Why is this useful for the prokaryote? Why can’t eukaryotes do this? Peer Instruction 5 end of mRNA 1 2 3 Protein Ribosome RNA polymerase (3 end of template strand) Start of gene End of gene (5 end of What is happening? Why is this useful for the prokaryote? Why can’t eukaryotes do this?
What is a disadvantage of the eukaryotic system? Peer Instruction What is a disadvantage of the eukaryotic system? What is an advantage of the eukaryotic system? mRNA Transcription and RNA processing in nucleus DNA Mature mRNA Mature mRNA Translation in cytoplasm Ribosome Protein
What is going on here, and why? (not covered in your reading…) The following structure is sometimes found in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell. Peer Instruction A ‘guide’ protein that binds to both ends of the RNA What is going on here, and why? 5’ cap A ribosome PolyA tail An RNA molecule Hint: Only one molecule is really moving… A new protein
After this class, you should be able to: Monday January 23rd, 2017 Class 13 Learning Goals Genetic Codes After this class, you should be able to: Read and use a codon table for nearly every organism on Earth Decode an open reading frame of DNA: When given the frame When you know that there is a start codon somewhere On double-stranded DNA Describe the advantages and disadvantages of coupling between transcription and translation in prokaryotes
Codon tables Notice the redundancies SECOND BASE FIRST BASE Phenylalanine (Phe) Leucine (Leu) Isoleucine (Ile) Methionine (Met) (Start codon) Valine (Val) Alanine (Ala) Threonine (Thr) Proline (Pro) Serine (Ser) Tyrosine (Tyr) Stop codon Histidine (His) Glutamine (Glu) Asparagine (Asn) Lysine (Lys) Aspartic acid (Asp) Glutamic acid (Glu) Glycine (Gly) Arginine (Arg) Tryptophan (Trp) Cysteine (Cys) THIRD BASE Notice the redundancies (mostly, but not always, in the 3rd position)
In the diagram shown, what represents DNA? Peer Instruction What competitive disadvantage would you expect for a species that used a 2-base code? A 4-base code? In the diagram shown, what represents DNA? 3 5 -35 -10 +1 TAC 5 3 AUG UAG Do you think biologists are consistent in how they represent genes? N C
5’ – AUG-UAC-GGC-CCU-UAA-3’ Peer Instruction This RNA sequence starts from the start codon. Translate this sequence using the codon table. 5’ – AUG-UAC-GGC-CCU-UAA-3’ SECOND BASE FIRST BASE Phenylalanine (Phe) Leucine (Leu) Isoleucine (Ile) Methionine (Met) (Start codon) Valine (Val) Alanine (Ala) Threonine (Thr) Proline (Pro) Serine (Ser) Tyrosine (Tyr) Stop codon Histidine (His) Glutamine (Glu) Asparagine (Asn) Lysine (Lys) Aspartic acid (Asp) Glutamic acid (Glu) Glycine (Gly) Arginine (Arg) Tryptophan (Trp) Cysteine (Cys) THIRD BASE N-Met-Tyr-Gly-Pro-STOP-C N-Met-Met-Pro-Gly-C N-Tyr-Gly-Pro-C N-Met-Tyr-Gly-Pro-C
Here is a piece of DNA. There is only one start codon. Translate! Peer Instruction Here is a piece of DNA. There is only one start codon. Translate! 5’–ATCTTAGCGGGAATTCATAGTC-3’ 5’–TAGAATCGCCCTTAAGTATCAG-3’ SECOND BASE FIRST BASE Phenylalanine (Phe) Leucine (Leu) Isoleucine (Ile) Methionine (Met) (Start codon) Valine (Val) Alanine (Ala) Threonine (Thr) Proline (Pro) Serine (Ser) Tyrosine (Tyr) Stop codon Histidine (His) Glutamine (Glu) Asparagine (Asn) Lysine (Lys) Aspartic acid (Asp) Glutamic acid (Glu) Glycine (Gly) Arginine (Arg) Tryptophan (Trp) Cysteine (Cys) THIRD BASE Answer = 1
5’–AATGAAGCGGGAATTCTAAGTC-3’ Peer Instruction What are the pieces of information that you need to be able to translate from any piece of DNA? Often, molecular biologists will say something like: “Please translate the sequence shown”. What is the incorrect assumption in this request? 5’–AATGAAGCGGGAATTCTAAGTC-3’ Answer = 1 Imagine that this DNA is in an open reading frame. How many possible protein sequences could be encoded here? 5’–AACGAAGCG-3’ 3’–TTGCTTCGC-5’
In which direction does the RNA polymerase enzyme move? Peer Instruction Where does sigma bind? In which direction does the RNA polymerase enzyme move? Termination signal for mRNA H ‘5 ‘3 -35 -10 +1 Promoter H CCACTTTAAGAAGTCCCCTCAATGGGACATGCGCAAACCAGGCGCTGAAG GGTGAAATTCTTCAGGGGAGTTATCCTGTACGCGTTTGGTCCGCGACTTC Where does the new RNA start and end?
Concept Questions A single-celled eukaryote produces proteins more slowly than bacteria of similar size. Why is this lack of coupling an advantage in highly mutagenic environments? Why does the bacteria have an advantage in dark ocean-bottom environments with sporadic food surpluses? Create a random stretch of DNA of 40 bases long. Translate in each direction as if the AUG was oriented to start the open reading frame at the 5’ end. Then, retranslate by finding any start codons. Do you have any unnecessary STOP codons in this DNA? From your DNA, change the sequence to make it encode a 3-amino-acid protein. Do this with the least changes possible.
After this class, you should be able to: Tuesday January 24th, 2017 Class 13 Learning Goals Mutations After this class, you should be able to: Assess whether or not a molecule is a likely mutagen based on specific chemical effects Classify point mutations based on changes to a protein product Predict the outcome of two different point mutations and infer which would likely have more influence on organism fitness Predict relative effects of point mutations and chromosomal-scale mutations for organisms or cells Define a gene
What is a point mutation? Peer Instruction What is a point mutation? Examine the following changes. Does each change many proteins, change one protein, or have no impact? Δ in the DNA of a skin cell Δ in the DNA of a sperm cell Δ in a protein in a sperm cell Δ in an mRNA in a skin cell Which of these changes can impact fitness? Which of these changes is heritable?
Is this a normal human karyotype? Peer Instruction Is this a normal human karyotype? Duesberg et al. paper 2005; breast cancer cell line Non-normal = lots of aneuploidy (e.g. 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 …) MANY translocations Missing chromosomes (e.g. 2, 15, X or Y) For a difference that you noticed: How many genes did this change impact?
Peer Instruction Match the following mutation types to the genes from the information found in this example: Genes: Regulatory enzyme Structural protein Ribosome factor ATP producer Mutation Type: Deletion Frameshift Insertion Missense Synonymous
Peer Instruction It would be helpful to define a gene. What would we need to include in a robust definition?
A working definition of the “gene”. A gene is a unit of genetic material that encodes the information necessary to produce one protein. Usually DNA Not necessarily continuous Often guided by a promoter region
Concept Questions Create a random stretch of protein-coding DNA. Flip a coin, and if heads imagine that the promoter is on the left (and add the DNA needed to encode a start codon there as well). Pick any single base, and predict the mutation class: If you remove the base If you replace the base with two As Change the base to a different base Which of these changes for your DNA is most likely to destroy function of the protein? Why are prenatal doctors much more likely to test for small chromosomal breakages than for point mutations of 5-20 bases? Which is more likely to be mutagenic: A cosmic ray that only changes A’s to U’s in DNA A radioactive isotope that changes tyrosines to phenyalanines in proteins An enzyme that can replace the DNA sequence ‘AGCGAGGTT’ with ‘AGTTAGGTT’
Here is section of double-stranded DNA. Assuming all possible mRNAs are made, which protein sequence or sequences will be created? 5-ACTAATGAGACCAGTATCATGTTAACG-3 3-TGAATACTCTGGTCATAGTACAATTGC-5 A 6-amino-acid protein A 5-amino-acid protein A 4-amino-acid protein A 6-amino-acid protein and a 5-amino-acid protein A 5-amino-acid protein and a 4-amino-acid protein A 6-amino-acid protein and a 4-amino-acid protein Answer is 4
Peer Instruction Match the following mutation types to the mutations found in this example: Genes: Regulatory enzyme Structural protein Ribosome factor ATP producer Mutation Type: Deletion Frameshift Insertion Missense Synonymous
After this class, you should be able to: Wednesday, January 25th, 2017 Class 14 Learning Goals DNA Replication After this class, you should be able to: Describe the genome-wide process of initiation of DNA replication Define the role and predict a loss-of-function mutation result for each of the enzymes involved in replication Given a diagram of replicating DNA, locate likely sites of action for each enzyme involved in replication Assign descriptive terms appropriately to replication on the leading or lagging strands of a particular replication fork By the end of this first half of the class, you’ll have an understanding of what these images are trying to describe.
A chromosome being replicated Peer Instruction A chromosome being replicated Circular chromosomes (like in prokaryotes) Old DNA New DNA Origin of replication Replication bubble Linear chromosomes (like most eukaryotes) 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 Old DNA 3 New DNA Replication fork What is an ‘origin’? Why do eukaryotic chromosomes have multiple origins? Why is replication able to go in both directions?
Why can’t DNA replication start without a primer? Peer Instruction Primase synthesizes RNA primer (supplying a 3’ OH) Topoisomerase relieves twisting forces 5 3 5 Helicase opens double helix Single-strand DNA-binding proteins (SSBP) Why can’t DNA replication start without a primer? Why is ssBP important? What would be the phenotype of a mutation in: Topoisomerase Helicase
The sliding clamp has no effect on DNA pol’s ability to Peer Instruction Leading strand Sliding clamp holds DNA polymerase III in place 3 5 RNA primer 5 The sliding clamp has no effect on DNA pol’s ability to catalyze one reaction. What does the sliding clamp do? Why is this called the ‘leading’ strand?
the replication fork moving? the polymerase on this strand moving? Peer Instruction In which direction is: the replication fork moving? the polymerase on this strand moving? What is the engineering problem faced by the enzymes on the lagging strand? RNA primer 5 3 5 Topoisomerase SSBPs Primase Helicase
Describe the mechanisms shown here. Peer Instruction 5 3 Sliding clamp Okazaki fragment 3 5 5 DNA polymerase III 5 3 Okazaki fragment Okazaki fragment 5 3 5
What is DNA polymerase I doing? Peer Instruction 5 3 DNA polymerase I 3 5 5 What is DNA polymerase I doing? 5 3 DNA ligase 5 3 5 What would be the phenotype of a deleterious mutation in the ligase-encoding gene?
Homework: Replication Enzymes Chart Function Location Mutation Effects? ssDBP Topoisomerase Helicase DNA Polymerase I DNA Polymerase III Sliding Clamp Primase Ligase
Concept Questions How does replication begin on a single small linear chromosome? What proteins are used? How would this be different for an extremely large circular chromosome? Complete the given chart for the enzymes involved in replication. For each enzyme, be able to justify the evolutionary advantage and protein cost of the enzyme. Draw an upside down ‘Y’. Assume that the tail of the ‘Y’ is double stranded DNA. Fill in the locations of all of the enzymes from the chart based on where they are likely to act. You can assume that each arm of the ‘Y’ is 500 bases long and that an Okazaki fragment is 150 bases long on average. When finished, complete the replication bubble with the other fork. Which strand (leading or lagging) is best characterized as: Simple? Likely to have mutations? More complicated in terms of enzymes Likely to have a very long new strand Bonus: Slower?