Chicken infectious anemia
Introduction CIA is infectious disease of young chicken Which is characterized by Aplastic anemia Lymphoid atrophy Any other name of this disease ?
Etiology Chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) Genus :Gyrovirus, Family :Circoviridae
Transmission Horizontal transmission.
Vertical transmission Male (Roosters)+ female
Clinical findings . Anorectic, lethargic, depressed, and pale. PCV is low , leukopenia, or pancytopenia. Pale bone marrow.
What this picture is indicating?
Pale anemic organs
S/C Hemorrhages
S/C Hemorrhages/ gangrenous Dermatitis
Postmortem lesions Organs are pale Thymus atrophy Pale or yellow Bone marrow Hemorrhage under the skin, muscle, and other organs.
Hemorrhages on muscles
Thymus atrophy
Thymus atrophy Pale carcass
Pale Bone marrow
Histopathology Depletion of lymphoid cells in lymphoid organs. Hematopoitic cells replaced by adipose tissue & proliferating stroma cells Loss of demarcation between medulla and cortex of bone marrow. Atrophy of Bursal folds
Atrophy of hemopoitic tissue & accumulation of fat cells
Thymus atrophy
Lymphoid depletion & atrophy of Bursal follicles
Diagnosis History Clinical Signs, Gross and Histopathological lesions. PCR ELISA Virus isolation
Prevention : Biosecurity Vaccination of breeders prior to the start of egg production.