Advanced Directive What to consider when deciding your end-of-life decisions? How you can comfort your family?
What are Advanced Directives? Advanced Directives are end-of-life decisions that give you the forum to tell your family and healthcare provider your wishes so they will not have to decide for you. It allows them to not have to decide when their emotions are being strained, without advanced directives you family may incidentally force you to prolong a pained life or cut your life too short. I'm here to talk to you about Advanced Directives, so you can hear your options and decided for yourself what your end of life care will be.
Some instructions to consider including in your advanced directives are: Use of dialysis and breathing machines If you wish to be resuscitated if you stop breathing or your heart stops Being tube fed Organ donation Some instructions to consider including are: Use of dialysis and breathing machines If you wish to be resucitated if you stop breathing or your heart stops Being tube fed Organ donation
Family Deciding now may seem intimidating but at the time of passing your next of kin might not be emotionally able to make the best decision for you. Ask you families opinion on these decisions, and let them know your thoughts. Family is important, so involved them in the conversation, ask them what their worries are for your advanced directives.