Spanish Colonial Society
Few Quick Facts…. Portuguese #1 in exploration…Who do they have to thank? Spain will join later…thanks to Columbus Columbus big man on campus…Why? Columbian exchange changes the world Treaty of Tordisalles splits world b/w Portuguese and Spanish…
How did Spain build an Empire in America? What effects did Spanish Conquest and colonization have on Native Americans?
Building Empire Est. colonial gov’ts called viceroyalty Land A province ruled by a representative of the monarch Land SW America, New Mexico, Florida, Central America, Caribbean Islands
ENcomienda system Landowners controlled certain area and ppl in it Goals: convert N.A Teach European ways N.A help out Spanish (work) but get paid Reality: Worked to death Enslaved Population decline rapidly Horrible treatment Spanish treatment will be called the Black Legend
Bartholomew de Las Casas 16th Century Spanish historian and missionary Considered “Protector of Indians” Spent 50 yrs of life fighting for the humane treatment of the indigenous ppl (Native ppl of the Americas) Called Indians “children of God” Hated the encomienda system Write “Historia de las Indies”
Pope Rebellion Occurred in New Mexico Juan de Onate founded 1st Spanish settlement Must convert Pueblo Indians Aug 1680 revolted against missionary system led by Pope Lasted 10 days Pueblos won and Spanish left Spanish will return 1692 to take back land but didn’t mess with Pueblo culture