Parent Surveys Welcome! We would greatly appreciate it if you would take a few moments to complete the Etiwanda District’s Parent Survey... Please click on the “apps” icon at the lower left of the chrome book’s screen and select “Parent Survey.” We truly value your input! Thank you!!
Welcome to Back-to-School Night Mrs. Haefner Fourth Grade
Math 8:15 – 10:15 8:15-8:45 MPR (Math warm-up): Quizzes are given on Fridays 8:45 – 10:15 Go Math Program Students will focus on topics such as place value, multiplication, division, fractions, area, perimeter, and word problems Math homework will generally be given Monday – Thursdays Students can access from home or school using their AR names and passwords. There is a math link posted on both my website and the Windrows website that will take you directly to the login page.
Math Pro Why we do it: The majority of the math chapters require multiplication. Multiplication will be come essential starting in chapter 2…and chapter 2 starts next week! We are hoping that students will be math pros by September 30th. After that, extra homework will be assigned nightly to help students master their facts. A student becomes a Math Pro when they complete both sides of a Math Pro test with fewer than five errors under 10 minutes two times in a row. If you would like your student to practice at home I have practice sheets. Just let me know!
Writing Unit 1: Narrative Text: *Friendly Letter *Personal Narrative Unit 2: Informative Test: *Explanatory Essay *How-To Text Unit 3: Opinion Writing: *Book Review *Opinion Essay
Unit 4: Narrative Text/Poetry. Fictional Narrative Unit 4: Narrative Text/Poetry *Fictional Narrative *Poetry Unit 5: Informative Text *Expository Letter *Research Report Unit 6: Opinion Writing *Book Review *Opinion Essay
Language Arts: 10:30 – 12:15 Wonders Reading Series Literary Text Informational Text Close Reading Skills Fluency Vocabulary and Spelling every week: Students will be given “spelling packets” on Monday that will be due on Friday. Tests are on Fridays. has the lists for the year and practice available; Students will frequently take tests on this site.
Accelerated Reader (A.R): In fourth grade, we want the students to try and earn 9 – 10 points each month. If you are unsure if a book is an AR book, you can go to the Windrows Website and click on the AR link. It will allow you to check. If you would like to sign up to receive an email that provides your child’s score every time he or she takes a test, a letter for Home Connect will be sent home on Back-to-School Night.
Fourth Grade Monthly Reading Requirements Fourth graders are expected to read 30 minutes every night for homework. I send home AR progress reports twice a month. 10 – 9 points is an A 8 – 7 points is a B 6 – 5 points is a C 4 – 3 points is a D
Listening and Speaking Monthly Poems (recited in front of the class or in special instances one-on-one with the teacher; this will begin next month) Student Presentations (PowerPoints, Google Slides, in-class projects, group projects) Listening Quizzes Listening skills during presentations
Science: Textbook and ZingyLearning Website Electricity and Magnetism Ecosystems Rocks/Minerals Earth and Space Students will be given personal passwords to review lessons and retake ZingyLearning quizzes at home to raise a grade if needed.
Social Studies California’s Geography Native Americans of California Mission/Rancho Era Gold Rush California’s Statehood
Tuesdays and Thursdays District Provided P.E. Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30 – 2:20 Instructor: Mr. Bolton Wear running shoes on PE days Please send note if you wish your student to sit out from PE due to illness or injury
Homework usually consists of: Math Workbook Page Spelling/Vocabulary/Reading Incomplete Class Work 30 minutes of reading for A.R. *Language Arts story can be read over the weekend with you to help with comprehension *I can also provide spelling homework on Fridays for those who are interested. Posted daily on my website.
Has your child ever forgotten a homework assignment? I know how frustrating it is when you get home, excited to complete the nightly homework, when you realize something has been left behind! I can help! There are two links on my website that can help you find what you need. Look for the “Math and Language Arts” Link.
Here is how to access a math homework assignment or access other math support materials…
Please ensure you click on G4 Materials to access 4th grade items. *Practice Book-Homework pages that can be printed from home if necessary *Student Edition ebook-Classroom workbook pages *Reteach-Extra practice and support *Enrich-Additional enrichment pages for students who like a challenge *Math on the Spot- Videos that reteach concepts for each lesson *Interactive-Computerized skill practice (Personal Math Trainer) Please ensure you click on G4 Materials to access 4th grade items.
Here is how to access a language arts assignment from home with connectED…
Students use their AR usernames (with the word “etiwanda” attached to the back) and their regular password. EX: Mhaefetiwanda School1A
You can access homework from the “Your Turn” resource or read upcoming stories in the “Reading/Writing Workshop” and “Literature Anthology.” There is even an option to have the passage read aloud to your child. The Reading Writing Workshop has weekly vocabulary words as well.
Thursday Nights are Study Nights! Please ensure that your child studies for the weekly quizzes. MPR (Can be studied on Tues./Wed) Spelling (Can be studied during the week) Vocabulary (Can be studied during the week) I Can! (Reading sheets) DLI (Daily Language Instruction)
TeacherWeb Email: Newsletters Spelling Words Vocabulary Words Homework News Flash Sign-ups Poems posted Email: or
Birthdays: If you would like to send in a treat with your child, please let me know a day or two ahead of time. Please send in items that are easy to pass out and do not require any utensils. Healthy options are also encouraged.
PTA Please do not forget to join the PTA! The PTA does many wonderful things for Windrows Elementary. We truly appreciate your support!
Fundraisers Scrip cards can be purchased in the school office. A percentage of every purchase goes to support Windrows! Windrows Night Out Box Tops PTA fundraisers: Please sign up for the PTA!! Kids First Fundraiser Walk-a-Thon Thank you for your support!