Emanuele Leonardi PADME General Meeting - LNF 17-18 January 2017 TDAQ & Computing Emanuele Leonardi PADME General Meeting - LNF 17-18 January 2017
PADME on-line computing model Target 32ch FADC Spectrometer Veto 192 ch FADC High Energy Positron Veto 32ch FADC ECAL 616 ch FADC SAC 49 ch FADC TPix 65536 ch TBD L1 DAQ 1 process per DAQ board L0 DAQ 1 process per DAQ board ADC zero suppression (?) Trigger Distribution System BTF Beam Cosmics SW/Random L1 DAQ Event build Temporary disk buffer Neutral Filter (Inv) 1 or more ECAL clusters Charged Filter (Vis) 2 or more tracks RAW data Trigger signal Data flow Central Data Recording Facility CNAF (+LNF?) PADME experiment site PADME on-line computing model 18/01/2017 E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing 2
DAQ data rates Detector Channels ADC boards DAQ in MB/s DAQ out RAW data GB/d TB/365d Raw event KB/event Target 32 1 2.6 1.26 109 40 24.6 Calorimeter 616 20 52.8 2.70 234 85 SAC 49 2 5.3 1.08 93 34 21.1 E veto 96 3 7.9 0.60 51 19 11.6 P veto 1.31 113 41 25.6 HEP veto 1.15 100 36 22.5 TimePix 65536 - 18.8 1.50 130 47 29.3 Total 919 30 97.9 9.60 830 303 187.5 Output estimates assume that zero-suppression is active, include trigger ADC samples (25%) and a 1% autopass stream (10%), and do not include ROOT data-compression factor (testbeam: ≈50%) 18/01/2017 E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing
2017 Milestones – On-line HW Acquire on-line HW 2 L0 servers 2 L1 servers with storage (~40TB) 2 Network switches Rack and cabling Define UPS for experimental area (computing, electronics, HV) Create on-line infrastructure Define location of L0/L1 Define realistic count of network ports needed Servers, trigger, DCS, sensors, … Lay out cabling Create 10Gbps link to LNF-IT 18/01/2017 E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing
2017 Milestones – On-line SW Define production DAQ procedures Define main DAQ strategy Now: each ADC board is acquired asynchronously Can we use a trigger-oriented DAQ (all boards acquired after each trigger)? Multi-server RunControl Integrate trigger information Integrate TimePix3 data stream Verify event merger with >2 ADC boards How do we merge TimePix3 data? 18/01/2017 E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing
E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing 2017 Milestones - Trigger Create Trigger/Clock infrastrurcture Preliminary requirement for the PADME L0TP are defined Deeper understanding of V1742 board necessary Needs dedicated man power to start implementation studies and project soon. Is an evaluation board+analog Mezzanine suited for the PADME L0TP? 18/01/2017 E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing
E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing 2017 Milestones - GRID Port PADME SW to the GRID Install padme-fw to CVMFS Verify interaction with standard G4/ROOT libraries Enable PADME support at selected sites LNF, CNAF, Sofia, Roma1… Create VO roles, register production/standard users Set up automatic data transfer LNF → CNAF CNAF already accepting PADME data (manual or automatic transfer) Create GRID-interfaced transfer server at LNF Allocate GRID/off-GRID CPU power at LNF Tier1 Define utilization of KLOE tape library at LNF 18/01/2017 E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing
E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing 2017 Milestones - Software Finalize MC digitization Define digi structure and digitization procedure for all detectors Verify processing times/data output Release Reconstruction SW Finalize infrastructure Create reconstruction example Define reconstruction procedures 18/01/2017 E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing
2017 buying list 2 L0 servers (HP Proliant or Dell PowerEdge) 10-15K€ 2 L1 servers (Dell PowerEdge) 20-30K€ 2 Network Switches (HPE 5130) 4-6K€ Rack & cabling 0-2K€ All HW to be ordered before summer 18/01/2017 E. Leonardi - PADME G.M. - TDAQ & Computing