After Death, Where ???
Death: Physical, Spiritual, Eternal Physical death Physical death is the separation of the inner man from the outer man; from the body. The body only dies at this time and goes back to dust (Gen 3:19; Jas 2:26); the soul and spirit separate from the body. Spiritual death the cause of eventual physical and eternal death unless we are ‘born again’ Spiritual death is separation of man from God because of sin. It is the condition of all who are born physically. One can be spiritually dead and can still be alive physically (Mt 8:22, Col 2:14; 1 Tim 5:6). One can be dead physically and still alive in hades, conscious in the soul and spirit or the inner man. The spirit and soul are immortal and are either dead in sins or in possession of eternal life in Christ at the time of physical death. In either case, they continue in consciousness whether in heaven or hell (1 Pet 3:4; Lk 12:5; Lk 16:23) Second death: Eternal death The second death means the second and eternal separation from God in the lake of fire (Rev 2:11; 20:6, 14; 21:8)
The Grave Kever H6913 • Verb kebar form (to bury) never used of Sheol Gen 23:4,6,9,19,20; 49:30, 31 etc. • Kever can be pluralized; Sheol is never pluralized. • A grave is a located as a specific site; Sheol is never localized; accessible at death no matter where death takes place. No grave is necessary to go to Sheol. • One can purchase or sell a grave; Sheol is never spoken of as being purchased or sold. Gen 23:4-20 • You can own a grave as personal property; nowhere is Sheol owned by man. Gen 23:4-20 • Bodies are unconscious in the grave; those in Sheol are conscious Isa 14:4-7; 44:23; Eze 31:16; 32:21; Luke 16:19ff Acts 17:11 1 Thes 5:21
Paradise The Underworld HELL Ghenna Kevar: The grave 2 chambers of Paradise: HADES / SHEOL Luke 16: An Impassible Gulf Place of Torment Abraham’s Bosom Tartarus / Abouso The Bottomless Pit The ‘holding cell’ of a group of ‘Fallen Angels’ and Demons who by their actions after the fall have been confined – NOT Hades or Sheol Paradise The Underworld
Old Testament: before Jesus Death and Resurrection Paradise (the Bosom of Abraham) Hades / Sheol A Great Impassible Gulf - Luke 16:19-31 Tartarus: The Bottomless Pit RIP Body Grave Righteous UnRighteous Heaven (the Throne of God) God Creation The Cross
Since Jesus Death and Resurrection: Church Age RIP Paradise (the Bosom of Abraham) Hades / Sheol A Great Impassible Gulf - Luke 16:19-31 Eph 4:8 > Tartarus: The Bottomless Pit Body Grave UnRighteous Heaven (the Throne of God) Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord God – OT saints / Church The Cross Emptied (Led Captivity Captive) Rapture 1Th 4:13 >> Rev 20:6 Righteous 2Co 5:6-8 Ascension Resurrection Glorified Body
7 Year Tribulation: 70th Week of Daniel 9:24-27 RIP Hades / Sheol A Great Impassible Gulf - Luke 16:19-31 Tartarus: The Bottomless Pit Body Grave UnRighteous Paradise - the Bosom of Abraham: Emptied (Led Captivity Captive) Rapture 1Th 4:13 >> Rev 20:6 2Co 5:6-8 2nd Coming Heaven (the Throne of God) Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord God – OT & Trib saints / Church / Trib Martyrs Glorified Body Righteous
Millennium: 1,000 year rule of Christ over the Earth ON THE EARTH 1] “Naturals” – lived through Tribulation and through the Sheep/Goat Judgment Or were Born during the Millennium 2] “Glorifieds” – OT, Church and Trib Saints who return with Christ or those who die in Christ during the \ Millennium Heaven (the Throne of God) 2nd Coming Great White Throne Judgment Rev 20:11 > Outer Darkness Temple Millennial Rule < Lord Jesus Righteous Glorified Body < David / Trib Martyrs Jerusalem Israel RIP < 12 Apostles Nations of the Earth < Bride of Christ Judgment of the Nations Sheep and Goat Judgment Body Grave UnRighteous Paradise - the Bosom of Abraham: Emptied A Great Impassible Gulf - Luke 16:19-31 Sheol Emptied Hades / Sheol UnRighteous Pit Emptied Tartarus: The Bottomless Pit Satan bound Satan loosed
Eternity New Earth New Universe New Heaven 2nd Coming Ascension Hell (Lake of Fire) Outer Darkness Ghenna 1st Heaven – Earth’s Atmosphere 2nd Heaven – Universe, Outer Space 3rd Heaven – Location of God’s Presence and Throne, Dwelling place of God Present Heaven (the Throne of God) Throne moved 2nd Coming Throne of God relocated to Earth To the New Jerusalem above Earthly Jerusalem Ascension Judgment of the Nations Sheep & Goat Great White Throne Judgment Rapture New Earth New Universe New Heaven Tribulation Millenium Jesus Rules from Earthly Jerusalem with the Saints Eternity Paradise (the Bosom of Abraham) A Great Impassible Gulf - Luke 16:19-31 Hades / Sheol Tartarus: The Bottomless Pit / Abyss - Abousso
Hell (Lake of Fire) / Ghenna Eternity Future New Heaven Unrighteous Devil & his angels Sin Death (the Throne of God) New Jerusalem (the Bride of Christ) New Heaven New Earth New Jesrusalem Great White Throne Judgment Rev 20:11 > The “Glorifieds” The New Earth The Righteous of the Ages
Destiny Hell (Lake of Fire) Outer Darkness Ghenna Rev 20-21 Judgment Seat of Christ For Rewards 1Co 3:13-21 Beast False Prophet SATAN Followers Marriage Supper of the Lamb Heaven (the Throne of God) Present with the Lord 2nd Coming Judgment of the Nations Sheep & Goat 2Co 5:6-8 Rapture Ascension Great White Throne Judgment RIP RIP Millenium Eph 4:8> 1Th 4:13 >> Rev 20:6 Satan Bound Satan Loosed Paradise (the Bosom of Abraham) A Great Impassible Gulf - Luke 16:19-31 Hades / Sheol Tartarus: The Bottomless Pit / Abyss - Abousso
Geenna Gehenna Hell – Eternal Lake of Fire… Hell: 3 Greek words, each referring to a different place, all of which are translated by the one word hell in our English translations, causing considerable confusion. Geenna Gehenna Hell – Eternal Lake of Fire… The final abode of the wicked dead, called The Lake of Fire in The Revelation (20:14,15). This is what most of us think about when the word Hell is used. It is found in Mt 5:22,29,30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,33; Mk 9:43,45,47; Lk 12:5; Jas 3:6. Haides Hades in the NT Sheol in the OT – Temporary aka: Paradise Hades refers to the abode of all the dead before the resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus. It is comprised of 2 ‘chambers’: One part was and is reserved for the wicked dead and is usually just called haides (Lk 16:23), It is now still the temporary abode of the wicked dead until the Great White Throne judgment occurs, The other was for the righteous dead and was called Abraham's bosom (Lk 16:22), paradise (Lk 23:43), and in some references, haides (Ac 2:27,31). Jesus emptied this location at His Resurrection. The righteous dead now go at once to be with the Lord (Php 1:23; 2Co 5:8). Tartaroo Tartarus Pit in the OT - The Temporary Demonic prison; The Depths… Tartarus is the word in 2 Pe 2:4 translated by the phrase "cast down to hell." The fallen angels were sent to their temporary prison house, Tartarus, until the Great White Throne judgment. Make a study of these places where the word "hell" occurs, in the light of the distinctive Greek word found in each place, and see how much better you understand these passages. from Wuest's Word Studies from the Greek New Testament, Copyright 1940-55 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Copyrights © renewed 1968-73 by Jeannette I. Wuest. All rights reserved.
Hades Sheol Paradise Tartarus The Abyss The Bottomless Pit 2 chambered holding place of the spirits of dead men located in the ‘lower regions’ of the earth; the deep. Prior to Jesus 1st coming: The unrighteous were and are held in Sheol or Hades, the lower chamber of Paradise The ‘righteous’ were held in the upper chamber of Paradise called the ‘bosom of Abraham’. At his resurrection, Jesus emptied the upper chamber of Paradise leadng ‘captivity captive’. Since Jesus resurrection: The ‘righteous’ go immediately to be with the Lord Jesus, the Christ. The unrighteous continue to await final judgment and sentencing to Hell Tartarus The Abyss The Bottomless Pit Holding place of demon spirits and fallen angels who left their ‘first estate’ and who possessed or cohabited with men. Located in the center of the earth. Paradise – Half Occupied The Abyss – Occupied Hell - Empty THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT Paradise & The Abyss – Empty Hell - Occupied GehennaThe Lake of FireHell The place of Eternal Punishment located in the ‘outer darkness’; a place separated… Acts 17:11 1 Thes 5:21
Hell; The Lake of Fire Gehenna G1069/G1067 The Valley of Hinnon (Hinnom), is a deep, narrow ravine located south of Jerusalem, was where the filth, the city’s garbage, the bodies of executed criminals and the carcasses of dead animals were thrown out and burned. It was at the HIGH PLACES of Baal, located in the valley of Hinnom, that parents sacrificed their children as a burnt offering to the pagan god Molech 2Kg 23:10 Ahaz and Manasseh, Kings of Judah, were guilty of this wickedness 2Chr 28:3; 33:6 King Josiah put an end to this Baal worship by destroying the pagan altars and defiling the valley so thoroughly it became unfit even for pagan worship 2Kgs 23:10 Jeremiah prophecied that God would judge this awful abomination of human sacrifice and would cause such a destruction that "the valley of the son of Hinnom" would become known as "the valley of slaughter“ Jer 7:31-32; 19:2,6; 32:35 Acts 17:11 1 Thes 5:21
Hell; The Lake of Fire; Gehenna G1069/G1067 As with any large compost pile, maggots filled and worked the filth which spontaneously ignited and burned. The fire never went out as more and more refuse was added to the pile. The smoke and stench never abated. At night wild dogs howled and gnaSheol their teeth as they fought over the garbage. The place was also called “Tophet“ H8613 = “place of fire” It is this comparison; a place of unextinguished burning and fire that became synonymous with Hell; The Lake of Fire. The ‘Lake of Fire’ or ‘Gehenna’ is the ultimate destiny of the unsaved unrighteous who are now temporarily held in Hades / Sheol. Hell is ‘God’s cosmic garbage dump... Gehenna, The Lake of Fire – or Hell as we associate it – is in the ‘Outer Darkness’ Mat 8:12; Mat 22:13, Mat 25:30, being located at the opposite end of creation from Hades, ‘The lower parts, the depths of the earth… Acts 17:11 1 Thes 5:21
Outta’ this World !!! No parole, No end, No relief Lake of Fire / Ghenna / (Outer darkness – not the same thing not the same place) Place of eternal torment – Eternal destiny of the Unrepentant Unrighteous Full of pain, suffering, torment, wailing, loneliness, weeping, and gnashing of teeth… Eternal location of: Anti-Christ and the False Prophet – Inmates; not guards Satan – Inmate; not the warden Satan’s Angels – Inmates; those created spirit beings who chose to follow Lucifer Unbelieving Humanity – Inmates; those who chose to bear and pay the penalty for their own sin, rejecting Jesus payment on their behalf. They did it their way …. ETERNAL – For as long as the Righteous will live and be with God, The unrighteous will live separated, paying the price for their wrong choices. No parole, No end, No relief