ECOWAS Model Structure and Training Jim Hansen, Nancy Cochrane, and Getachew Nigatu USDA, Economic Research Service
Presentation Outline: 1. Model Structure and general framework 2. Macro, Crops and Livestock Structure 3. Data for model 4. Basic sheets - Model, elasticity, base/scenarious Set up Equations and Identities 6. Set up Baseline 7. Run Scenarios 8. Develop model
Build Equations: 1. Save Save Save 2. Moving sections - cut and paste 3. Identities 4. Build price equation, check revenue 5. Additional area equation 6. New consumption urban and rural 7. How parameter sheet change
Commands: 1. Graphs ctrl-shift T, new gen graph 2. Equation writer; ctrl-Shift-N ctrl-shift-E 3. Add-Factor: Line up new right hand data ctrl-R 3. Moving areas of model - cut and paste 4. F9 solve model 5. Additional commands - side bar
Baseline: 1. New macro data, GDP, exchange rate, population 2. New prices 3. New Data for commodities 4. Check graphs 5. Work through one commodity
Scenarios: 1. Macroeconomic data, GDP, exchange rate, population 2. New Feed rations for corn 3. Drought for rice rainfed area 4. Change in consumption patterns, income elasticty 5. Additional scenarios - ideas
Build Model: Save Save Save 1. Data 2. Equation writer 3. Copying sections and building new 4. Identities vs equations 5. Prices linkages (Price Transmission) 6. Production, consumption, trade, stocks 7. Additional Save Save Save
Build Model: 1. Data, 2. Equation writer 3. Identities 4. Change in consumption patterns, income elasticities, feed demand 5. Additional ???
Commodities in ERS ECOWAS Model Livestock: (3 sectors) Beef, Pork, and Poultry Crops: (9 sectors) Wheat, Rice Corn, Sorghum, Other-Coarse-Gr (mostly millet, oats, rye) Other seeds, meal and oil Cotton, sugar, cocoa Blank sections no data – barley, soybeans meal oil,
ECOWAS Model Elasticity Partial Equilibrium model Model in Excel Spread sheet - 3 main sheets Commodity models (Forecast) Parameters, Base-Scenario (table) Data Requirement for Model Macroeconomic variables Agriculture data (aggregate) – UNFAO and PS&D Prices and Policies
Model: Spread Sheets 1. Graphs of commodities 2. Gengraph - created by (Ctrl-Shift-t) in forecast sheet 3. Parameter sheet - elasticities used in forecast sheet 4. Forecast sheet - model and data (1981-2025) 5. Tables - used to compare Scenarios and Base 6. Scenario graph for rice 7. Last 3 sheets are log, needed, load error
Forecast Sheet: Macro, Policies, and Prices 1. Macroeconomic section 2. Reference Prices 3. Policies 4. Transportation cost 5. Consumer/producer margin 6. Government price 7. Border prices FAO - CIF 8. User defined variables
Forecast Sheet: Agriculture Sector Livestock Grains Oilseed & Other 1. Aggregate land 2. Livestock Sector Beef Pork Poultry 3. Feed Demand 4. Total Grain Wheat Rice 5. Total Coarse Grain Corn Sorghum Other (millet, rye, oat) 6. Total Oilseed, Meal, Oil Other (meal, oil) 7. Cotton (bale ) 8. Sugar 9. Cocoa
Scenario vs Base Comparison Sheet
Macroeconomics in Model Oil price and % change Population and % change Domestic GDP and growth rate Per capita GDP, local currency and % change Domestic GDP, dollars Per capita GDP, dollars Domestic GDP deflater Growth rate Domestic CPI and Growth rate Nominal Exchange Rate and Growth rate Real Exchange Rate and change in RER
Food Demand Commodities Matrix (16x16) Grains and Others 4. Wheat 5. Rice 6. Corn 8. Sorghum 9. Other Coarse Grain 10. Dry beans 11. Vegetables 12. Ground nuts Oilseeds 13. Soybean oil 14. Rape seed oil 15. Sunflower oil 16. Other oil Meats 1. Beef 2. Pork 3. Poultry
Area Supply Response Matrix 1. Wheat 2. Rice 3. Corn 4. Sorghum 5. Other Coarse Grain 6. Other seeds 7. Sugar 8. Cotton 9. Cocoa
Structure of Crop Models 1. Policy (tariffs and quotas) 2. Price (border, farm, consumer) 3. Expected yield & revenue 4. Yield 5. Area harvested 6. Production 7. Consumption (total, feed, other) 8. Per capita consumption for food 9. Imports 10. Exports 11. Ending Stocks
Modeling ECOWAS Agriculture Economy: Production & consumption Crops: area, yield, consumption, stocks and trade Livestock: animals inventory, production, consumption, trade, stocks Model as a System Accounting (0 = PROD+BSTK+IM-TCON-EX-ESTK) Number of different identities must hold Stock issue, government, farm household
Prices in the Model International prices (references price) Import and export prices Farm prices Gross revenue (prices x expected yield) Consumer wholesale or retail prices
Modeling Production: Production Gross return = lagged prices x expected yield Yield = f(gross return, research investment, tech) Area = f(gross return, alternative crops GR, tech) Production = Yield x Area Total Supply = Production + Imports + Beg Stocks
Modeling Consumption: Per capita consumption = f(own price, sub prices, income) Food consumption = Per capita cons x Population Feed demand = f(feed prices, meat production, historical ration) Total cons = Food cons + Feed cons + Indus use Total Disappearance = Total cons + Exports + End stocks
Modeling Stocks & Trade: Beginning stocks = lagged(Ending stocks) Ending stocks = f(production or consumption, trend) Exports = f(consumer price, export price, trend) Imports = Production + Beginning Stocks - Total Cons - Exports - Ending Stocks
Closing the Model: Open Economy for some commodities Imports and prices close the model the model World and domestic price will solve for equilibrium Total Disappearance = Total cons + exports + end stocks Total Supply = Production + Imports + Beg Stocks World Prices solve until world trade balances and supply = demand for each country 0 = Total Supply - Total Disappearance
Elasticities in the Model Consumer price elasticities Consumer income elasticities Producers supply response elasticities
Model Structure for Beef and Pork 1. Production ( total slaughter x carcass weight) 2. Consumption 3. Per Cap Consumption 4. Ending Stocks 5. Beginning Stocks 6. Exports 7. Imports
Model Structure for Poultry 1. Import and Export Price 2. Producer and Consumer Price 3. Production ( lagged on itself and function of price) 4. Consumption 5. Per Cap Consumption 6. Exports 7. Imports No inventory for poultry
Thank you USDA, Economic Research Service