Framework Policy on Continuing Care in First Nations Communities of Quebec Conference on clients with decreasing independence May 10, 2017
Outline Background Key findings Desired scope of the project Steps in the process Basic structure and priorities 2017-2019 Schedule
Background (1/3) From 2012 to 2015, Timiskaming First Nation (TFN) worked on the development of a Framework Policy on Continuing Care of Elders in First Nations Communities of Quebec. Project carried out as part of Health Canada’s Health Services Integration Fund (HSIF). Project objectives: Develop a framework policy on continuing care of elders in First Nations communities of Quebec. Implement, in collaboration with both levels of government, the regulatory and funding conditions allowing First Nations communities that wish to do so to ensure a continuum of services for the care of elders.
Background (2/3) Key activities by TFN Research and drafting of a situation analysis (coordination committee) – DRAFT VERSION Presentations to various tables (Directors Network, Assembly of Chiefs, First Nations Health Forum) Coordination mechanisms used: coordination committee, validation via different tables, transfer to the FNQLHSSC
Background (3/3) June 2015: Project transferred to the FNQLHSSC (Chiefs’ resolution) Planning and development of a process for continuing the project (FNQLHSSC and Timiskaming) Tabling of a project proposal with the HSIF for the continuation of the project (2016-2019) by the FNQLHSSC
Key findings Non-treaty Aboriginal communities in Quebec would like to provide services to their clients with decreasing independence that are comparable to those offered by the province. Several factors influence the development of a continuing care program (geographic/demographic situation, structural/organizational/jurisdictional differences, etc.). This results in a fragmentation in the delivery of services to individuals with decreasing independence. How can the continuum of services to non-treaty First Nations communities of Quebec be improved?
Desired scope of the project Description: The framework policy is designed to prevent the fragmentation in the delivery of services to individuals with decreasing independence and thus promote an integrated approach adapted to First Nations. Services must therefore be aligned with traditional approaches and local culture in terms of health and social services. Overall objective: The objective of the framework policy on continuing care is to develop an integrated approach to the delivery of services to individuals with decreasing independence and involves the implementation of mechanisms in order to provide optimum and equitable coordination of services, thereby ensuring a continuum of services.
Definition of a Framework Policy A framework policy may be used to define the strategic directions, basic principles and action plan that inform the development of a project so that it aligns with the organization’s mission. It is used as a reference in developing the policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures that will help effectively run an organization, service or program according to available resources.
What Is the Framework Policy on Continuing Care? The Framework Policy on Continuing Care is the instrument that will set out the practices and uphold a culture of quality and excellence in managing the programs and services for people with loss of independence living in non-treaty First Nations communities in Quebec. The document explicitly states stakeholders’ commitment to improving the continuum of services in First Nations communities.
Main steps in the process Current situation Framework policy Administrative framework Implementation
Steps in detail (1/2) Situation analysis: Document the situation of continuing care services in communities in Quebec and Canada. Framework policy: Determine the methodology to develop the framework policy. -Develop a consultation and validation process -Establish an expert committee and a steering committee Identify the content of the framework policy in partnership with INAC, Health Canada, MSSS and SAA. Approve the content of the framework policy (by all partners).
Steps in detail (2/2) Administrative framework: Identify the basis for the implementation of the framework policy (management and delivery of care and services). Identify the responsibilities of each partner. Implementation: Deploy the implementation mechanisms identified in the framework policy. Identify implementation-related issues as well as solutions to remediate the situation.
Basic Structure of the Framework Policy After analyzing the Timiskaming First Nation’s (TFN) recommendations and the work done by the committees, we propose including the following in the Framework Policy: Areas of application Target clientele Guiding principles Priorities Measures/Actions and, if necessary, temporary provisions
Priorities and Action Measures Commitment Responsible party and collaborators Action Expected results Financial model Skills development Pooling and promoting shared services Continuing care and service integration Cultural perspectives Home care and support Adult residences Specialized services e-Health Service agreements with institutions in the provincial network
Possible Contents Service organization Administrative organization Work-force planning Shared management Personnel development Mobilization Accountability subjects
2017-2019 Schedule Date Meeting Audience Content Fall 2017 Expert Committee Committee members Workshop on action measures Steering Committee March 2018 FNQLHSSC’s Board of Directors Board members Approval of the proposed action measures framework Presentation to the AFNQL Chiefs AFNQL Chiefs Approval of the proposed contents of the Framework Policy on Continuing Care and action measures framework (by resolution) 2018-2019 Communities Dissemination and training on the Framework Policy on Continuing Care
Programs Agent – Services for Persons with Decreasing Independence Questions? Comments? Thank you for your time! Kathleen Jourdain Programs Agent – Services for Persons with Decreasing Independence 418-842-1540, ext. 2706