The iMOOC Project: Dr. Val Chukhlomin Dr. Bidhan Chandra Dr. Anant Deshpande Center for Distance Learning SUNY Empire State College Saratoga Springs, New York Contacts: iMOOC 101: iMOOC 102: A systematic review of competencies needed for international students and working professionals to successfully navigate U.S. online learning and virtual work environments
! Source: Online = Global
Sources: ? Online = Global
Online global learning adjustments One lecturer (program, institution) projecting to the whole world (MOOC) The lecturer must adjust A divided online classroom (a SUNY COIL model) Both sides must learn how to adjust A non-U.S., international online student in an all-U.S. virtual classroom (an IDL model) The student needs to adjust
International online learners in U.S. universities 33,561 students from abroad take regular, for-credit online courses in U.S. universities (NCES, 2012) 974,926 international students are studying in the U.S. (IIE Open doors, 2014/2015) 1/3 of students in the U.S. take at least one online course (Babson survey, 2014) Closely related populations: First generation immigrants in U.S. educational institutions Working professionals outside of the U.S. employed by U.S. companies.
Institutional Context: Empire State College Denver, June 2, 2016 Institutional Context: Empire State College Canada A SUNY solution for working professionals Accredited by Middle States 34 locations around New York State Over 18,000 students A large online program (10,000 students) Small classes (up to 25) Writing intensive, student-centered, self-directed learning Institutional Context: SUNY Empire State College A SUNY solution for working professionals Over 18,000 students Undergraduate and graduate, incl. MBA 34 locations around New York State, as well as online learning Modalities: fully online, local study groups, residencies, totally independent studies Offshore international programs. Pennsylvania New York City 4
Typical barriers for IDL students Organizational (distance, textbook delivery, costs) The use of technology in distance learning environments Language, culture, expected role and behaviors Academic system, classroom structure Academic writing, oral communications, formats Professional language and contexts Self-directed learning, motivation, time management. Chukhlomin, V., Deshpande, A., & Chandra, B. (2013). Strategies for bridging cross-cultural barriers for international students’ success in American asynchronous online degree programs. The South African Journal of Higher Education, 27(6), pp. 1477-1486.
Goals Attract and retain international online learners Better understand barriers for IDL Learn how to overcome barriers Develop a competency-based approach Identify and map required competencies Design competency gap detection tools Suggest self-developmental techniques Create a multiuser online platform OER + Coursera xMOOC + Partner universities CDL+IP, SUNY-wide and beyond.
iMOOC as a multiuser online platform A MOOC for INTERNATIONAL students An INTEGRATED MOOC On-Demand COURSERA xMOOC Partners U.S. CDL course Partners abroad
Some highlights Pilot length: 6 weeks (March 23 - May 2, 2015) Students: 4,671; countries: 141 Original content guides (23 units, 83 elements) Videos (85+) 27 self-assessments Self-reflective final paper (peer assessed) Discussions: 16 pages of threads, 1,300+ posts Student-generated videos Statements of Accomplishment: Survey and assessment.
Primary audiences International (non-U.S.) students residing outside of the U.S. and studying online at U.S.-based colleges (universities) International (non-U.S.) professionals residing outside of the U.S. and working remotely for a U.S.-based company or organization. Incoming to the U.S. international students U.S.-based working professionals interested in refining professional skills 159 77 39 43 20 Total: 338
Professional Contexts Barriers Personal attributes Technology Language and Culture Academic System Communicating Ideas Professional Contexts
Technology Language and Culture Communicating ideas Major barriers Some examples of challenges for non-native learners Technology Unfamiliar with specific ways of using technology Unfamiliar with technical terminology used in U.S. Not skilled in communications with U.S.-based helpdesks and IT personnel Not skilled in conducting teleconferences Language and Culture Not skilled in the use of American English Unfamiliar with idioms, professional slang Unfamiliar with American culture, ways of doing things, expected behaviors Cannot adjust to the way American classes function Communicating ideas Unfamiliar with ways of discussing/debating things Not sufficiently skilled in academic writing Unaware of academic integrity requirements Unaware of the need to use style manuals Lack of presentation skills
Professional contexts Major barriers Some examples of challenges for non-native learners Academic systems Unfamiliar with the organization of American education Do not know how to use the college intranet Not aware of typical classroom roles, expected behaviors Not used to learning independently Do not know how to get academic support Professional contexts Didn’t take required prerequisites Unfamiliar with the organization of professional life Not experienced in conducting teamwork activities Do not know local professional contexts, legislations. Local contexts Unaware of local contexts, events, popular themes Personal attributes Insufficient motivation Low self-efficacy (self-belief) Not used to self-regulated, active learning Close mindedness, low interest to other cultures Unable to change.
A competency-based approach to overcome barriers To overcome barriers and master American eLearning, non-native students need to develop a set of competencies Competency: an ability to perform tasks based on awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes (AKSA) 6 majors competency areas (technology, language and culture, U.S. academic systems, communications and professional contexts, personal attributes) Barriers are conceptualized as AKSA gaps; to help students detecting gaps, we use a self-diagnostic tool designed for this course.
Social and Academic Systems Professional Contexts Self-Management Self-Regulation Self-Directedness Motivation Leadership Teamwork Professional contexts Legal environment Frameworks Prerequisites Ethics Communities Hardware Software E-Communications Intranet LMS Academic Support E-library Online learning centers Web conferencing Key Competencies Personal skills and attitudes Technology Language and Culture Social and Academic Systems Communicating Ideas Professional Contexts Computer-mediated communication Academic writing Style manuals Presentations Discussions Academic integrity English American English Slanguage Professional language National culture Organizational culture Local contexts Conflict resolution U.S. Education Transcripts, credits Policies, procedures American classroom Roles, expectations Grading, exams
Marketing, branding Course logo Course poster Course homepage Facebook Outreach (Metro) SUNY GLOBAL ICDE Department of State. Thanks to ESC OCGR!
Organized “satellite” groups ESC International Programs SUNY New Paltz (two cohorts) EducationUSA and American corners in Indonesia In search for new partners! Orientation for outgoing students to the U.S. Support for dual degree programs with U.S. colleges An ESL resource A community of practice for educators (researchers).
iMOOC: Expected learning outcomes Identify and examine key competency areas needed to effectively navigate U.S. online learning and work environments. Identify required levels of proficiency in each competency area in terms of awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes. Explain how potential gaps in awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes can result in forming barriers to learning and work performance in U.S. online learning and work environments. continued on the next slide
Expected learning outcomes (continued) Discuss effective strategies, best practices, skill-building techniques and available resources that can be used to eliminate gaps and alleviate barriers. Assess perceived levels of proficiency in each competency area, identify gaps in awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes and develop individual strategies for improvement. Develop self-directed learning skills to perform more effectively in U.S. online learning and work environments and enhance employability skills.
Linked to a CDL, credit-bearing course
Learner’s behavior
Questions? Thank you for attending this session! The courses are accessible at: iMOOC101: iMOOC102: On the photo (left to right): Dr. Antonia Jokelova, John Hughes, Jeannine Mercer, Dr. Anant Deshpande, Lorette Calix, Dr. Val Chukhlomin, Dr. Bidhan Chandra, Amy Giaculli (all – SUNY Empire State College). On the photo: The iMOOC101 course development team, Saratoga Springs, NY. November 2014