Clinical Mental Health Site Supervisor Orientation Marshall University Counseling Department
Welcome Welcome to the Clinical Mental Health Site Supervisor Orientation for Marshall University. Thank you for providing your time and expertise to our clinical mental health candidates that are enrolled in Practicum and/or Internship courses. You are such important part of our team and our candidates success. We are here to support you and the candidate through the Practicum and Internship process and in order to do so, we hope this orientation allows us all to have common goals on the candidates’ and your responsibilities as a supervisor, along with what you can expect from us at Marshall University.
Expectations We follow CACREP standards regarding supervision and being a supervisor on site means you are dedicating time to work with the candidate in all areas of counseling to support their development as a professional counselor. This will include providing a minimum of one hour of supervision each week. This can be spread over smaller increments but at least an hour needs to be spent supervising the candidate. We expect that our candidates will engage in individual counseling, group counseling, consultation and collaboration activities. Our curriculum is aligned West Virginia Board of Examiners in Counseling requirements for licensure.
Expectations – Surveys and Evaluations Within the first week of the semester starting, you will receive an email from the course professor/instructor with a link for a survey on Qualtrics. This survey is required and asks questions regarding your experience and background, along with who you will be supervising. Please complete this as soon as possible. Each candidate must have a mid and final evaluation completed by you related to their progress. The evaluations will be sent to you in an email with a link to the evaluation on Qualtrics. Please take time to discuss these evaluations with your supervisee. These need to be completed in a timely manner to assure that the professor/instructor can provide immediate feedback. The mid will need to be completed at the middle of their contact hours with you and the final will be completed at the end. Additionally, contact with the university supervisor through email or phone calls is encouraged at least every other week, but may be more if necessary.
Skills Assessed on Evaluation Organization Individual Counseling Group Counseling Records and Identification Career Counseling Educational Planning Referrals Academic Advising Consulting Coordination Professionalism Candidate Effectiveness A copy of the evaluation is included at the end for your review.
Marshall University Counseling Program Objectives Our program objectives reflect the professional identity, program area, and professional practice standards identified by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educations Programs (CACREP) as the foundations for the preparation and ongoing development of professional counselors. The Marshall University Counseling Program will: Prepare students who represent the program and the profession in ethical practice, advocacy, and professional identity. Provide instruction and opportunity to develop a sense of cultural awareness and sensitivity to underserved populations. Prepare students who are skilled in attending, conceptualization, and providing interventions for individuals, groups, and families. Prepare students to understand, utilize and potentially contribute to the body of research within the counseling profession. Encourage student development and skill in using assessments, resources, and interventions for clients relative to mental health, academic, and career development needs. Promote an understanding of human development and self-awareness, wellness, and resilience throughout the lifespan.
Concerns At any point, if there are performance concerns or professional disposition concerns, please notify the university supervisor promptly. The university supervisor is your support system to help with any concerns or if you need any additional help during the process.
Purpose of Supervision Facilitate professional and personal growth of Practicum or Internship student Promoting counselor competencies Provide accountability in counseling services Bradley, L. J. (1989). Counseling supervision: principles, process, and practice. Ann Arbor, MI: Braun-Brumfield.
Purposes continued Supervision bridges the gap between the basic counseling competence developed in counselor education programs and the advanced skills necessary for complex or acute cases encountered in the reality of the work setting. (Sutton & Page, 1994) The purpose of supervision is to foster the professional growth and effectiveness of the counselor-in-training. (Roberts, 2001) Roberts, W.B. (2001). Site supervisors of professional school counseling interns: Suggested guidelines. Professional School Counseling, 4 (3), 208-216. Sutton, J.M. Jr., & Page, B.J. (1994). Post-degree supervision of school counselors. The School Counselor, 42, 32-39.
Building a Positive Supervisory Relationship Communicate empathy and understanding Respect (can be developed by identifying candidate strengths and attending to respectful, culturally responsive communication) Provide clear, concrete feedback, include both strengths and areas for improvement
Building a Relationship with the University Supervisor Please communicate as often as needed to support the candidate’s professional and personal growth. Please respond to the university supervisor when they reach out Reach out to the university supervisor if you need support as a supervisor or need additional tips/strategies to try (they are here to support you as well as the candidate) Review the Handbook provided by Marshall University and ask questions as needed
Supervision Models There are various supervision models you may use when working with our candidates. Most common model is the Developmental Model of Supervision characterized by focusing on how supervisees change as they gain experience under supervision. Expectation is that candidates will move from dependency to increased autonomy throughout the Practicum and Internship experiences.
Examples of Supervision Strategies Observing counseling sessions or intake sessions, reviewing case notes, etc. Ask supervisee to debrief on a specific case Role play or model an intervention and have supervisee process after observing you in action Explore supervisee’s feelings Facilitate development of goals, self-awareness of strengths/areas for improvement Brainstorm strategies/interventions
Examples of Supervision Strategies Encourage discussions of student needs in counseling session, counseling process, use of theory/techniques Provide a problem for supervisee to solve Help trainee process feelings that surface from student counseling session Provide suggestions for interventions or activities for the supervisee to try Adapted from Neufeldt, S. A. (1994). Use of a manual to train supervisors. Counselor Education & Supervision, 33, 330-331.
Thank you! Thank you for joining us in supervising a candidate from Marshall University. For concerns or questions about supervision, reach out to the university supervisor/professor or the clinical placement coordinator.