Exhibition about HARMFUL ADDITIVES! BY: JP For MYP and teachers! Exhibition about HARMFUL ADDITIVES! BY: JP
Harmful Additives What are food additives used for? Food additives are used to make products last longer, look better or taste better. There are natural (luonnon mukaisia) and artificial (keinotekoisia) food additives.
Koulu ruoka Koulun ruuassa on paljon lisäaineita. Suomessa on vihannesten puutetta. Niissä ei varmaan ole lisäaineita. "Kouluruoka on kemikaalicocktail!” Kun lapset syövät kouluruokaa niin siitä lapset saavat 50 lisäainetta per päivä! Ja ne ovat vain näkyvät. Jos mukaan laskee piilotetut lisäaineet, lopputulos on hyvin mahdollisesti jopa kaksinkertainen!
Harmful Additives Some harmful additives in food have health concerns. Three major food groups if you don’t count chocolate are carbohydrates, proteins and fat.
Pictures with information
Questions About Harmful Additives Me: What products have most harmful additives? Some Teachers: Readymade meals, candy, many biscuits and cakes energy drinks (and soft drinks), fruit- flavored sweets, some “fruit” squashes, ice lollies, juice and junk food. Me: What kind of additives are there? Some Teachers: Preservatives, aromas (taste strengthening), colors, ‘thickeners’, sweeteners (artificial or sugars, color enhancers, food colorings, additives that make the taste of the food better and stronger, all the E-codes and flavorings.
More Questions… Me: How often do you look at the list of ingredients if you buy something? Some Teachers: Two of five said: Always Three of five said: Sometimes Zero of five said: Never
More Questions… Me: How often do you leave a product to the shop when it HAS harmful additives? Some teachers: Two of five said: Always Three of five said: Sometimes Zero of five said: Never
Sources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_additive http://www.iltalehti.fi/ruoka/2011032413426381_ru.shtml (8.4.2011) http://www.ruutu.fi/video?vt=video&vid=136907 13.04.2011 And of course the five teachers who awnsered my questions.