Nagle College Subjects Selections Physics 2018
Welcome to Year 11 Physics
Year 11 Physics U1 Course Description What ideas explain the physical world? In this unit, the topics studied are Area of study 1: How can thermal effect be explained? Thermodynamic s principles Thermodynamics and climate science Issues related to thermodynamics
Area of study 2: How do electric circuits work? Static electricity Concepts used to model electricity Circuit electricity Using electricity Electrical safety Area of study 3: What is matter and how it formed? Origins of atoms Particles in nucleus Energy from atom
Work tasks and Assessments Assessment tasks Work tasks include practical activities, chapter questions and classroom discussions on all topics covered in the unit. An example of some of the practical activities include: Electricity and power Heat and energy transfer Radiation penetration Practical Reports Assignments Topic Tests Term exam
Year 11 Physics U2 Course Description What do experiments reveal about the physical world In this unit, the topics studied are Area of study 1: How can motion be described and explained Concepts used to model motion: Linear motion and graphs Forces and motion: Newton’s Laws & Momentum Energy and motion: Energy & Power
Area of study 2.9: How can human vision be enhanced? Behaviour of light Manipulating light a purpose Light and the eye
Work tasks and Assessments Assessment tasks Work tasks include practical activities, chapter questions and classroom discussions on all topics covered in the unit. An example of some of the practical activities include: Kinetic energy Change of momentum Power Refraction in different media Practical Reports Assignments Topic Tests Term exam
Pathway for Physics Engineering Airforce Navy Army Architecture Electrician Plumber Medical health: Radiology, Dentistry….
Good Luck! Have a Great Year! Contact Subject Teacher Mr. Peter Cheung