S.H.A.R.E. Parent Preview Night (Sexuality, Health & Responsibility Education) Presented By: Russell L. Hunter, MA SHARE Program Coordinator 2016-2017 SY
SHARE PROGRAM BACKGROUND In 1987, the Nevada legislature passed NRS 389.065. This law requires all school districts in Nevada to “establish a course of factual instruction concerning acquired immune deficiency syndrome and instruction on the human reproductive system related communicable diseases, and sexual responsibility”. The law requires each of the districts to establish a sex education advisory committee to advise the board of trustees regarding the size and scope of such programs. The W.C.S.D. SHARE Advisory Committee was appointed in 1987. The committee recommended a comprehensive program of sex education, also known as SHARE. Members of the SHARE Advisory Committee are appointed by the Board of Trustees and include parents, doctors, counselors, pastors, and teachers.
MISSION OF S.H.A.R.E. The mission of the Washoe County School District S.H.A.R.E. Program is to provide students with a factual, comprehensive, abstinence-based instructional program delivered by trained teachers addressing the HIV/AIDS awareness, reproductive system, STI’s and sexual responsibility. The focus of the S.H.A.R.E. program is to help students make informed choices and avoid “at-risk” behavior.
S.H.A.R.E. CURRICULUM The program will be taught by trained teachers, counselors and nurses. The health and science lessons are comprehensive and fact based. The emphasis of the S.H.A.R.E. program is on choosing abstinence and avoiding risky behaviors. Prevention and intervention strategies are included, such as: goal setting, problem solving, decision making and peer pressure.
S.H.A.R.E. 4TH GRADE CURRICULUM Lesson 1- Health & Body Systems, Three Parts of Health, Body Organization, Cells, Tissues, Organs & Body Systems. Lesson 2-(Boys & Girls separate) Puberty & Male/Female Anatomy, Physical & Emotional Changes, Reproductive Organs & Functions, Menstruation (Girls Only), Brief & General definition of sexual intercourse & abstinence. Lesson 3– Peer Pressure & Refusal Skills, Identifying Risky Behaviors, Refusal Skills, Recognizing & Dealing with Peer Pressure, Steps for Saying “No” to Trouble.
S.H.A.R.E. 5TH GRADE CURRICULUM Lesson 1-Self Esteem and Influences, How Self Esteem Develops, Building a Positive Self-Image, How Self-Esteem influences decision making and risk taking Lesson 2- Medial and Refusal Skills, Media defines, Media Influences, Rising above negative media influences, Refusal Skills and Peer Pressure Lesson 3-(B/G Separate) Puberty, Male/Female Anatomy/ Reproduction, Puberty (adolescence), Reproductive organs/functions, Abstinence, Definitions for sexual intercourse, heterosexuality, erection, ejaculation, and nocturnal emissions Lesson 4-. Introduction to HIV/AIDS, Communicable Diseases, Germs, Transmission, disease transmission and symptoms, Prevention, Making good choices, Avoiding peer pressure, Refusal Skills
S.H.A.R.E. 6TH GRADE CURRICULUM Lesson 1- Decision Making Skills, Choices and consequences, Role in conflict and decision making, Importance of Goals Lesson 2- (Separate B/G) Puberty Male/Female Anatomy and Reproduction, Anatomy and Physiology, Abstinence as a Healthy Choice. Lesson 3- HIV/AIDS Review and Intro to STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections), Prevention, Decision Making, Personal Responsibility, Safety.
S.H.A.R.E. 7th GRADE CURRICULUM Lesson 1- Media Influences on Body and Self-Image, Healthy Attitude about Body-Image, Gender Stereotypes, Role of Self-Esteem in Relationships Lesson 2- Teen Pregnancy, Impact of Teen Pregnancy, Risks, Decision Making and Setting Personal Boundaries Lesson 3- Sexual Responsibility, Abstinence, Building Relationships, Resisting Peer Pressure
S.H.A.R.E. 8th GRADE CURRICULUM Lesson 1- Relationship Skills, Healthy Relationships, Safety, Respect, Values, Abusive Relationships, Verbal and Abusive Relationships, Sexual Pressure, Refusal Skills Lesson 2- Motivations for Abstinence, Contraception Lesson 3- Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI) Symptoms, Transmissions, Complications, Emotional Impact, Finding Help
S.H.A.R.E. 9th GRADE CURRICULUM Lesson 1- Introduction, Male/Female Sexual Reproductive Anatomy, Childbirth Lesson 2- Pregnancy and Childbirth and Options, Abstinence and Making Healthy Choices Lesson 3 – Options of pregnancy, Adoption, Keeping the Baby, Abortion, Making Healthy Choices. Abstinence, definition, Expanded View, Making Healthy choices Lesson 4- Contraception, Influences, Proper Use, Types Lesson 5- STI- Sexual Transmitted Infections, Transmission, Finding Help Lesson 6- HIV/AIDS, Transmission, Symptoms, Finding Help Lesson 7- Sexual Assault, Statistics, Prevention, Awareness
For more information: please contact us at Our website: http://washoeschools.net/Domain/483 Write us at: Russell L. Hunter; SHARE Program Coordinator WCSD SHARE Department, 380 Edison Way, Reno NV 89502 Call our office (775) 861-4476 E-mail: rlhunter@washoeschools.net