Theory of International Relations: Marxism and Constructivism 2009104624 In-young Hwang 2009104552 Jeong-won Yoon September 27, 2010
Contents – Marxism & Constructivism Marxism-the essential elements How the theory is related to our world World system theory Gramscianism Constructivism Examples Discussion question
Marxism Realism Liberalism Marxism Why Marxism has the continuing relevance analyses of international relations portray politics- newspaper, magazine Realism international relations Liberalism Something deeper, and hidden truth Marxism
Materialistic conception of history Marxism totality Materialistic conception of history class The essential elements of Marxist theories in world politics
The essential elements Materialistic conception of history Economic development is the motor of history
How the theory is related to the world World inequality Education: important process for economic development. The percentage of educated people Developed countries: most people Developing countries: 71% Undeveloped countries: 51% Vicious circle of exploitation and poverty Inequality in world trade Child labor
Wallerstein’s World-system theory Core: Democratic governments, high wages, high investment, high GDP Semi-periphery: Authoritarian governments, low wages, low welfare services Periphery: non-democratic governments, below subsistence wages, no welfare services.
Antonio Gramsci: an Italian Marxist Granscianism Antonio Gramsci: an Italian Marxist Why had it proven to be so difficult to promote revolution in Western Europe? Hegemony- his conceptualization of power Example) the media, the education system, churches, etc. important implications Historic bloc: Marxist theory needs to take superstructural phenomena more seriously Counter-hegemony
Territory Population Economic power Constructivism -① <Material> Territory Population Economic power <Ideational> Culture Custom, Idea Positivism Constructivism
Constructivism -② Institution The concept of Self-help Interests Identities The concept of Self-help Three different Security systems by Wendt Competitive Individualistic Cooperative
Example 1-Nuclear Weapon Korea <America> Alliance Relationship <North Korea> Armistice Country There is a different significance
Example 2 -NATO Expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Discussion Questions Do you agree with Marxist theory which argues that the social gap between rich countries and poor countries are getting larger? Do you think “anarchy is what states make of it?”as Wendt argued? Of all 4 theories (liberalism, realism, marxism, constructivism) we have studied, which one(or more) theory do you think can explain the best about the contemporary society?
Bibliography International Relations of East Asia Anthony Giddens. 『 Sociology 』. 서울: 을유문화사, 2009 한국산업사회학회 .『 Sociology 』. 서울:한울아카데미,2004 유현석. 『국제정세의 이해』. 서울: 한울아카데미, 2006 이무성 외 4 명저. 국제정치의 신패러다임 : 높이깊이 박재영. 국제정치 패러다임 : 법문사
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