Adolescent Psychology Term 1 Learning Targets Adolescent Psychology
Unit 1: Mental Development & Motivation The students will review & understand the scope, sequence, and structure of the course. The students will practice good writing skills & understand the guidelines and structure of the course. The students will conduct a self-evaluation of their current behaviors and attitudes. The students will participate in activities that demonstrate achievement motivation. The students will begin their Maslow Project. The students will assess their Maslow Project. Key Vocabulary Maslow, achievement motivation, hierarchy, ladder of motives, self-actualization, esteem, belonging and love, safety, physiological needs, motive precedence, motive sacrificed
Unit 2: Coping and Defense Mechanisms/Dreams The students will do activities & discuss coping methods The students will discuss coping and defense mechanisms. The discuss and provide examples of defense mechanisms The students will review coping and defense mechanisms. The students will demonstrate understanding of defense mechanisms on a short quiz. The students will do activities & discuss states of consciousness and dreams. The students will do activities & self-analyze sleeping dreams. Key Vocabulary coping strategy, defense mechanism, denial, compensation, identification, rationalization, projection, daydreaming, displacement, reaction formation, regression, sublimation, procrastination, displaced aggression, overcompensation, cognitive dissonance, approach-approach conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict, approach-avoidance conflict
Unit 3: Death & Grief The students will read and define components of death & grief. The students will review components of death & grief. The students will watch a video and have a class discussion on the stages of grief. The students will demonstrate understanding of death & grief on a short quiz. Key Vocabulary death, stages grief, dying, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, euthanasia, SIDS, mourn, euphemisms for death.
Unit 4: Unhealthy Relationships & Abuse The students will utilize reading strategies with articles on abusive relationships.. The students will process ideas in an article about relationship violence through a reading guide, The students will review and define components of unhealthy and abusive relationships. The students will discuss characteristics of abusive relationships. The students will discuss statistics and resultant behaviors related to abusive relationships The students will review the power/control and equality wheels on relationships. The students will discuss specific behaviors in abusive relationships. The students will watch a video and have a class discussion on abusive relationships. The students will demonstrate understanding of the major unit concepts on a test. Key Vocabulary abusive relationships, domestic violence, physical abuse, exual abuse, emotional abuse, family violence, learned behavior, fear, guilt, anger withdrawal, confusion, powerlessness, shame, cycles of violence, tension-building, acute incident, calm phase, power & control wheel, equality wheel, situational factors, emotional factors, support network.
Unit 5: Hate & Crime The students will comprehend definitions of Hate & Crime. The students will understand project guidelines for Hate & Crime presentation The students will research their topic and gather relevant information. The students will edit and cite their sources of information for their presentations. The students will present to class their topic on Hate & Crime Key Vocabulary Hate, crime, hate-crimes, fear, violence, victim, aggression, arrest, prosecution, conviction, societal impact, awareness
Unit 6: Friendship & Peer Pressure The students will understand descriptions of friendship and peer pressure The students will comprehend how fads influence their behavior The students will analyze their social influences The students will develop insight into social outcasts The students will devise strategies to combat negative peer pressure Key Vocabulary Friendship, peer pressure, social influences, fads, group behavior, outcasts, negative influences, resistance strategies.
Unit 7: Improving School Performance, et al The students will investigate how improving school performance can impact them. The students will separate what helps from what impedes their academic progress The students will be introduced to several note-taking strategies The students will be introduced to several test-taking strategies The students will review & practice study skills that can work for them. The students will prioritize their academics to develop a consistent procedure The students will investigate how managing academic study time can positively impact them. Key Vocabulary School performance, test-taking strategies, note-taking strategies, academics, prioritize, time management, academic study time, objective questions, subjective questions, reviewing skills, mapping, SQ3R, pre-reading, textual items, non-textual items
Unit 8: Social Psychology The students will understand how we explain human behavior The students will comprehend how conformity reveals the power of social influence The students will determine how actions and attitudes interact The students will analyze how behavior is affected by the presence of others The students will understand how group polarization and groupthink work The students will understand the factors that lead people to help others The students will explain the influence of cultural norms on behavior Key Vocabulary aggression, attitudes, attribution theory, bystander effect, cognitive dissonance theory, conflict, conformity, discrimination, equity, frustration-aggression principle, fundamental attribution error, group polarization, groupthink, in-group, influence, normative social influence, reciprocity norm, role-playing, scapegoat theory, self-disclosure, social exchange theory, social psychology, social trap, social-responsibility norm, stereotype
Unit 9: Team Building & Group Effectiveness The students will be exposed to team building activities. The students will understand how people come together to form a team. The students will comprehend how teammates interact. The students will determine how to make decisions as a team. The students will analyze effective group behavior. Key Vocabulary Team, teammate, group communication, dominant influence, subordinate member, group-listen, ego, group effort, openness, shared goal.
Unit 10: Decision-making The students will understand the importance of decision-making. The students will define a decision-making process. The students will comprehend how to prioritize in decision-making. The students will analyze scenarios in which decisions need to be made. The students will determine the steps they use to make a decision. The students will practice their decision-making steps. Key Vocabulary Choices, decision-making, inaction, priorities, steps in decision-making.
Unit 11: Media Literacy (edits IP) The students will understand The students will define The students will comprehend The students will analyze The students will determine The students will practice Key Vocabulary Words soon...
Unit 12: Role Models (edits IP) The students will understand The students will define The students will comprehend The students will analyze The students will determine The students will practice Key Vocabulary Words