Describe four strategies that you could use to minimise the dangers of using social networking sites to make new friends. Know how to block and report unwanted users, Never arrange to meet anyone alone Always tell an adult first when arranging to meet someone Always meet in a public place Avoid inappropriate disclosure of personal data/set privacy settings/Avoid giving email address or phone number when chatting Avoid inappropriate disclosure of your own name/Avoid giving your full name Avoid giving your address Avoid giving your school name or displaying a picture in school uniform Do not display pictures taken at home/Do not display pictures taken of the school with the name attached/Do not send pictures/videos of yourself to strangers Ensure that the person you are befriending has very secure privacy settings Check profiles before contacting people Verify person’s contact details with other trusted people/friends
Explain why encryption is needed when transmitting data. To cause data to be scrambled/encoded Protects sensitive data… …from being understood if it falls in to the wrong hands Only user/computer with key can understand data There are many safety issues associated with the use of computers. Describe three of these issues. Electrocution by touching loose/bare wires/spilling liquids on electrical contacts Tripping and falling over trailing wires or cables Physical injury to feet/legs, etc. caused by heavy equipment falling Fire caused by too many plugs in multisocket and thereby overheating/overheating of equipment
There are many health issues associated with the use of computers. Name three of these health issues and for each one describe, in detail, a different cause. Headaches/eyestrain From staring at screen continuously RSI in fingers From continual typing/repetitive clicking of mouse RSI in wrists From repetitive clicking of mouse/continual typing Backache From sitting in same position all day
The action of sending emails to fraudulently obtain another person’s bank details is called Phishing The action of illegally installing malicious code which redirects a person to a fraudulent website with the purpose of obtaining that person’s bank details is called Pharming Unsolicited bulk emails are called Spam The action of sending text messages to fraudulently obtain another person’s bank details is called Smishing An internet protocol for delivering private messages using cryptography is called https/SSL/TLS An attachment to an electronic message used to verify the identity of the sender is called a digital certificate
Describe four methods you could use to minimise the likelihood of receiving spam emails. Use a spam filter/anti-spam software Do not reply to spam/suspicious messages Do not click on any links/attachments in a spam/suspicious message Use a disposable email address Use a complex email user name Do not give out your email address online/do not register using email on untrusted websites/opt out of marketing Read messages as text Do not use your email address as an online username Changing to an email provider who filter spam