Collaborative Planning - CP
CP – What is it? Collaborative Planning is a web-based budget management solution, designed to help you control the preparation, monitoring and forecasting of budgets. CP is linked to the main Finance System (SAMIS), Payroll (ResourceLink) and other Corporate systems.
MONITORING / FORECASTING Traffic light forecasts Automatically calculate results Provision for local adjustments Reconciliations
FINANCIAL REPORTING Online dashboards Drill down to source systems Self-service and automatic report scheduling Statutory reports
BUDGET CREATION Incremental v zero base Activity driven calculators Budget profiling Multi year Review & approvals
SCENARIO PLANNING Multi-year outlooks What-if scenario analysis Multiple versions Automatic updates
Where are Schools with CP? Payroll Cumulative and Payroll Detail were rolled out in January 2016 Budget Monitoring will be developed In conjunction with Schools Finance and Schools. Budget Forecasting is intended to be available for the 2017- 18 budget setting process (Sept/Oct 2016) Pay Forecasting should be available for multiple years.
Any Questions? Simon Field – Senior Accountant (Systems and Taxation) Tracy Wood – Assistant Accountant (Systems and Taxation)