The High School Profile Grace Cheng, Wellesley College Jim Miller, Harvard College Gloria Mueller, formerly of Glenbrook South HS Harvard Summer Institute on College Admissions Thursday, June 22, 2017
Today’s Session Helpful Hints for your high school profile Examples of high school profiles Questions and Discussion
Demographic Information School name, address, CEEB code, web address Counselors’ contact information: phone, email, fax Specify number of seniors in the current graduating class Percentage of seniors who go on to 4-year, 2-year colleges Demographic composition of student body If applicable, specify amount of financial aid scholarships given to students or percent of students of scholarship
Curriculum Minimum requirements for graduation Number of honors, AP, IB courses offered (group by academic department or list all honors, all AP, all IB together) Specify whether there are school rules that dictate how many H, AP, or IB courses a student can take or if they are not allowed to take them until a specific grade Specify any specific HS extra requirements, i.e. “All seniors are required to take a fine arts course; All juniors are required to do 100 hrs of service.” Explain any course abbreviations used Specify whether your high school is on semesters, trimesters, quarters, block
Grade Point Average Grading scale, i.e. A = 90+, B = 80 to 89, etc. Explain if the GPA is weighted or not. If weighted, how? Explain what is included in your cumulative GPA – only academic courses, all courses, courses from 10-12? Transcript should calculate a cumulative GPA, or at least a GPA for each school year
Rank in Class A clear statement of whether you provide rank in class or not If you provide rank, is it weighted or unweighted? If weighted, what does it include – H, AP, IB? How much weight is given? Many schools give two ranks: a weighted rank and an unweighted rank Do you have shared ranks? If no rank is given, provide a grade distribution: deciles, quints, quartiles Visual representation of distribution: graphs, bar charts, scattergrams Grade distribution by each course taught in the 11th grade Provide GPA range at a minimum: The lowest GPA in the class, the highest GPA in the class, mean GPA There are many different pieces that need to be considered when talking about children and technologies.
Standardized Testing Mean or median SAT I or ACT (or both) for the junior class Distinguish between old SAT and redesigned SAT if you have sufficient data to report SAT subject tests if you have sufficient data to report Score distribution or median/mean AP/IB results at the end of the junior year
Optional Provide website address for the high school List colleges your students have attended for the past year or several years Describe the community in which your high school is located Provide other “bragging” items about your students or community Today we are going to quickly look at the following:
Taipei American School Lake Forest Academy Profile Examples: Taipei American School TAS_Profile_2016_2017.pdf Lake Forest Academy Grand Rapids Christian High School GRCHS Old Profile 2011.pdf 2012-2013 School Profile GRCHS.pdf There are many different pieces that need to be considered when talking about children and technologies.
Questions and Discussion There are many different pieces that need to be considered when talking about children and technologies.