Instruments and their techniques Lots of composers use instruments to play in various different ways. We have already looked at blowing, bowing, and striking. We will now look at two concepts: Arco Double Stopping
Arco + Double stopping Arco is simply the Italian term for playing a stringed instrument using the bow. Double stopping is when the stringed player plays two strings at the same time We can see these in this example of a violin concerto. This is Beethoven's Violin Concerto in the key of D major
Definitions Arco – Instruction given to string players to use a bow. This term might be given to players after a passage using pizzicato. Double stopping – This technique is achieved on bowed string instruments by bowing across more than one string at the same time, thus producing more than one note.
The Piano comes in several different sizes. There is… Piano music In the classical period the Pianoforte (or piano) became a popular keyboard instrument. The Piano comes in several different sizes. There is…
The Grand piano The largest
The Baby Grand piano The Medium sized
The upright piano The smallest sized
The Grand piano Look what happens when a £45,000 grand piano falls off back of a lorry
Here’s what happened
Alberti Bass Alberti bass – Broken chords played by the left hand outlining harmonies whilst the right hand plays the melody. Classical composers such as Haydn and Mozart used this technique extensively in their piano music