Classical Music Origins


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Presentation transcript:

Classical Music Origins

313 AD Western Music can be traced back to this important date The Edict of Milan is signed this year by Constantine I, declaring tolerance toward Christianity; it would eventually become the state religion

Why is Catholicism important? This is important because a number of things in western music come directly from Gregorian plainchant – the singing used in Catholic liturgy our modern system of music notation the scales we use the harmony we use

Medieval Period 500-1400 During the Middle Ages, begins with the fall of the Roman Empire Instruments – wooden flutes, pan flutes, recorder, plucked string instruments Music was sacred (religious) and secular (non-religious) Chant was monophonic (one tone) & became polyphonic (multiple tones) later

Chant music Medieval Chant music

Chant A short simple series of syllables/words sung on the same note or in a limited range

Focus on something more than just the physical. Medieval Art Focus on something more than just the physical.

Renaissance Period 1400-1600 Renewal, invention of music & instruments Rise of humanistic thought Recovery of literary & artistic heritage of Ancient Greece & Rome Increased innovation & disconvery Growth of commerical enterprise Development of printing – music distribution Development of the printing press in 1470 – further & cheaper distribution

Renaissance,cont. Music became a vehicle for personal expression instead of rigid medieval restraints in range, rhythm, and harmony Violin, guitar, & keyboard instruments were born Madrigals, spirituals, and mass music Instruments were less important than the voices

Renaissance Palestrina Pope Marcellus Mass English Madrigal- Thomas Morley

Renaissance Art “The Last Supper” – Leonardo DaVinci 1498 This piece was begun in 1495. It measures 15 ft x 29 ft and is housed in the Milan Monastery.

Strict rules. Harpsichord is predominant. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Baroque From a Portuguese word meaning “misshapen pearl” – refers to architecture Classical Romantic 20th Century 1600-1750 1750-1820 1815-1910 1900-2000 Johann Pachelbel Johann Sebastian Bach Handel Vivaldi Ornate & heavily ornamented music, more elaborate. Music notation developing New instrument playing techniques. Opera established. Many concepts and terms are still used today Strict rules. Harpsichord is predominant. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Joesph Haydn Nobility were the patrons of instrumental music. Public patronized comic opera. Lighter and clearer than baroque music, less complex. Importance was given to instrumental music Still predictable, but uses more keys and varying dynamics. Harpsichord gives way to the piano. Ludwig Van Beethoven Richard Wagner Increase in expression, does not necessarily deal with romantic love. Attempted to increase emotion, dealt with human feelings, more abstract. Not so musically strict Unpredicatble. More complex melodies. Keyboards emphasized Rise of the middle class Richard Strauss John Cage Use of unordinary objects and sounds. Boundaries of harmony are completely broken down – “anything goes” Some composers use math to create music; others use silence to create more conceptual pieces Still others pioneered the use of electronic music and tape loops – something that would makes its way into a number of styles of popular music

Baroque Bach- Air on The G String with orchestra with piano Pachelbel Canon in D Graduation Song Pachelbel’s Rant

Classical Classical 1730-1820 formality, emphasis on order Mozart

Classical Art Rembrandt 1633 “Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee” Stolen in 1990, still missing

Romantic Beethoven all by myself- rachmaninoff piano concerto no. 2 adagio sostanuto

Romantic Art “Gulf Stream” – Winslow Homer 1866 “Impression Sunrise”- emotional 1872 Claude Monet Impresssionism, Late Romantic 20th Century

20th Century Art “The Boat” – Alessandro Falchi Which way do you hold it? Experimentation

Definitions Vocal Instrumental Sacred Secular Monophony Polyphony Chant Canon Genre Castrati