University Methodology to Lead Change . . . in support of Human Resources goals for: Work Realignment Workforce Reduction and Changes Workforce Development Envisioned by: Organizational Development for Faculty & Staff in partnership with our Cornell colleagues Draft 9.30.09
Implementation & Continuous Improvement University Methodology to Lead Change Strategic Planning Goal Alignment Process Improvement Implementation & Continuous Improvement *Change Leadership Draft 9.30.09
Implementation & Continuous Improvement University Methodology to Lead Change Strategic Planning Goal Alignment Process Improvement Implementation & Continuous Improvement *Change Leadership All employees Target Audience: President Provost Dean Vice Presidents Associate Deans Directors Chairs SME’s Directors Supervisors Managers Draft 9.30.09
Target Audience: President Provost Dean Vice Presidents University Methodology to Lead Change Strategic Planning Goal Alignment Process Improvement Implementation & Continuous Improvement *Change Leadership All employees Target Audience: President Provost Dean Vice Presidents Associate Deans Directors Chairs SME’s Directors Supervisors Managers Deliverables: Strategic Plan with goals, objectives, action plans/ tactics Action Plan with timelines Align position descriptions Employee goals and deliverables aligned to position description Annual Plan with objectives and deliverables aligned to the Strategic Plan Efficient processes Labor is to allocated to objectives Resource matching Aligned responsibilities Accountability Within budget OHR 9.22.09 *Change Leadership = Leading the change, communicating why making the change, focus on outcomes and measurables, transparency, communication & training plan Draft 9.30.09
Implementation & Continuous Improvement University Methodology to Lead Change Strategic Planning Goal Alignment Process Improvement Implementation & Continuous Improvement Change Leadership Objective: Deepen awareness and skill of leaders at all levels of Cornell to lead change, using Sam Bacharach’s research to: Consider the politics of change Engage employees in the work of the institution Identify and involve key people so they feel included, valued and committed to stay Create transparency Develop leadership competencies around change leadership Create a common language to lead change in higher education Draft 9.30.09
Implementation & Continuous Improvement University Methodology to Lead Change Strategic Planning Goal Alignment Process Improvement Implementation & Continuous Improvement Change Leadership Objective: Identify and prioritize work - assure goals and work are aligned Understand key decision-makers’ goals and objectives to meet them (Board of Trustees, President, Provost, Deans, VP’s) Develop communication plan (revisit it often through the change process) Determine Goals Identify work: “Must Do’s,” “Should Do’s,” “Nice To Do’s,” and determine “Won’t Do’s” Determine Objectives that align to goals based on work going forward Draft 9.30.09
Implementation & Continuous Improvement University Methodology to Lead Change Strategic Planning Goal Alignment Process Improvement Implementation & Continuous Improvement Change Leadership Objective: Identify major work processes that align to the goals, improvements needed, and resources required. Develop a process map. Align work. Process map major processes and analyze for improvements, efficiency, quality, timeliness, and cost savings Determine resources to accomplish goals and objectives Align roles and responsibilities into the appropriate “buckets” of work Draft 9.30.09
Implementation & Continuous Improvement University Methodology to Lead Change Strategic Planning Goal Alignment Process Improvement Implementation & Continuous Improvement Change Leadership Objective: Implement the change through all levels of the organization Create an Action Plan with measurable deliverables and timelines Review communication plan and revise as needed Align position descriptions Measurable employee goals aligned to the position description Implementation Deliverables: High level description of work Understanding of change metrics Clearly defined job descriptions aligned with University/Unit goals and individual goals Action plan for on-going assessment and continuous improvement Draft 9.30.09
Implementation & Continuous Improvement University Methodology to Lead Change Strategic Planning Goal Alignment Process Improvement Implementation & Continuous Improvement Change Leadership Goal Alignment Tools Position descriptions Individual Goal Worksheet Action Plan Performance Management Process Tools: Understand work flow Draft 9.30.09