The emerging role of Mobile in Online Employment Services Natasha Zurnamer – CEO SMS ME JOBS Pty Ltd
“We are more likely to miss a plane for a business trip than leave our mobile at home…”
Psychology of a Job Seeker Active Job Seekers in the USA (Unemployed) 1 in 5 spend + 2 hours per day job searching They job search mainly between 8am – Noon They will generally apply for more jobs than an employed person and apply for roles that meet and exceed their experience and knowledge Currently applies to approx 1:10 Americans
Psychology of a Job Seeker Passive Job Seekers in the USA Will target their search if they are curious Weigh up opportunities heavily before making contact Apply for significantly less jobs than the unemployed, if at all Will tend to apply for jobs above their present capability but generally have the experience to do them Rarely if ever search from work Rarely if ever use their work email to receive alerts Network without job seeking intentions Find being headhunted attractive
Employers :: What they want! Outcomes for the Employer Simple and fast recruitment process Quality over quantity of applications Minimize vacancy time Employ knowledge and the right attitude A solution that delivers, is cost effective and targeted
Where is engagement headed? Print Job Advertising Online Job Sites & Social Networking Online Job sites, Social Networking and Mobile
The Future Partnership Job sites Social Networking TXT and .Mobi Mobile
EMAIL :: It’s no longer getting our attention WHY? Quality Relevance Volume
Connecting Job seekers with Employers New Opportunities .Mobi Sites Social Networking and Txt Messaging Job Sites and Txt Messaging Smart Phones and Apps
.Mobi Invest in it Has to be searchable Keep them there Make your .mobi a target product You only have seconds to make an impression A bad impression can last a long time
.Mobi… capturing the best! Step into a point of difference Salary Survey Today’s New Jobs Advice Articles ‘Join us’ Member Attraction A premium position for National Employment Campaigns - Revenue
.Mobi… You have time… “15% of the cell phone market was made up of smart phones in early 2009” “69% of the cell phone market is made up of iPhones” Source CTIA & Harris Interactive Report also backed up by the NPD Group
Txt in the USA – what happened? Why are US Mobile users late adopters to TXT? Simple… It cost MONEY! “If iTunes charged at the same rate per byte as a US Telco did for downloading a song, each song would cost +$5,500”
Teenagers… Our next clients… 4 out of 5 carry a mobile phone (17 Million) 80% say their cell phone provides them with a sense of security Texting is replacing talk with many teenagers saying they spend equal time texting and talking each month 47% said their social life would end or be worsened without text (female 54% V Males 40%) 1 billion texts are sent in the USA each day At the top end of the wish list respondents said that security of data was important to them with only 80% of them realising the security of Text Harris Interactive Report CTIA
Job Sites & Txt Text Alerts have their place! Investigate products available in the market Incorporate some level of text contact within every marketing communication… Compliance… the fines are huge if you don’t!
“PUSH Technology” Create a compelling Valuable Proposition to Engage CLIENT ONLY engage back on the basis as requested YOU LOYAL Engagement Technology PUSH
BMI Telecommunications Report Q3 2009 Mobile Subscribers 2008 2009 forecast USA 270,525,000 285,658,000 UK 76,876,000 78,237,000 BMI Telecommunications Report Q3 2009
Text Message Facts Text messages sent in the USA in June 2009 totals 1.36 trillion (CTIA – The Wireless Association) Text messages sent in the UK in 2008 totals 53 billion in the first three quarters (BMI UK Telecommunications Report Q3 2009)
Computer Facts USA UK Internet Users 2008 2009 forecast Internet Users BMI Telecommunications Report Q3 2009 2008 211,874,000 2009 forecast 214,908,000 UK Internet Users BMI Telecommunications Report Q3 2009 2008 45,255,000 2009 forecast 45,585,000
TXT and the Double Chance! “unlike email…. We delete our text messages”
Smart Phones & Apps You have time Make it bite size, specific and relevant Create a value add to keep your brand top of mind
Marketing Mobile Communicate it on your site Make sure it is part of print, online and visual and audio outdoor campaigns Capture people thru mobile responses
$$$ Mobile! Mobile communication has value! Premium Push technology for Advertisers Relevant information for Job seekers they will pay!
Thx ;-) Natasha Zurnamer +61 413 67 69 67 USA Office :: Los Angeles + 1 602 820 8674