Property Board: Proposed Projects The following items are an indicative list of projects and outputs that will be delivered from the Property Board – they exclude items already committed within current savings proposals Board Lead 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Notes Items previously approved or able to proceed with no further approvals Rental income stretch target Annual 5% increase in rent roll (excluding Purfleet Centre) Matthew Essex/ Michelle Thompson £50k £50k increase year on year. Further letting income – CO1 (rent and service charge) £100k Allow for slow build up of occupation. Figure shown includes rent and s/c. Further letting income – Thameside Centre (rent and service charge) £30k Building likely to close in following year. Letting income potentially limited by nature of space. Known Saving – loss of Corringham Police Station Rent/Bus Rates etc Children’s Services Saving will fall in first year and not be repeated. Likely to be accrued within Children’s Services Review of Sports Club Leasing Arrangements Michelle Thompson/Beau Stanford-Francis To be determined based upon outcome of review Existing arrangements see Council subsidising sports clubs through provision of loss leading grounds maintenance services etc. Corporate Landlord – Saving/Efficiency Target (10% reduction in running costs) £25k Corporate Landlord programme is underway . Libraries have transferred already and Children’s estate now being audited. Savings and income opportunities highly likely but cannot be accurately quantified until estate is better understood. ESTIMATE ONLY Corporate Landlord – Additional income target
Property Board: Proposed Projects The following items are an indicative list of projects and outputs that will be delivered from the Property Board – they exclude items already committed within current savings proposals Board Lead 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Notes Potential items that would require further approvals to proceed Buyout of Bilfinger Contract Sean Clark/ Michelle Thompson £175k Annual OHP amount. Requires buy out of contract at cost of c.£500k (assuming notice given). Potential for further savings depending on restructuring of service Development opportunities – Thurrock Parkway Matthew Essex/ Stephen Taylor £1.5m c. £15m capital investment needed to create to create something of the order of 160,000sqft of lettable space. Rent roll c.£1.5m pa. Lead time is for construction and letting Development opportunities – Mileham’s Yard Matthew Essex/Michele Thompson/Stephen Taylor £1.1m Acquisition (£2.5m) and development (£10m) of site created about 110,000sqft of lettable space. Rent roll of c.£1.1m. Lead time is for construction and letting Development opportunities – Gloriana schemes Matthew Essex/ Helen McCabe To be investigated, assessed and quantified Development of various Council owned sites through Gloriana generating a revenue stream back into the Council TOTAL £405K £275K £2.8M
Property Board: Proposed Projects The following items are an indicative list of projects and outputs that will be delivered from the Property Board – they exclude items already committed within current savings proposals Board Lead 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Notes Savings already banked but potentially not fully realised Known Saving – closure of Culver Centre Children’s Services £120k Saving likely to be accrued within Children’s Services Potential Capital receipts Known sales – Smurfit Kappa (sale price £1.8m, minus deposit and demolition cost) Matthew Essex/ Michelle Thompson c.£1.5m HoTs agreed on sale for secondary school site. Deposit likely to be received in 2016/17 with balance to follow. Known sales – Dell Rd/Orsett (estimated based on current discussions) c.£1.3m Principle of sale agreed and completion targeted within 2017/18. Figure allows for reduction in agreed price owing to abnormals