Anime Club The November 7th Meeting for Anime Club has been canceled. The first meeting in November will now be Monday November 14th. Visit room 608 for questions or a club contract if you still need one.
Attention Seniors Senior class t-shirts are on sale at lunch. Shirts are 20 dollars-- cash and carry. Numbers and sizes are limited, and when they're gone, they're gone -- so please hurry and buy yours soon!
Cabarrus County College of Health Discovery Day Interested in healthcare? Cabarrus College will be providing info on admissions, financial aid, as well hands-on activities for students on Saturday, November 12th, 9am-1pm. Lunch is provided! You must RSVP with Mrs. Glover in rom 805 today.
International Game Hour Multicultural Club & Spanish National Honors Society is hosting International Game Hour in the cafeteria on Tuesday, November 29th 3-5pm. The cost is 3 dollars at the door.
Light and Sound Training For any groups who use the theatre to host events, Mrs. Boger will host a light and sound training on November 18th at 2:45. Students can also be trained and work outside events.
Presidential Election Today during lunch Ms. Cameron’s Academy students will be hosting a school wide presidential election. Come cast your vote.
Robinson and Cox Mill Faculty Basketball Our FACULTY JMR vs. COX MILL BASKETBALL GAME is Wednesday, December 14th at 6:30. We will be playing at home.
The 6th Annual talent show is November 18th 6-8. Come support your friends in their effort to find out whose got talent…
Be sure your name is on your pictures. Throwback Thursday Submit your throwback pictures to or bring them to room 912. Be sure your name is on your pictures.
There is a ton of Rowdie gear for sale on the Athletics website. Athletic Gear There is a ton of Rowdie gear for sale on the Athletics website. Come and make an order today!
FCA/YCI There will be no FCA/YCI meeting this Wednesday. We will start back on November 16th. If you would like to be added. Reminder for FCA/YCI just join @jrobfcayci. Hope to see everyone next Wednesday 6:30am in the Main Gym.
Popcorn Chicken Bowl Roll Beefy BBQ Rib Sub Green Beans Lunch Menu Popcorn Chicken Bowl Roll Beefy BBQ Rib Sub Green Beans Baby Carrots with Dip Cherry Mixed Fruit Fresh Apple Variety.
Classes will be in the center so no socializing. Media Center The media center will be open today for students to read, study, or research. Classes will be in the center so no socializing.
National Art Honor Society There will be a National Art Honors Society has a meeting today in room 822.
This weeks’ SPORTS
Soccer Playoffs The men’s soccer team will travel to Enka High School today in the 1st round of the state playoffs. Game time is set for 5PM, with tickets sold at $6. The Bulldogs enter the playoffs on a 4 game win streak. Good luck guys.
Football Playoffs The Varsity Football team defeated Concord on Friday 28-21 in overtime. They are in the first round of the state playoffs on Friday, November 18th!