Technology usage - students A Review of the Acceptable Use Policy and 1:1 Contract Agreement
1:1 Devices are to be used for educational purposes As stated in the APSB Student/Parent One to One Contract, “I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes...Remember, using the school computers and the school network is a privilege, not a right. Failure to comply with the procedures stated in the contract may result in your being denied access to the computers and possible further consequences.”
“The purpose of the Ascension Parish school board’s technology resources is to enhance student learning by providing students with the latest tools to make learning relevant…”
The school board retains the right to monitor all computer usage and files…” Tip Your device and account are monitored.
A few Rules taken from the APSB Acceptable Use Policy: (If you have a chromebook,you and your parents signed the contracts for this. A copy is available on our school website.)
Language “Threatening, profane, harassing, or abusive language shall be forbidden.” This kind of language is an offense.
OFFENSES using E-Mail Unacceptable Email Content: -inappropriate language/profanity -bullying -threats/violence (even as a “joke”) -inappropriate images/videos -cheating -etc….. “Student E-Mail accounts shall not be considered private and will be monitored by district personnel.”
Chatting “Two-way, real-time electronic communication technologies such as Internet-based instant messaging and Internet chat shall not be allowed within the District during the school day.” This includes texting and is considered an offense-- Teachers should send student with device to Mrs. Town with a note.
Privacy “Invading the privacy of another user, using another’s account, posting personal messages without the author’s consent, and sending or posting anonymous messages shall be forbidden.” Doing this is considered an offense.
“Use of the internet is a privilege, and any inappropriate use may result in disciplinary action and loss of privileges to use the internet. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, loss of computer use, monetary reimbursement, suspension, detention, or assignment in behavior modification class. This shall apply to all students.” Sources of Presentation: APSB Acceptable Use Policy and APSB Student/Parent One to One Contract
Forbidden “Accessing pornographic or obscene materials or using or sending profanity in messages is forbidden.” Inappropriate games, music, or videos, whether at school or at home-- location doesn’t matter More than one or two games on your device Playing games during class without permission from teacher Listening to music/watching videos without permission from teacher
Students who misuse their chromebooks or abuse internet privileges will be given consequences. Repeat offenders will have more serious consequences. Games may be removed from devices at any time and must be limited to one or two appropriate games on a student’s device. Student emails and technology usage is monitored 24 hours a day - every day. Sources of Presentation: APSB Acceptable Use Policy and APSB Student/Parent One to One Contract
Device Offenses: Deliberate defacing/vandalism of Chromebook, including removing stickers, marking on keyboard, screen, case, etc. (You will have to pay for this at the end of the year!) Damage to Chromebook due to neglect by you or others (relatives, friends, etc.). YOU will be held responsible for any cracked screens, broken cases, etc. Damaging another’s Chromebook (throwing booksacks, etc.) Connecting another device to your Chromebook (phone, etc.)
Consequences from Administration: Consequences for Offenses in this Presentation: 1st Offense: -Take Chromebook for 1-2 days, no loaner -Blue sheet completed on student, offense noted in Destiny -Periodic monitoring of student’s Chromebook and/or withholding during holiday breaks as needed 2nd Offense or Major Offense: -No Chromebook for 1 week minimum (loaner based on nature of offense/loaner supply) -Possible referral to ISSP for after-school behavior clinic and parents contacted by ISSP Presider 3rd Offense or 2nd Major Offense: -Chromebook taken away indefinitely (loaner based on nature of offense/loaner supply) -minimum of 1 day ISSP
Consequences from Teacher: Teachers will give consequences/infractions/referrals for Chromebook issues in class such as the following: -Playing games during class without teacher permission -Listening to music/watching videos without teacher permission -Not bringing Chromebook to school fully charged -Being on websites without teacher permission
IF YOUR CHROMEBOOK IS TAKEN, YOU MAY OR MAY NOT RECEIVE A LOANER! IF YOU GET A LOANER--You will pick it up in the morning and drop it off at the library at the end of the day. Failure to return the loaner will result in loss of loaner privileges. IF YOU DON’T GET A LOANER, THESE ARE YOUR OPTIONS Work in the library on a computer during class Borrow the teacher’s Chromebook for the activity during class Complete work using paper and pencil At home, you may always use your own device to access your Google Drive account for classwork. *****The teacher will decide what you will be allowed to do during class time.
IF YOUR CHROMEBOOK IS TAKEN, MRS IF YOUR CHROMEBOOK IS TAKEN, MRS. TOWN WILL FILL THIS OUT AND GIVE IT TO YOU. YOU WILL HAVE TO SHOW THIS TO TEACHERS AND PARENTS. YOU WILL ALSO HAVE TO SHOW IT TO MRS. TOWN EACH DAY TO GET YOUR LOANER. YOU WILL TURN IT IN TO MRS. TOWN TO KEEP ON FILE WHEN YOU GET YOUR ORIGINAL CHROMEBOOK PRIVILEGES BACK. STUDENT NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ___________ HR:_______________________ Teachers and parents, This is a notification that the student named above has violated our school’s acceptable use policy. The consequences are described below. THE STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMMUNICATING THIS TO TEACHERS AND PARENTS. This is the student’s 1st 2nd 3rd ___th offense. (circle one) This is a REGULAR / MAJOR offense. (circle one) Nature of Offense: _______________________________ The student will lose Chromebook privileges for _____ school days. Chromebook will be returned ______________ in library. The student WILL / WILL NOT receive a loaner from the library until Chromebook is returned. (circle one) *Students who do not receive a loaner will be responsible for either using paper/pencil or logging into Google Drive on a personal device at home to complete homework. Librarian/Clerk Initials: _________ NOTES: _____________________________________ ____________________________________________