Karla Friesen karlafriesen1@gmail.com Study Skills Karla Friesen karlafriesen1@gmail.com
Table of Contents Time and Place Reading Strategies Note Taking System SQ3R Before/During/After Note Taking System Problem Solving Strategies Tips and Tricks
Time and Place Proven that having a dedicated space to complete homework or study helps improve concentration. Area should be set up to be neat and functional, free from distractions with a comfortable chair and proper lighting. Creating a routine can be helpful. Dedicate a certain time every day for completing homework and other tasks. Get a potted plant. They produce oxygen and will help reduce high levels of carbon dioxide in the air which can be detrimental to both concentration and general health. Create incentives. Have realistic goals and provide an incentive for reaching them. Ex. After completing 1 assignment take a 5 minute break to grab a snack or some fresh air.
Reading for Comprehension – SQ3R S – Survey: Before you read survey the titles, bold words and captions under pictures and charts. Survey introductory and concluding paragraphs with particular attention. Look at questions at end of reading
Reading for Comprehension – SQ3R Q – Question: As you survey the material try to remember the questions the teacher may have posed to the class about the reading. Ask yourself: What do I already know about this topic?
Reading for Comprehension – SQ3R R – Read: Look for answers to your questions Note all underlined, italicized or bold printed words If you own the book highlight or underline important information Stop and reread parts where the meaning is unclear Read only 1 section at a time, then recite after each section
Reading for Comprehension – SQ3R R – Recite: Ask yourself questions about what you are reading. Summarize what you have just read in your own words. The more senses you use the more likely you are to remember the information: Seeing, saying, hearing and writing is the most effective combination!
Reading for Comprehension – SQ3R R – Review: Day 1: After reading and reciting an entire section write questions (on the left hand side) beside the notes taken when summarizing or the section of the text you have highlighted or underlined. Day 2: Try to answer questions you created based on the most important information Create mnemonic devices or pictures to illustrate more complex topics Day 3-5: Create and use flashcards to test comprehension
Strategic Readers – Before/During/After Before Reading: Previews Builds Background Sets Purpose
Strategic Readers – Before/During/After During Reading: Checks Understanding Monitors Comprehension Integrates
Strategic Readers – Before/During/After After Reading: Summarizes Evaluates Makes Applications
Cornell Note Taking System Divide the paper into 3 sections. The top right column will be for the notes taken in class. The top left column will be for the key points from the notes AND a place to create questions that could be asked about the subjects discussed. Bottom section is to write a summary of the important information discussed.
Cornell Note Taking System This system makes it easy to study directly from notes taken. Creating questions help students realize the importance of the material. Summarizing the content in your own words increases retention of the content.
Problem Solving Strategies These can be used for everything from increasing reading comprehension to solving math problems. Make a guess – then check back. Hypothesis in science, prediction in reading, guess and check in math Use background knowledge. Connecting to what you already know will not only make it easier to understand but will also increase the chance of remembering the new information Look for the pattern. Once you determine what the elements have in common you can extend and apply the pattern to new elements. Notice details. Take note of visuals, symbols as well as the written word. Just as important is determining what is missing, that should be present. Simplify the problem. Try to represent the question in a simpler way.
Problem Solving Strategies (continued) These can be used for everything from increasing reading comprehension to solving math problems. (continued) Act it out/use objects. This is useful when you need a visual image of the problem you’re trying to solve Draw a diagram. Also helpful to create a visual image. Make a table or organized list. Patterns become more obvious and also provides an easy way to see if anything is missing and an organized way to look at information to see what the next step should be. Work backwards. Sometimes starting with the information at the end provides more insight. Brainstorm. When all else fails this is a way to think of new and inventive way to tackle the problem. Use logical reasoning. Ex. “If…then” logic. This is used in all the above mentioned types of problem solving.
Tips and Tricks Students should become familiar with using an agenda day planner, it helps to keep everything organized. Always praise effort not intelligence. Praising intelligence forces a focus on a fixed mindset whereas praising effort helps facilitate a growth mindset. With a growth mindset students are more likely to take on challenges and learn from them which increase both achievement and abilities over time. Help students break large assignments into smaller, more manageable pieces Help students to destress and relax, anxiety about assignments will ease as they continue to work. Create a study-group that your student works well with. Students can learn a lot from their peers, everyone has a different perspective and way of explaining information that can all contribute to comprehension and retention.