(press enter or return to advance slides) Mrs. Chadaz’s 3rd-Grade Class 2017 – 2018 (press enter or return to advance slides)
Welcome to THIRD Grade! My background My experience teaching I am an Army brat – I grew up all over the US and landed in Utah when I was 15. Now it is home! Married – 4 kids (2 that live with us) and 3 grand kids My experience teaching I’ve been teaching for over 20 years. 11th year at Lincoln Elementary. Taught 3rd grade for 9 years – 1 year of 4th grade and now back to 3rd grade Degrees in Info Systems and an MBA.
Class Subjects This Year Reading Writing – cursive and essays Spelling/Vocabulary Math – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, measurements – building learning from in 2nd grade Social Studies Science PE ART Music
READING Title 1 tutors will work with all students in small groups, according to their reading skills for 30 mins each day Individual silent reading in class – 20 – 30 mins. per day to build stamina (amount of time they sit still and just read) Students need to read OUTLOUD at home at least 20 - 30 mins per day out loud to build fluency (number of words per minute and comprehension) School library – checkout to read in class or to take home
My Goal – I want students to enjoy writing! Improve handwriting both printing and cursive Write Stories they make up Write Poems about their world Journaling their thoughts and feelings Quick writes (2-3 mins) Cursive – must practice at home also Respond to different types of writing prompts to be ready for end of level tests
WRITING – CONTINUED Improve writing skills Grammar Spelling Vocabulary Punctuation Sentence Structure Paragraph Structure Thinking skills to respond to prompts
MATH We will start with a review of 2nd grade facts they should know We will build on those math facts 2 and 3 digit addition/subtraction with regrouping Rounding Place value up to 999 Multiplication/Division – basic beginning Measurements/Geometry/TIME/MONEY Fractions
CLASSROOM COMMUNITY I consider ALL students to be my “kids” - so I treat them like my kids! Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: NO BULLYING EVER! Be respectful, responsible and safe! Be organized and follow directions. Be on time. Be prepared. One person talk at a time. Raise hand to ask questions or respond
CLASSROOM COMMUNITY - CONTINUED Students will be rewarded for good behavior – they will get class COINS AND DOLLARS to collect and spend at a class store. 1 COIN for being here on time 1 COIN for being in class each day Dollars for being caught doing good Dollars for extra help to the teacher Students can earn rewards from the reward box, they can choose to have lunch with the teacher in the room, and other fun activities in class. They can save for class store that will happen about once a month. 10 COINS can be exchanged for $1 in class money.
please do not just come get them from the classroom. ATTENDANCE It is important for students to be here everyday – there is a lot of new skills to learn and it is a fast paced year. Keep students home if they are sick – BUT the parent must call that day to report absence (can text, call or email me also) Must make up the work that was missed before the end of the next week. If student needs to checkout early – parent must checkout in office – the secretary will call room for student to come to the office please do not just come get them from the classroom.
TARDIES It is important for students to be here on time – there is so much to learn and we start right away. School starts at 8:45 A.M. If students aren’t in the classroom by the time the second bell rings (8:50), please have them check in at the school office before coming to class to get a tardy note.
CLASSROOM DONATIONS Donations are gladly accepted and welcomed anytime for: Kleenex – all year Glue sticks - all year Crayons - 24 count Large rectangle erasers (for those who don't have erasers on end of pencils anymore) Wet Wipes (Clorox type for desks) - all year Small Erasers for ends of pencils Hand sanitizer Small treats or fun items for the reward box
VOLUNTEERS Parents are welcome to come volunteer in class any time (must have the proper paperwork completed in the office) But I will need some parents who can come on a regular basis: I need someone who can commit to be here every Monday afternoon around 1:30 – 2:30 to pack homework folders – this will take only about 10-15 mins. Someone who can commit to Friday mornings to check in homework folders and another parent who can commit to Friday after 11:00 to help with grading tests I could also use volunteers for the following any time: Filing papers for students Parties – Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines and end of year Let me know if you would like to volunteer for any of these things!
I am so excited for the year to begin and to get to know each student as individuals. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, comments or suggestions at anytime!
Let’s Have a Great Year at Lincoln Elementary!