Supporting the advancement of biodefense and infectious disease research
Mission SUPPORT BASIC RESEARCH TO DEVELOP DRUGS, DIAGNOSTICS, AND VACCINES FOR EMERGING AND REEMERGING INFECTIONS AND BIODEFENSE. The Duke RBL supports sponsored research programs in the areas of: Safety and Biopreparedness Vaccine/Therapeutic Development Host Response / Immune Monitoring Proficiency Testing / Quality Assurance Excess research support capacity in the RBL is available to investigators through the collaborative shared research units.
Units The Duke RBL provides customized full or partial support to meet your animal model and laboratory study needs. Request services or an estimate through, or contact us to discuss your specific needs. The Duke RBL is fully approved for BSL3 and CDC select agent research. The RBL has six fully-equipped 800 ft2 BSL2 lab suites, seven 180 ft2 BSL3 lab suites, and a 250 ft2 BSL2/3 cell sorting suite with a BD FACS Aria II. The RBL also has two animal BSL2/3 suites, each with a procedure room and two animal holding areas (mouse, rabbit, ferret). The RBL vivarium is also equipped with two aerobiology exposure systems and IVIS live animal imaging.
Leadership THE DUKE RBL IS A DIVISION OF THE DUKE HUMAN VACCINE INSTITUTE, DUKE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Gregory D. Sempowski, PhD Director 919.684.4386 Scott Alderman, MS Associate Director for Safety and Operations 919.668.6593 Heather E. Lynch, PhD Assistant Director for Program Management and Development 919.681.2935
Services Andrew Macintyre, PhD Unit Manager 919.668.4704 Services Commercial Luminex biomarker assays Sample preparation (small animal, human, NHP) Histopathology and immunophenotyping ELISA (commercial, custom antigen specific) Molecular assays (sjTREC, PCR arrays,TCR sequencing) Core Research Code: D-0002
Services Rose Asrican, MS Unit Coordinator 919.681.5480 Services Quality-controlled stock propagation Mouse challenge models for plague, TB, tularemia, Cryptococcus, and others Specializing in whole body aerosol exposure MIC screening and FCU/IFU assays Core Research Code: D-0045
Services Charles E. McGee, PhD Unit Manager 919.681.9824 Services Quality-controlled stock propagation Viral load quantification Virus serology assays (HAI, PRNT, microneutralization) Small animal challenge models for influenza, West Nile, Zika, and others Core Research Code: D-0031
Contact Global Heath Research Building 909 S. LaSalle St., Durham, NC 27710 Phone: 919.684.3349 Email: The Duke Regional Biocontainment Laboratory (RBL) was built with funding from the NIH (UC6-AI58607)