The core facility platform at the Biomedical Centre Sandra jovic 2016-10-14
The platform overview Located at BMC Largest bioscience centre in Scandinavia 1300 researchers Wide range of techniques Open to internal and external users
The platform overview Immunohistochemistry BiaCore Bio-Plex RT-PCR (up-and-coming) Sample preparation for: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Delphi microscope IVIS Me (Sandra Jovic) Maria Baumgarten Artur Schmidtchen
Workflow Immunohistochemistry Tissue sample Processing (dehydrate/embed) Sectioning Antigen retrieval Immunohistochemistry
Instruments Microtome Leica Microtome RM2255 Sectioning of paraffin-embedded specimens 4 µm
Instruments PT Link Dako PT Link Reducing the number of operations needed in the pre-treatment process Delayed start
Instruments Autostainer Dako Autostainer 48 Up to 48 slides per run Tracking all slides Slides treated in the same way
Instruments BiaCore BiaCore X100 Study molecular interactions SPR Changes in the refractive index are detected and recorded as RU Terminology (ligand/analyte)
Instruments BiaCore Covalent immobilization High affinity capture CM-chips (carboxymethylated dextran) SA-chips (treptavidin) NTA-chips (nitrilotriacetic)
Instruments Bio-Plex Bio-Plex 200 Investigation of up to 50 analytes in a small sample volume ELISA/flow cytometery Cell culture supernatants, plasma, serum, lavage, sputum Discounts
Instruments Real-Time PCR QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System Amplification/detection of nucleic acids Gene expression, miRNA profiling, SNP genotyping, pathogen detection
Instruments IVIS IVIS Spectrum instrument Monitoring of distribution of bio-luminescent or florescent biomarkers Real-time Smaller animals
Contact Info Sandra Jovic, Ph.D Division of Infection medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University Email:
Methods/Techniques Sample prepartion for TEM/SEM Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Negative staining Gold labelling Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Metal coating Delphi microscope
Instruments Delphi DELMIC and Phenom-World Combined fluorescence and electron microscopy Detailed structural information with nanoscale resolution
Instruments Critical point dryer Baltec CPD 03 Dries biological specimens Exchanges water/alcohol with liquid carbon dioxide
Instruments Ultramicrotome Reichert UltraCut S ultramicrotome 0 to 2,5 microns 60 nm High quality ultra-thin sections for electron microscopy and light microscopy
Instruments Fluorescence microscope Olympus IX73 and BX43 fluorescence microscope Coupled to the ultramicrotome Used for preparation of various specimens for electron microscopical analyses
Instruments Automatic contrasting instrument Leica EM AC20 Contrasting with heavy metal
Instruments Sputter coater Leica ACE 200 Producing homogenous and conductive metal or carbon coatings for SEM and TEM analysis
Contact Info Maria Baumgarten, Biomedical scientist Division of Infection medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University Email: