Apply safe driving behaviours Acacia Test Apply safe driving behaviours
Describe 3 safe driving behaviours Describe 3 safe driving behaviours. How can you make sure you apply them when driving? Not tail-gating – at least 2-3seconds behind the car infront Look up – Looking 3-4 cars ahead to not be reactive Driving safe – abiding by road laws and refraining from reckless driving Proactive driving – being aware of the events around me; signs, pedestrians, other cars etc Avoiding aggressive behaviour – accepting other drivers make mistakes Being alert – not driving when sleepy Correct-decision making – reduce speed, stop reckless driving
What are some options for avoiding collisions? Slowing down Abiding by road laws Looking up Staying back Not driving whilst sleepy or drunk Lights on Not rushing - having more patients – leaving earlier
Name 5 driver behaviours that are recognized as contributing factors in collision Drink/drug driving Speeding Age Distraction Drowsiness/sleepy Aggressive driving
How should you adjust the way you drive at night? At night and heavy rain: Stay back Increase awareness/control - Slow down
Name 4 external factors that could lead to a collision Weather Other drivers Poor roadway maintenance/ design Salting and sanding Potholes Faded road signs Traffic Flow
What are some internal factors that could lead to collisions Poor driving behaviour Poor driving skill Brakes Driver distraction Steering Tyres
Describe how collisions might have an impact on traffic laws, and physical and psychological welfare of those involved? Traffic laws – if there is a trend appearing in accidents, governments may introduce, mend laws to decrease the amount of accidents Physical – A wide range of physical accidents. Bumps and bruises to para and quadriplegic. Financial – possible monetary compensation for one or all cars involved. Court expenses. Police expenses. Physical damages. Psychological – Shock, guilt, PST, anxiety, fear
What are principles of proactive driving? Look up Stay back Predicting upcoming events Increase awareness
Difference between a Regulatory sign and warning sign? Colour of the sign Regulatory sign – MUST follow in the circumstance, eg speed limits, parking etc. Warning sign –indicates road hazards eg turns, obstacles, caution, road works etc – should follow (to be safe)
Why is it necessary to have road rules and traffic safety laws? To be safe Reduce the number of accidents Promote responsibility
How have you improved?
What aspects of Leading teams had the most impact on you as a driver and why?
What is meant by the term ‘road positioning’ What is meant by the term ‘road positioning’? What do you need to do to ensure you implement road positioning skills?