Dysgu ac Addysgu Teaching and Learning
Ian Dickson Vice Principal Deeside College
Aims and objectives Why aren’t we achieving excellence in teaching? To identify what strategic changes colleges need to make to achieve excellence in teaching and learning (from a Teacher, Observer and Learner perspective) Sharing best practice from Coleg Gwent on “Leading Learning”
Robert Evans Vice Principal Bridgend College
Estyn The proportion of ‘excellent’ teaching has remained static Across the last six-year cycle of inspections only 21% have been awarded ‘excellent’ in teaching No ‘excellent’ grades were awarded in 2009/10 In England, Ofsted inspected 84 colleges in 2010/11, no college was rated as outstanding for teaching and learning
What are the issues? Main driver has been on data What can we do strategically to improve? Should we have a collective strategy for improvement? Do we need to evaluate how we appoint teachers? Are our quality procedures too staff friendly?
Learning and Development Manager Sue Snowball Learning and Development Manager Vicky Stockton Learning Mentor Coleg Gwent
Workshop Activity Teacher / Observer / Learner What are the problems? Why aren’t we achieving excellence in teaching? What strategic changes do we need to make to overcome these issues and move forward?
ColegauCymru’s initiatives for 2012/13 Set up a new Teaching and Learning network Organise Peer Assessor training focused on classroom observations with input from FE Peer Inspectors and Estyn Teaching and Learning conference Teachers’ Toolbox