Entrepreneurship in practice at Saimaa Vocational College Sampo
Hotel-, restaurant and catering Restaurant Tuurikokki, Lappeenranta Cafe-shop Tuurimokka, Lappeenranta Cafe Onni, Lappeenranta Restaurant Säkäkokki, Imatra Cafe-shop Solmu, Imatra
Baker-patissier Cafe-shop Tuurimokka Lappeenranta
Car mechanic Car service and repair shop, Lappeenranta and Imatra
Hairdresser Baber shop and hair salon Muotinurkka Lappeenranta Baber shop and hair salon, Imatra
Cosmetologist Beauty Salon, Imatra
Housebuilders, carpenters, plumbers, painters Students build house together. It takes three years. When house is ready college sells it. https://youtu.be/0S0yEb6BtNE