO ACTIVITY FACILITATOR LOC REF HRS DAY 00 MON YR 0900 0930 1000 1010 1110 1120 1220 1230 1330 1340 1440 1450 1550 1600 1700 All Welcome/Opening Remarks SLDC Orientation Break SLDC Orientation (cont.) Kolb Learning Styles Kolb Learning Styles (cont.) Farmer’s Exercise Farmer’s Exercise (cont.) Problem Solving & Decision Making CMDT MSG Macri SLDC Staff Ms. Mabane BCR* BCR L901 L933 L902 L903 L904 .30 .10 1.00 1030 1040 1140 1150 1250 1300 1400 1410 1510 1520 1620 1630 1650 Effective Communication Diversity Group Dynamics & the Senior Spouse Leadership & the Senior Spouse Public Speaking After Action Review Ms. Hirsch L908 L905 L906 L907 L909 L927 1.30 .20 * Bainbridge Conference Room = BCR ** West Auditorium = WA
SPOUSE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COURSE DAY MONTH YEAR – DAY MONTH YEAR “Resource Not Rescue” START END WHO ACTIVITY FACILITATOR LOC REF HRS DAY 00 MON YR 0900 1000 1010 1110 1120 1220 1230 1300 1330 1340 1440 1450 1550 1600 1630 1640 1650 All TSS Overview & Army Family Programs Break TSSR in Recruiting/Thanking Vlntrs Lunch Planning a Reception Graduation Rehearsal TSSR in the Family Readiness Group Public affairs/Media Relations Public Affairs/Media Relations After action Review Mr. Doss SLDC Staff Ms. Hopper MSG Macri Ms. Dagon SSG Hughes BCR WA** L910 L933 L911 L925 L926 L912 L921 L927 1.00 .10 .30 1040 1050 1150 1200 1310 1410 1420 1520 1530 Deployment Discussion Deployment Discussion (cont.) Trauma in the Unit/Casualty Assistance Trauma in the Unit/Casualty Assistance (cont.) The Army Overview (Ops to Strategic Level) American Red Cross Ethics After Action Review Ch. Reynolds Ms. Mebane Ms. Cadwallader SFC Hunt L914 L915 L913 L916 L923
SPOUSE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COURSE DAY MONTH YEAR – DAY MONTH YEAR “Resource Not Rescue” START END WHO ACTIVITY FACILITATOR LOC REF HRS DAY 00 MON YR 0900 1000 1010 1110 1120 1220 1230 1330 1340 1440 1450 1500 1600 1550 1700 All Survivor Outreach Services Break Security & Social Media w/Online Conduct Resilience Dress for Success Protocol & Etiquette Protocol & Etiquette (cont.) Senior Spouse Panel Ms. Lopez SLDC Staff Mr. Montano Ms. Broomfield MSG Macri Ms. Molina Mrs. Defreese BCR L917 L933 L922 L918 L919 L920 L928 1.00 .10 1300 1400 Benefits & Entitlements: Preparing for Retirement Benefits & Entitlements: Preparing for Retirement (cont.) Commandant & Spouse Panel After Action Review Graduation/Reception Setup Graduation Ceremony Reception Ms. Hernandez CMDT Ms. Mebane WA L924 L929 L927 L930 L931 L932 .30 MICHELE MEBANE THOMAS F. WILLIAMS SLDC Director CSM, USA Staff & Faculty Director