What Is MOOP? MOOP is an acronym for “Matter Out of Place”, a convenient way of referring to anything that is not originally of the land on which our event takes place. So everything that wasn’t originally on or of the Black Rock Desert, no matter how small, is considered MOOP, and is to be removed as part of our Leave No Trace efforts. MOOP also includes grey water, and the particulates contained therein.
What Do I Need To Bring? Remember, radical self reliance is a principle…Full List Here Item Why? Ticket There is nothing worse than getting all the way to the playa and forgetting your ticket and/or car pass WATER Even if you are on our water plan, bring a 5-gallon water jug to keep inside your tent Water bottles / Camelback Need an easy way to stay hydrated as you cruise around the playa Sunscreen Obviously you don't want to return to Babylon for skin grafting Bicycle (with a basket if possible) The essential transport for Black Rock City - bring a lock so that it won't disappear. Decorating your bike is also a good idea as when you leave crowded venues, it will be impossible to find your bike 90% of the time Head Lamp You will not be able to live w/o one - also can be used when riding bike at night Goggles There are great ones out there that are air tight and change shade with the lighting - there's nothing worse than being blinded in a wind storm Gatorade or other electrolyte replenishing drink For obvious reasons All the alcohol you plan to drink For beer, bring CANS. Easier to crush and port out. For liquor, plastic bottles. For wine, boxed works well. Also keeps broken glass to a minimum. Extra car keys Believe me, you don't want to get stuck on the playa with no car keys Moist towelettes Great for sponge baths (some people use all week instead of showers) and getting playa dust off your bod Tent, Yurt, RV Sleeping space where you can also store your shit. Tents tend to be superhot to sleep in the morning so bringing a tarp to drape over will help you get that extra hour in the morning Inflatable mattress w/ battery-powered air pump They are comfy and prevent body heat from escaping into the playa Warm sleeping bag, extra blankets, pillows You won't sleep much but when you do, you'll be glad you thought of good bedding
What About Showers? Radical Self-Shower Reliance Skippers share a shower structure to minimize the Playa MOOP factor Bring a SOLAR shower bag Water? No, it’s part of your camp fees A tarp helps to keep your bag from leaking on the Playa We all work together to keep the water evaporating during the week – 70 people showering for a week is MOOP City One shower per day per person Remember, showering together helps conserve water and means that you can scrub each other squeaky clean. It’s also lots of fun. Join the camp shower team!
Shower Options
Camp Layout Since we are allocated a finite amount of space, we have already starting brainstorming camp layout This space limitation means that we have to be careful about the # of RVs, etc., to ensure that our infrastructure for up to 70 people will work!
Where Do My Camp Fees Go?
Very Important!!! When things break or go wrong with our camp infrastructure, we are all affected, there are no refunds, once the money is spent, it is spent. If someone plugs into our generator and it blows out, or if someone steals it, there is no more money to replace it, buy more food that spoils due to lack of refrigeration, keep the café running, or even give refunds, once the money is spent it is spent. We all lose. The playa can suck sometimes, but as a family, we will pull together and make the most out of a shitty situation. Be prepared, be adaptable and flexible to even the most harshestconditions and the worstsituations, and have an open mind. And….. Reading emails is important, how many times do we run into on the playa “I didn’t know” and we have sent out numerous emails aboutthe subjects….???? Read everyone. It will most definitely save you a lot of unnecessary aggravation the playa. XOXO
What About Drugs? Bring your own – remember radical self-reliance? Nevada is Strict!!! Law enforcement– uniformedand undercover– are everywhere Do not accept or offer drugs to anyone whom you don’t know (even Poppers are considered illegal) Keep license plate uncovered at all times Make sure everything on your vehicle works (brake lights, turn signals, headlights) If confronted by officers or rangers Always cooperate – you won’t win any fights on the Playa Don’t create reason for probable cause – don’t smoke pot, take pills, or otherwise get high in public (that’s what your car is for) Lock your stash in your vehicle If busted and you bring the law back to camp, officers can search everyone BE SMART