Welcome to the Arrowhead PTA Meeting March 7, 2017
Words from the School Jesse Harrison, Principal
Grade Level Updates Barb Liburdy, 3rd grade
Minutes Approval of January minutes (motion required)
Nominating Committee Thank you to Tracy Ballweber, Joanie Snorsky, and Lisa Hodgson for volunteering for nominating committee (motion required)
Mid Winter Mixer Update 48 tickets sold All silent auction items sold Class Basket Income: $1665.00 Class Basket Expense: $473.79 Mid-Winter Income: $2274.67 Mid-Winter Expense: $956.78
Thank you!! Missoula Children’s Theater - Thank you so much to Holly Reed & Amy Smith and the MCT staff who pulled off what felt like the impossible at the time! Due to snow closures, the kids had only 3 days to learn their lines, when normally they would have had 5 days. They pulled it off and it was a huge success! We are very proud of our Arrowhead students!! Dads N Donuts - Thank you to all that helped out with this event! A special thanks to Allison Fitch and Amy Elmy and all of the parents who helped make this a success! SEC granted money to Math Olympiads so the participants could have matching shirts at the competition coming up on Saturday, March 18th. Come watch them compete at Woodmoor Elementary from 8:30-12:30pm So far SEC has granted $2,725 with $2,275 left in the budget
Membership Update We have 100% staff membership – an application for the PTA award for this was submitted – thank you Anne Bartol!!
After School Clubs Lego Club – Wednesdays – February 28th – April 25th Chess Club – Thursdays - March 2nd – April 6th in Library Drama Club (3rd – 6th grade) – April 20th – May 25th in Gym
Upcoming Events for the Family Saturday, March 11th Pancake Breakfast & Garden Clean-up 8:30am Friday, March 31st School Dance at 6:30pm April 10 – 14th Spring Break Friday, April 21st, Skate Night, Lynnwood Bowl and Skate at 5pm Friday, April 28th Science Fair at 6:30pm
Treasurer Report - January Checking Balance: $24,148.17 Monthly Expenses: $1720.43 Money Market Balance: $25,077.43 Class Basket Auction: $299.82 Total Checking & Money Market: $49,225.60 Mid-Winter Mixer: $200.00 PTA Membership: $218.50 Monthly Income: $4223.14 Classroom Art: $58.19 Class Basket Auction: $1343.00 Directories: $320.00 Fall Fundraiser (Matching): $652.64 PTA Scholarship: $136.00 Mid-Winter Mixer: $1716.82 Staff Funds: $158.58 Other (Ice-Skating): $63.00 Student Enrichment: $50.00 Northwest Aerials: $310.00 Communication: $149.34 PTA Membership: $97.96 Administrative: $125.00
Treasurer Report - February Checking Balance: $25,236.28 Monthly Expenses: $3823.33 Money Market Balance: $25,079.35 Art Auction: $75.68 Total Checking & Money Market: $50,315.63 Art Docent: $31.87 Care Committee: $54.75 Monthly Income: $3417.00 Staff Funds: $200.00 Fall Fundraiser (Matching): $100.00 Dads & Donuts: $186.65 Mid-Winter Mixer: $575.00 Health Room Fund: $192.14 Missoula Children’s Theatre: 2742.00 Missoula Children’s Theatre: $2625.00 Student Enrichment Committee: $440.09
Screenagers Movie Our neighbor schools, Woodmoor, Moorlands, and Northshore Junior High are interested in co-hosting a screening of the movie Screenagers The thought is perhaps NJH could provide the space and invite all the feeder schools The NJH principal/VP could talk a bit about the policy around phones, etc. at the Jr High Screening would be sometime in April Fee is $650 - cost split between 4 schools (vote needed) Award-winning SCREENAGERS probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director's own, and depicts messy struggles, over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through surprising insights from authors and brain scientists solutions emerge on how we can empower kids to best navigate the digital world.
Spring Fundraiser Chairs Jen Cochran and Shannon Stone April 17 – 28th 10k for student reward of spirit week in June; $15k for the overall goal Reward is Spirit Week to be held June 12 – 16th – ending with the Hawk Walk on Friday – Sara Satterlee to coordinate the Hawk Walk
Nice to have but not priority Survey Results Purchasing an LED Marquee sign used for communicating important dates, reminders, and announcements Low priority Nice to have but not priority High priority Total Weighted Average 22.97% 17 6.76% 5 47.30% 35 10.81% 8 12.16% 9 74 2.82 Grant application submitted on February 3rd to Lowe’s toward purchasing a Marquee Notification of grant approval will be given in May
Survey Results Continued Purchasing picnic tables and benches for students to enjoy at recess and at outdoor events (e.g. pancake breakfast, carnival, and welcome back night) Low priority Nice to have but not priority High priority Total Weighted Average 10.53% 8 3.95% 3 26.32% 20 27.63% 21 31.58% 24 76 3.66 Proposal for $4500 toward picnic tables and benches (4 tables and 4 benches) We pay for tables/benches and district will install them at no cost
Survey Results Continued Purchasing 6 x 12 ft aluminum soccer goals to be used on the lower grass field Low priority Nice to have but not priority High priority Total Weighted Average 9.21% 7 7.89% 6 40.79% 31 22.37% 17 19.74% 15 76 3.36 Proposal to purchase pair of soccer goals to be placed on lower grass field Cost is $1500 and district will install at no cost
Survey Comments Painting (basketball court, cover of covered basketball area, directional arrows and pick up/drop off lines, add Canada and Mexico to map) – can do this at Community Serve day and district will provide the paint Undercover options (non athletic and rainy day recess) – district will not allow any new shelters to be built on the campus Improve Track – the price to improve the track is about 100K, district said no elementary schools will be receiving new tracks Garden – we can do this but need someone to champion it and take it on; district recommended a raised bed garden as most often the gardens don’t last longer than a couple years Fix holes on playground and make big hillside to playground safer – a work request for this was placed, our designated groundskeeper will work on this for us Scholarship Fund – we have $500 set aside for this now Services for families who struggle financially – gift cards for grocery/gas available but supply getting low Field trips/Workshops/Speakers – we have $2k set aside for this now; teacher discretion
Survey Comments Continued Buddy Bench – can create this now or with purchase of new benches Standing Desks – granted $2k toward alternative seating More art supplies - $2500 given for classroom art, in addition to $450 for art docents Science/tech items/STEM related investments (more modern tech tools in computer lab – e.g. new computers, little bits, programming classes for higher grades) – district refreshes every 2 to 2 ½ years on technology for both hardware and programming (2 classroom sets of both Macs and Chromebooks and 2 classroom sets of ipads) App to send communication to parents – district may be coming out with this soon (stay tuned) Silverware – kitchen staff agreed to wash, need to figure out how much is needed Water Fountain for school yard – currently have one in gym that kids can access at recess, another on intermediate playground, each classroom as one and the portables have Playground & Recess equipment (new swings, fix basketball hoops, jump ropes, balls, flags for flag football, twister, etc) Bulletin boards/display cases outside of pods
Thank you!!! Next PTA Meeting Tuesday, April 4th – 6:30pm