2017-2018 FTC Robot and Field Inspections iSPACEscience.org
TIP READ THE MANUAL Following taken from 2017-2018 FIRST Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 1 Rev 1 iSPACEscience.org
Robot Rules Simplified: I1 – Robot must pass inspection Conduct self-inspection using checklist, submit completed checklist at tournament check-in I2 – Robots must be inspected before participating in practice rounds I3 – Robots must be inspected before participating in qualifying matches I4 – Robots must be reinspected if significant changes affecting performance or reliability are made iSPACEscience.org
Robot Rules Simplified: I5 – Robots must be designed to operate and function safely I6 – Robot inspection is pass/fail; all requirements must be met to pass I7 – Robot must be inspected with all mechanisms, configurations, and decorations that will be used on the Robot during competition Sum total of all electronics used may not exceed constraints set within rules I8 – Inspectors have the authority to request a wheel/tread test if they feel they might cause damage Robot is placed on a field tile and against an immovable surface, wheels run at full power for 15 sec; if any damage results the wheels/treads fail inspection, not including discoloration or black marks iSPACEscience.org
Robot Rules Simplified: RG01 – Robot shall not have components that could: Damage playing field (including the drive system) Damage or flip other robots Contain hazardous materials Pose a risk of entanglement Contain sharp edges or corners Contain animal based or liquid/gel materials or materials which when released can cause delay Ground robot frame to floor (e.g. chain dragging) iSPACEscience.org
Robot Rules Simplified: RG02 – Robot shall not exceed 18”x18”x18” and must fit and be self supporting in sizing box by: Mechanical means with power off (all means must remain attached during match) Initialization routine to pre-position in autonomous op mode (if used a warning label is needed) Tip: DO NOT MAKE YOUR ROBOT 18”x18”x18”! It must fit in box in any orientation and no part may be supported by the box – think laser box. iSPACEscience.org
Robot Rules Simplified: RG03 – Robot Controller is recommended be mounted to be readily accessible and visible to competition personnel Should be mounted such that screen is protected from contact with robots and playing field elements If the robot controller isn’t visible, you may not be able to receive adequate support from field personnel iSPACEscience.org
Robot Rules Simplified: RG04 – MUST have a flag holder at/near top Must be clearly visible throughout the match RG05 –MUST display team numbers Visible -On at least two sides (180 degrees apart) At least 2.5” high with ½” stroke width with contrasting color from their background Arial font, Bold 250pt meets this requirement Your team number must survive the rigors of match play – a piece of paper taped to your robot probably won’t! iSPACEscience.org
Robot Rules Simplified: RG06 – Energy only from: Approved batteries Change in position of center of gravity Storage achieved by deformation (e.g. a spring, but must be deemed “safe”) RG07 – Robot parts may not be launched, even if connected e.g. via string or wire RG08 – Limitations on game elements launched – should be just enough to score 6 feet above playing field vertically 16 feet horizontally in the air iSPACEscience.org
Robot Mechanical Parts : RM01 – Materials and COTS parts Raw materials and Post Processed materials that are readily available to majority of teams from standard distributors E.g.: Sheet goods, extruded shapes, magnets E.g.: Perforated sheet, injection molded parts RM02 – COTS parts with max of one degree of freedom RM03 – Holonomic wheels (omni or mechanum) are allowed (as long as they don’t cause field damage) RM04 – 3D printed parts are allowed iSPACEscience.org
Robot Mechanical Parts : RM05 – All materials can be modified provided no other rules violated RM06 – Welding, brazing, soldering and fasteners of any type allowed RM07 – Any type of COTS lubricant, provided it does not contaminate surroundings iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE01 – Robot must have a main power switch to control all power from main battery Separate switch, e.g. Tetrix, Matrix, or REV required Core Power Distribution Module no longer allowed as main power switch Power switch must be positioned such that it is readily accessible to competition personnel Must have MAIN ROBOT POWER image near power switch Label must be at least 1” x 2.63” iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE02 – Batteries MUST be securely attached in a place where it will not make direct contact with other robots or Playing Field RE03 – Robot main power provided by 1 battery pack connected to single PDM or through a switch to the PDM Voltage / current sensors allowed between battery and PDM See game manual for list of approved batteries iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE04 – Fuses not replaced with higher rating than specs or shorted out, must not exceed the rating of those closer to the battery RE05 – Powered devices must be powered by ports on the PDM except: PDM powered by Robot main battery Robot Controller powered by internal battery Allowed sensors connected to Device Interface or Core Legacy Modules Light Sources per RE12 Video cameras per RE13 External power adapters or voltage converters are not allowed iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE06 – Android devices must be one of the following: ZTE Speed Motorolla Moto G 2nd Gen Motorolla Moto G 3rd Gen Motorolla Moto G4 Play Google Nexus 5 Samsung Galaxy S5 No other devices are allowed as either Robot Controllers or Driver Stations in competitions (even if they work!) See RS03 for operating systems Only 1 Android as Robot Controller, connects via USB to PDM Only 1 Android as Driver Station Robot Controller may not use external battery, but can use the charging features of the REV Expansion Hub; Driver Station can use a COTS USB external battery pack connected to the allowed USB hub iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE07 – Limits of control module quantities: Exactly 1 Core Power Distribution Module No more than 2 Core Device Interface Modules No more than 2 Core Legacy Modules Any quantity of Core Motor and Core Servo Controllers No more than 2 REV Expansion Hubs The REV Control Hub is NOT allowed No more than 2 Legacy Motor/Servo controllers (unified module) iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE08 – Motor and servo controllers must be one of two configurations, without mixing: Core Motor, Core Servo, REV Expansion Hub, REV Servo Power Module, Legacy TETRIX DC Motor, and Legacy TETRIX Servo Controllers in any combination Legacy MATRIX DC Motor/Servo Controllers (unified module) iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE09 – Maximum of 8 DC motors allowed See Game Manual part 1 for list of acceptable motors RE10 – Maximum of 12 servos are allowed Any servo compatible with the attached servo controller is allowed Servos can only be controlled by an allowed Servo Controller, REV Expansion Hub, or REV Servo Power Module May be rotary or linear, but must be 6V or less with 3-wire connector VEX EDR 393 motors are considered servos, up to 2 allowed (included in total count of 12 servos) iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE11 – Sensors are subject to following constraints: Sensors from any manufacturer allowed Legacy Sensors allowed, must connect to Core Legacy Module Current and Voltage sensors allowed, except on output ports of motor or servo controllers Voltage and current sensors allowed between battery pack and REV Expansion Hub or CPDM Simple I2C multiplexors allowed if connected to and powered from I2C connections on Core Device Interface HiTechnic Touch Sensor Multiplexor (NTX1060) allowed HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexor (NSX2020) NOT allowed iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE12 – Light sources are allowed, but may not be focused or directed (no lasers or mirrors). May be powered by internal battery pack or battery holder, Core Power Distribution Module, a motor-control port on the Core Motor Controller, a motor-controller port on the Legacy TETRIX DC Motor Controller, or a REV Expansion Hub (see manual for details) RE13 – Video recording devices (e.g. GoPro) are allowed provided they are used for non-functional post-match entertainment and are not operating in wireless mode Must be powered by internal battery iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE14 – Robot wiring constraints: USB surge protectors allowed Ferrite Chokes allowed Mini USB to OTG Micro Cable or Mini USB adapter and OTG Micro Cable to connect Robot Controller Android to USB port of PDM Cannot ground electronics to robot frame Logic level converters used for the REV Expansion Hub are allowed iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE14 – Continued Stand alone non-powered USB hubs allowed to be connected to the CPDM Anderson PowerPole and similar crimp/quick required for downstream electronics. Power distribution splitters recommended where appropriate. All should be insulated. Installed connectors may be replaced, e.g. with Anderson PowerPoles iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE14 – Continued Power and motor control wires use consistent color coding with different colors used for + and - Wire and cable management products of any type permitted when used to insulate or secure wires Motor control, servo, encoder and sensor wires may be extended with constraints: Power wires 16 AWG or larger Motor control 22 AWG or larger PWM (Servo) 20 or 22 AWG Sensor same size or larger than original iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE15 – Approved electronic devices may be modified to make more usable; may not be modified internally or in any way that affects their safety See manual for examples iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE16 – Drivers station must have ONLY: One Android Device One OTG cable No more than 1 non-powered USB hub No more than 2 gamepads Driver Station must be connected to either a micro USB to OTG cable to a hub, or one gamepad Allowed gamepads are Logitech F310 or Xbox 360 Controller for Windows iSPACEscience.org
Robot Electrical Parts: RE17 – Electronic devices not specifically addressed in preceding rules are not allowed. Forbidden electronics include but are not limited to: Arduino boards Raspberry Pi Relays Custom Circuits iSPACEscience.org
Robot Software Rules: RS01 – Name Android official team number and RC for Robot Controller (i.e.12345-RC); team # and DS for Driver Station Spares should have an additional letter starting with B inserted, e.g. 12345-B-RC or 12345-C-DS RS02 –Java is the recommended programming language; programming must be done on either: FTC Blocks Programming development tool (built into robot controller ap v 2.2 or greater) Android Studio App Inventor Java Native Interface (JNI) and Android Native Development Kit (NDK) (teams can incorporate native code libraries using JNI or NDK) There may be mandatory updates announced by FIRST; teams are required to install them prior to competition Beta software versions are allowed Does not require updating to latest version unless the update is deemed mandatory iSPACEscience.org
Robot Software Rules: RS03 – Allowed Android operating systems for both the Robot Controller and Driver Station are: For the ZTE Speed: 4.4 (Kit Kat) or higher Motorolla Moto G4 Play: 6.0.1 or higher All other Android devices: 6.0 (Marshmallow) or higher Upgrading to the latest software is not required iSPACEscience.org
Robot Software Rules: RS04 – Immediately prior to start of autonomous period and at pause between autonomous and driver controlled periods, robots shall be motionless except initialization of servos. Violations subject to random repositioning by head referee and repeated violations may be considered egregious behavior and subject to penalties iSPACEscience.org
Robot Software Rules: RS05 – Teams must demonstrate that their robot switches between autonomous and driver controlled modes correctly. RS06 – Robot Controller must have FTC Robot Controller app set to be the default application for Core Robot modules RS07 – Teams must: Install official FTC Driver Station app onto Driver Station Android device Use the Driver Station app to control their robot during the match Match version numbers to Robot Controller app iSPACEscience.org
Robot Software Rules: RS08 Robot Controller and Driver Station must be set to airplane mode and Bluetooth turned off Robot Controller must have the FIRST Tech Challenge Wi-Fi Direct Channel Changing App installed (ZTE Speed only) iSPACEscience.org
General Tips Read the manual – goes into more detail than was presented here Read it again! It is teams’ responsibility to be compliant with the rules *before* arriving at the inspection table. Check the Q and A forum at: http://ftcforum.usfirst.org/forum.php If you have a question, check forum above and/or submit question to forum If you make it to the next level of competition – DON’T FORGET THE RULES STILL APPLY TO REDESIGN iSPACEscience.org
GOOD LUCK TEAMS!!! iSPACEscience.org