RIBOZYMES ARE CATALYTIC RNA The term ‘ribozyme’ can be broken down to the two components, ribo and enzyme, both of which are very well known to us. ‘Ribo’ ,as we understand, denotes Ribonucleic Acid or RNA. Enzymes, as we define them, are biocatalysts. They are macromolecules that carry out catalysis. Therefore, catalytic RNAs are called ribonucleic acid enzymes or ribozymes. Catalytic RNA is a rather recent discovery and one that shook the biological world, which till then had believed that ‘all enzymes are proteins’.
HOW DOES RNA CARRY OUT CATALYSIS? The most necessary requirement of an enzyme or any other catalyst is a surface on which the reaction can be catalysed and carried out. The surface must possess unique contours and chemical properties so that the substrates can bind and react. Substrate binding is important as it is the binding energy of the substrates that lowers the activation energy of the enzyme catalysed reaction as compared to the non-catalysed reaction. Lower activation energy corresponds to a faster reaction. RNA molecules can carry out catalysis because they can provide a variety of such surfaces.
RNA CAN FORM COMPLEX SECONDARY AND TERTIARY STRUCTURES The ability of forming extensive secondary and complex tertiary structures is what provides RNA with it’s ability to form a vast array of different catalytic surfaces.
RNA SECONDARY STRUCTURES The red lines indicate Watson-Crick base pairing.
COMPLEX RNA STRUCTURES OCCUR DUE TO... The fact that RNA is almost always single stranded, because save in the few cases of viruses, RNA is not the genetic material but a product of transcription. Single stranded RNA can fold, loop in and out, form hairpin, cruciform and other secondary/tertiary structures due to paining between the exposed bases. RNA also exhibits a special kind of base pairing, a G=U pair, an example of non Watson-Crick base pairing, which plays a significant role in the formation of complex structures.
G.U BASE PAIRING G.U base pairing in tRNA
RNA TERTIARY STRUCTURES These structures bring together distant parts of the same RNA molecule or two different RNA molecules much in the same way tertiary structures in proteins do.
RNA AS ENZYMES We have already explored the fact that RNA molecules can function as enzymes because the higher ordered structures they can adopt help to provide a wide variety of surfaces for catalysis of reactions. Therefore, an RNA molecule with appropriately folded conformation can act as enzymes. Like many enzymes, most of these ribozymes can function by positioning a metal at the active site. This greatly enhances the range of reactions catalysed and hence ribozymes carry out more diverse reactions than can be solely accounted for by the limited chemical activity of the polynucleotide chain.
RNA AS ENZYMES Ribozymes vary greatly in size. A self splicing group I intron may have 400 nucleotides, whereas the hammerhead ribozyme , found in virusoids, consists of two RNA strands with 41 nucleotides in all. The three-dimensional structure of the ribozyme is very important as in protein enzymes . The enzymatic activity is lost upon heating, adding denaturing agents or complementary oligonucleotides as all of these treatments disrupt the normal base pairing pattern and destroy the structure. Ribozymes can also be inactivated by mutations in the normal sequence of the bases in the polynucleotide, as it changes the structure.
MOST COMMON RIBOZYMES ARE ENZYMES CONCERNED WITH RNA METABOLISM These RNA molecule catalyze the cleavage of a second RNA at a specific site. This is a common phenomenon in RNA processing. Ribozymes are involved in mRNA splicing of Group I and Group II introns, a process that does not require ATP, in the form of snRNPs ( small nuclear RiboNucleo- protein Particles). The RNA component of the nucleoprotein complex is snRNA. Splicing reactions require a properly positioned Mg 2+ ion at the active site. Some ribozymes are self-cleaving and cleave their own phosphodiester bonds. They are consumed by their own reactions.
VERSATILITY OF RIBOZYMES Ribozymes can carry out a host of other reactions like aminotransferase reactions, RNA ligation reactions, transesterification and phosphorylation reactions etc. Ribozymes have been produced in the laboratory that catalyze their own synthesis, under specific conditions and the presence of RNA Polymerase ribozyme. Like proteins, RNA can undergo allosteric conformational changes, either in response to small molecules to other RNAs. There is the instance of an artificially synthesized ribozyme that can exist in two different conformational states and catalyzes different reactions in these two states. RNA are extremely versatile molecules that possess considerable biochemical sophistication and the prime testimony to this fact is the rRNA present in the ribosome. RNA has been demonstrated to catalyze protein conformation changes in prions, much like chaperones.
NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL RIBOZYMES The most common ribozymes occurring naturally are the ribozymes in the rRNA of ribosomes and in the RNase P complex. Other widely studied ribozymes include the hairpin ribozyme and the hammerhead ribozymes. New synthetic ribozymes have been developed in the laboratory. These include RNA molecules capable of self-cleavage. The techniques used to create artificial ribozymes utilise the concept of Darwinian Evolution. Since RNA molecules are both informational and self replicating, they increase rapidly in number in a pool of macro molecules. Then, a single type of ribozyme can be isolated and studied by sorting it out through the reaction it catalyzes. Most of our knowledge about ribozymes comes from such synthesis.
THE RNase P COMPLEX CONTAINS A RIBOZYME The RNase P complex, another ribonucleoprotein, was what first led to the discovery of the ribozyme. It was then being studied by Sidney Altman. He, along with Thomas. R. Cech who was working on self splicing of mRNA in Tetrahymena thermophilis, were the first to report catalytic activity of RNA in the 1980s. The RNA component of E.coli RNase P has a secondary structure as elucidated on the left.
THE STUDY OF RNase P BROUGHT STARTLING REVEALATIONS Ribonuclease P, a tRNA processing endonuclease in E.coli can be dissociated into its two components 1. A 375 base RNA 2. A 20 kD polypeptide. Initially, it was noticed that in vitro both components were necessary to cleave the tRNA substrate. However, it was discovered later that a change in ionic conditions, caused by an increase in Mg 2+ concentration, renders the protein component superfluous. Given alongside are two representations of Rnase P.
HOW IS CATALYSIS POSSIBLE WITHOUT A PROTEIN?? It was then discovered,amidst much awe and wonder that the RNA alone can catalyze the reaction. The protein component, though, plays an important role in substrate binding and increases the velocity of the reaction. Thus, very curiously, the roles of RNA and protein had reversed from what had been speculated initially. Mutations in either the RNA or Protein component renders the complex catalytically inactive. This work earned Cech and Altman the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1990.
HAMMERHEAD RIBOZYME This kind of ribozyme has been studied in virusoids. Virusoids are certain virus-like elements which have small RNA genomes and are required to be assisted by other viruses in replication and/or packaging. Some virusoid RNAs include small segments that promote site-specific RNA cleavage reactions associated with replication. These small RNA segments act as ribozymes. They get their name from their resemblance in shape to the head of a hammer. Hammerhead ribozymes have been defined and studied separately from the much larger viral genome.
HAMMERHEAD RIBOZYME Base pairing between the Ribozyme and the substrate with the enzyme shown in pink and the substrate in green. The hammerhead ribozyme catalyzes RNA cleavage at specific sites. These cleavage reactions are very vital steps in the viral life cycle. The enzyme requires Mg 2+ as a cofactor, bound to which it can adopt a reactive conformation.
THE RIBOSOME IS A RIBONUCLEOPROTEIN The ribosome is the protein synthesizing machinery of the cell. The ribosome is a ribonucleoprotein particle, i.e., it is composed of ribosomal RNA or rRNA and proteins. Ribosomes constitute about 25% of the dry weight of a typical prokaryotic cell and are composed of 65% rRNA and 35% proteins. They are 18 nm in diameter. The prokaryotic ribosome is 70S and is composed of a 50S and a 30S subunit. The eukaryotic cytoplasmic ribosome is 80S and composed of subunits 60S and 40S. S stands for Svedberg or Sedimentation coefficient.
THE RIBOSOME IS A COMPLEX ASSEMBLY In the late 1960s, Nomura et al demonstrated that the ribosome could be dissociated into its protein and rRNA components and then reconstituted in vitro to obtain the intact native conformation with its activity completely restored. This breakthrough drew the attention of the scientists towards the components of the ribosome.
50S ribosomal subunit structure of Haloarcula marismortui by Thomas Steitz, Peter Moore, et.al. • Proteins • rRNA (bases white and backbone white) • mRNA • Protein • rRNA
A Model of a Complete Active Bacterial Ribosome A – aminoacyl site P – peptidyl site E – exit site A view down into the groove separating the subunits.
THE RIBOSOME IS IN EFFECT IS A RIBOZYME The dawn of the new millennium brought with it the elucidation of the first high resolution image of the ribosome. Among all the breathtaking observations the standout one was the fact that no protein was found within 1.8 nm of the active site for peptide bond formation. This caused a shift from the traditional focus on proteins to a new focus on rRNA as the catalytic molecule responsible for peptide bond formation. Investigators have isolated artificial ribozymes that promote peptide synthesis. Interestingly, all of these contain the conserved sequence 5’-AUAACAGG-3’.
STRUCTURE FUNCTION RELATIONSHIP IN RIBOSOMES Structure of the 50S bacterial ribosome subunit The active site for peptide bond formation, deep within a surface groove and far away from any protein, is marked by a bound inhibitor, puromycin (red).
THE RIBOSOME IN EFFECT IS A RIBOZYME The sequence is a highly conserved sequence found at the peptidyl transferase active site in the ribosome of all cells. The high resolution structure thus proved that the ribosome is not merely a passive platform for translation but is actually a ribozyme. The role of the proteins in the is yet undetermined but it is strongly suspected that they form supportive structures.
THE RNA WORLD THEORY The RNA World hypothesis suggests A solution to the problem of the origin of a self-replicating molecule and puts forward the theory that the first Self-replicating molecules were RNA. The basis for this theory lies at the very heart of our discussion – RIBOZYMES. The ocean waters or primordial Soup of primitive Earth gave rise to a number of complex organic molecules from simple inorganic Through simple organic molecules. One of these happened to be RNA.
DUAL ACYTIVITY OF RNA MOLECULES... The main reason behind suggesting that RNA might have been the first self-replicating molecule is that it has a dual activity. It is an informational macromolecule, as seen in some viruses today where they constitute the genetic material. It is also an enzyme, as seen in ribozymes. The fact that RNA molecules can direct and catalyze their own replication would have been very useful on a primitive Earth without proteins.
...AND THEIR GRADUAL SPECIALISATON Replication would not have been perfect as RNA Polymerases have low fidelity. Thus, variants will have been produced. The better variants would have been more successful in surviving. DNA could have been one such variant which would have been found to be a lot more stable. Thus, DNA would have stayed on and replicated. RNA would have also begun coding for and synthesizing proteins to increase the efficacy and speed of replication. The first cell would thus be formed by enclosing these contents within a double layer of lipids.
EVOLUTION OF DNA GENOME FRON RNA GENOME Gradually, proteins took over the role of carrying out cellular functions while the coding functions were taken by DNA which came to be the genetic material or the main information macromolecule. The RNAs were from then on to continue in their specialised roles. The roles played by RNA at present are: mRNA transcripts link genes and proteins; rRNA act as ribozymes in protein synthesis; tRNA acts as the adapter molecule that forms the polypeptide chain.
RNA SORTS THE PARADOX RNA seems to be the perfect answer to the chicken-egg paradox regarding the origin of self-replicating molecules. The question as to which among DNA and Protein arose first in evolution is paradoxical because proteins are formed when DNA codes for it. However, for DNA to propagate via replication and maintain itself, proteins are required as they carry out all the cellular processes. Here, RNA circumvents the problem as it can act both as the chicken and as the egg. This is possible because RNA is a ribozyme, an information molecule that can catalyze its own replication. Therefore, it will not be wrong to call RNA a living fossil; the ancestor of all life from a long time back – from the RNA World.