A Littlehampton wreck dive Dive Planning A Littlehampton wreck dive
What to consider Tides Dive Site Divers Exercises Boat / Equipment Weather
Tides Diving from Littlehampton is very tide dependent Spring and Neap tides Spring tides bad, neap tides good March 14th 2015. Tidal range 3.6m March 21st 2015. Tidal range 7.5m High and Low water slack Can mean a difference of up to 6m depth on a wreck Slack time and length of slack Times are predictions, not fact Times are at tidal diamonds, not wrecks
Tides Multiple sources of information Admiralty chart Tidal Stream Table. Time is relative to HW Dover
Tides Multiple sources of information Software
Tides Multiple sources of information Websites Guidebooks https://www.tidetimes.org.uk/littlehampton-entrance-tide-times http://www.mvsac.org.uk/site/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/MVSAC- commonly-dived-sites-from-Littlehampton.pdf http://www.bsac-se.org.uk/slacks.asp http://www.prima-sub-aqua.co.uk/Dive_sites.htm Guidebooks Divernet Wreck tours
Tides Launch and recovery times Spring tides, no launch and recovery for approx 1.5 hours either side of low water Neap tides, may be able to launch and recover at low water If last recovery within couple of hours closing, may not recover Option to leave boat in water overnight, check with marina and who will recover The sand bar Similar times to above If first breakwater not visible, probably cannot get over sandbar
Tides An ideal day ?
Dive Sites / Divers / Exercises Interdependent Neap tides at good time. Dive site Basil – 40m Dive Leader minimum qualification, twin sets, max 6 divers, no exercises Ocean divers second sea dive. Max 20 metres, instructors required Neap tides at good time, wreck near tidal diamond B All wrecks 20-30m, open to sports diver and above. Possible opportunity for exercise – Dive leading, delayed SMB Minimum 2 boat handlers
Boat Equipment / Weather Roles overlap with Dive Manager if different from planner Boat Equipment Who has boat box / O2 Any boat issues Weather Last minute decision SW worse than NE Force 4-5 SW, probably a no-no, Force 4-5 NE, may not be too bad
Finally Remember, we are a dive club Planning shouldn't be left to one or two people With the correct information, anyone can plan a dive There are plenty of people willing to assist and advise Happy diving