Make a Plan For Your Future! High School Choices Make a Plan For Your Future!
Learning Goal: Students will be able to make informed choices for high school.
High School Registration The Guidance Counselors from each High School will come to Fruit Cove Middle to help students choose courses for next school year. The dates for CHS are March 8-10th. Nease and BTHS are TBD.
What are your Choices? Bartram Trail Creekside Nease Pedro Menendez Ponte Vedra Saint Augustine Saint Johns Technical
Academies at Creekside Emerging Technology Digital Media Cybersecurity Engineering & Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Civil Engineering
Academy of Emerging Technology Cybersecurity Students will learn network security, security vulnerabilities, attack mechanisms and techniques, cryptographic systems as well as other security technology. New Media Digital Media Students will learn about Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Web Design and more.
Academy of Engineering & Environmental Sciences Civil Engineering Prepares students to be survey technicians, mapping technicians, civil engineers, surveyors, and urban planners. Environmental Sciences Focuses on federal, state, and local regulations, ecosystem awareness, water quality, air quality, and managing hazardous materials, managing forests and wetlands.
Advanced Scholar Program - ASP Requirements to enter the ASP Program An “A or B” in advanced courses or “A” in standard courses and no grades lower than a C (must submit report card) Contract – sign contract stating that you will complete a full year in the Advanced Scholars Program 4 Teacher Recommendations – from your 8th Grade Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies teachers Application Deadline-Feb. 10th - Go to High School Website for Application. You are responsible for getting the application to CHS Applicants will be notified of their status into the program
Typical 9th grade ASP Schedule English 1 Honors Biology Honors Math Honors AP Human Geography Foreign Language Hope Elective of your choice
Bartram Trail High School Academies Finance Strand Entrepreneur Strand Air Force Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFJROTC) Fashion Architecture Interior
Nease High School Academies Stellar Academy of Engineering Hospitality and Tourism Communications Academy International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB) Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC)
Ponte Vedra High School Academies International Business and Marketing Academy Academy of Information Technology Biotechnology and Medical Research Academy
St. Augustine High School Academies St. Johns County Aerospace Academy St. Johns County Academy of Future Teachers St. Johns County Center for the Arts Army Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (AJROTC) Cambridge AICE Program
Pedro Menendez High School Academies Flagler Hospital Academy of Medical and Health Careers FMAEF Academy of Architectural and Building Sciences VyStar Academy of Business and Finance International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB)
St. Johns Technical High School Academy Academy of Coastal and Water Resources Academy of Culinary Arts Partners with First Coast Technical College Agriscience Business Technology Early Childhood Education Cosmetology Cabinetmaking Graphic Communications
Go to: View all the High School Academy Videos
At World Golf Village Conference Center HIGH SCHOOL SHOWCASE Thursday, January 19th , 2017 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. At World Golf Village Conference Center
High School Academy Nights January 24 – Pedro Menendez January 26 – Allen D. Nease January 30– St. Augustine (Auditions at SAHS will occur on Feb. 17, 2017.) January 30 – St. Johns Technical (5:30 p.m.) January 31 – Bartram Trail February 2 – Ponte Vedra February 7 – Creekside
Academy Registration Opens on January 19, 2017 Academy Application Deadline is Feb. 10, 2017 Apply in HAC using student account Feb. 28th- Acceptance emails sent out
High School Graduation Requirements – 24 Credit Program English – 4 credits (must pass Lang. Arts FSA) Mathematics – 4 credits (must pass Alg. 1 EOC) Science – 3 credits Social Studies – 3 credits Foreign Language – not required for graduation, (2 credits required for admission into State Universities) Fine Arts – 1 credit Hope- 1 credit Electives – 8 credits Online Course – 1 Course (from above required courses)
State Assessment and Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirements for High School Graduation Passing score on the Grade 10 Lang. Arts FSA Pass EOC exam in Algebra 1 Cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale)
GPA – Grade Point Average What Does That Mean? Standard Courses – 4.0 scale A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 Honors Courses – 4.5 scale A = 4.5 B = 3.5 C = 2.5 D = 1.0 Advanced Placement Courses –5.0 scale A = 5 B = 4 C = 3 D = 1
Michael’s and Brittany’s GPA’s English 1 Honors = B (3.5) Algebra 1 Honors = A (4.5) Biology 1 = A (4) AP Human Geography = B (4) Spanish 1 = A (4) HOPE = A (4) Elective = A (4) Total GPA = 4.0 Brittany English 1 = B (3) Algebra 1 = A (4) Biology 1 = A (4) World Geography = B (3) Spanish 1 = A (4) HOPE = A (4) Elective = A (4) Total GPA = 3.7
Bright Futures Scholarship Requirements for 2020 Graduates 16 Credits in college preparatory courses in the following areas: 4 English 4 Mathematics (Algebra 1 and above) 3 Natural Science 3 Social Science 2 Foreign Language 2 additional credits from courses in academic areas listed above and/or AP, IB, AICE fine arts courses Also…
Bright Futures… FAS – Florida Academic Scholar – 100% of average tuition paid Must have a 3.5 weighted GPA 100 hours of community service Best composite score of 1290 on the SAT Reasoning Test (based on the combined Critical Reading and Math sections only) Or 29 on the ACT (excluding the writing section)
Bright Futures… FMS – Florida Medallion Scholar - 75% of average tuition paid Must have a 3.0 weighted GPA 75 hours of community service Minimum score of 1170 on the SAT Or 26 on the ACT
Bright Futures… GSV – Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholar – 75% of average tuition paid Must have a 3.0 weighted GPA 3 career and technical education credits in one vocational program with unweighted 3.5 GPA in those courses Minimum section score on one test below: P.E.R.T.: Reading 106/Writing 103/Math 114 SAT: Reading 440/Math 440 ACT: English 17/Reading 19/Math 19 30 hours of community service
FCMS – 8th Grade Important Dates Jan. 10th – Parent Presentation at FCMS 6:00 PM Jan. 19th– High School Showcase–World Golf Village Jan. 20th-Feb. 7th – Academy Nights at HS Feb. 10th – Academy Application Deadline Feb. 10th– ASP Application Deadline Feb. 28th – Academy & ASP Invitations sent March 8-10th - Creekside High School Registration @ FCMS TBD-Registration for BTHS and Nease
8th Grade Semi Formal Dance February 24th from 7:00 – 9:00 PM All students attending the dance must come to school on the day of the dance. If you have a date, they must be from FCMS. Dress: Girls If you wear a sleeveless dress, you must have a cover over your shoulders. Not too short of a dress Not too revealing of a dress Dress: Boys No jeans or tshirts