Unit 5 Out and About REVIEW.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 Out and About REVIEW

do the dishes

sweep the floors

vacuum the rugs

pick up the dry cleaning

mail a package

do the laundry

take Marty to soccer practice Marty, have fun at soccer practice!

make dinner

make an appointment

make a reservation

What’s missing?

What’s missing?

What’s missing?

What’s missing?

What’s missing?

What’s missing?

What’s missing?

Unit 6 Student Life (future decisions and predictions) REVIEW “will” “be going to” I’m going to travel to Japan. I will help you!

Statement: The test will be next week. The tests will be next week. REVIEW Grammar - page 149 “will” Statement: The test will be next week. The tests will be next week. Negative: The test won’t be hard. The tests will not be hard. Yes/No Q: Will the test be easy? Will the tests be easy? Wh-Q: When will we take the test? When will I take the test?

I’m going to travel to Japan. be going to will I’m going to travel to Japan. I will help you! When? 1. sudden decisions about the future Hmmmm I will have a hamburger. 1. definite plans about the future: I am going to Seomyeon this Saturday.

Page 59 #B 1. am going to 2. will 3. will 4. am going to 5. will

1) What are you going to do this summer? 2) Right now decide. What will you wear tomorrow?

Grammar – 149 #6B Green Box predictions I bet she will pass the test. I’m sure she is going to pass the test. She will probably pass the test. Maybe she will pass the test.

Grammar - page 64 YES! predictions + be going to / will Statement: I bet she will pass the test. I’m sure she will pass the test. I bet she is going to pass the test. Negative: I bet she won’t pass the test. I’m sure she won’t pass the test. I bet she isn’t going to pass the test. I’m sure she isn’t going to pass the test.

Grammar - page 64 MAYBE predictions + be going to / will Statement: She will probably pass the test. Maybe she will pass the test. Negative: She probably won’t pass the test. Maybe she won’t pass the test.

I’m going to travel to Japan. be going to will I’m going to travel to Japan. I will help you! When? 1. sudden decisions about the future Hmmmm I will have a hamburger. 1. definite plans about the future: I am going to Seomyeon this Saturday. 2. predictions about the future: I bet I will be famous. 2. predictions about the future: I bet I’m going to be famous. * near future Don’t sit! That chair is going to break.


1. I’m sure they will like the movie. 2 1. I’m sure they will like the movie. 2. I bet you is going to get the job. 3. I’m not going to take summer classes. 4. He is going to travel Daegu. 5. We am going to stay after class and study. 6. No problem! I will help you. 7. Look out! The table will tip over. 8. I’m going work at CGV on weekends. 9. I bet she will goes to the party. 10. Are you going to live in the dormitory next year? 11. Where is he going to study abroad? 12. You probably will enjoy the concert. It’s good!

Auction! 1. Find the sentences with correct grammar. 2. Buy the sentences with correct grammar. * Do not buy sentences with bad grammar!!! * The highest offer wins the sentence. 4. The group with the most correct sentences in the winner! Auction!

1) Find the sentences with correct grammar. 1. I’m sure they will like the movie. 2. I bet you is going to get the job. 3. I’m not going to take summer classes. 4. He is going to travel Daegu. 5. We am going to stay after class and study. 6. No problem! I will help you. 7. Look out! The table will tip over. 8. I’m going work at CGV on weekends. 9. I bet she will goes to the party. 10. Are you going to live in the dormitory next year? 11. Where is he going to study abroad? 12. You probably will enjoy the concert. It’s good!


Word Stress PENcil penCIL Sentence Stress The pencil is broken.

Conversation page 58 circle the stress Hans: Hey, Tom. How’s it going with the college applications? Tom: So-so. I didn’t get into McGill University. Hans: Really? Sorry to hear that. Did you apply to any other schools? Tom: Yeah, three others. Hans: And?

Conversation page 58 circle the stress Tom: I got into all of them. Hans: Well, that’s great! Tom: Yeah, but I really wanted to go to McGill. Hans: Well, look on the bright side-three other schools accepted you. Tom: Yeah, I guess you’re right.

Conversation page 58 circle the stress Hans: So, which school are you going to attend? Tom: I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll go to Queen’s University.

Thursday – Important Dates May 26th – Final Exam Part 1 (Come to class Thursday – Important Dates May 26th – Final Exam Part 1 (Come to class. Bring your book. Do not study!) June 2nd – Final Exam Part 2 (Come to class. Bring your book. Do not study!) June 9th – Final Exam Part 3 (Come to class. Study!)