Policy Seminar: RCM & A-Equip - Regulation Update
Summary Amendments to midwifery regulation New models of supervision for midwives (UK) Practising midwifery in the UK Midwifery voice in the NMC Review of pre-registration midwifery education
Amendments to midwifery regulation The Nursing & Midwifery Order (Amendment) 2017 has removed all of Part VIII Midwifery of the Nursing & Midwifery Order 2001, this includes: Article 41 Supervision of midwives -> New models of supervision (non-statutory) Article 42 Rules for midwifery practice -> NMC Practising as a midwife in the UK Article 43 Midwifery Committee -> NMC Midwifery Panel non-statutory) and increased midwifery voice within the NMC
New models of supervision in the UK
New models of supervision for midwives New models of supervision have been developed in England, Scotland & Wales. The Northern Ireland model is being developed alongside nursing and safeguarding. All are based on the principles set out by the DH: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/changes-to-midwife-supervision-in-the-uk/proposals-for-changing-the-system-of-midwifery-supervision-in-the-uk. Details of each model can be found on the Midwifery section of the NMC website https://www.nmc.org.uk/standards/what-to-expect-from-a-nurse-or- midwife/midwifery/changes-to-midwifery-supervision/ Education programmmes for new supervisors/PMA have been developed based on the education principles agreed by the four countries. E-learning modules have been developed to support the programmes in England (http://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/midwifery-supervision/) & Scotland (http://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/education-and-training/by-theme-initiative/maternity-care/about-us/clinical-supervision.aspx).
E-learning module (England)
E-learning modules (Scotland)
Aims of the new models Focus is on the provision of support for midwives and aims to: Enable personal and professional development through coaching and facilitation Contribute to revalidation processes (professional discussion and confirmation) Support midwives and enable them to act as an advocate for women Foster a culture of safety and quality improvement in the workplace Be confidential but transparent Consider future proofing including:
Evaluation of the new models of supervision Each country is at different stages of implementing their new model but each will be required to report to the Government in March 2018 on the progress that has been made. The RCM is working with the 4 country leads to determine the overarching principles for the evaluation of the new models and how outcomes will be measured in order to create a new evidence base. This will include: costs associated with the provision of a the new model of supervision applicability to nursing ability to incorporate relevant recommendations from the Maternity Reviews (England & Scotland) & national policy initiatives Regular reporting of progress within each of the four countries will be provided in RCM Midwives magazine.
Practising as a midwife in the UK
Practising as a midwife in the UK The Midwives Rules and standards were primarily concerned with the supervision of midwives by the LSA including the notification of the intention to practise, record – keeping (storage), appointment of LSAMO & SoMs, investigation procedures. Only Rule 5 related to midwifery practice and the provisions contained within this Rule are can be found in the Nursing & Midwifery Order (protected title and function of a midwife), the Code, the Standards for pre-registration midwifery education or medicines legislation The NMC has published a ‘source document’ for midwives which brings together all elements of the NMC legislation, rules and standards which applies to midwives: https://www.nmc.org.uk/globalassets/sitedocuments/nmc-publications/practising-as-a-midwife-in-the-uk.pdf
Midwifery voice in the NMC
New provisions for midwifery voice in the NMC A Midwifery Panel has replaced the Midwifery Committee https://www.nmc.org.uk/standards/what-to-expect-from-a-nurse-or-midwife/midwifery/midwifery-panel/ Lorna Tinsley (Wales) Is the midwife member on Council Dr Helen Shallow has been appointed as the full time Midwifery Education and Policy Advisor Donna Ockenden is the Senior Midwifery Advisor (1 day/week) and provides advice to the CEO & Executive Annual listening events with midwives to be organised in each country Lead Midwife for Education Strategic Reference Group to be continued – meets 3 times/year
Review of education standards
Review of pre-registration education standards Prof Mary Renfrew has been appointed to lead work on review of pre-registration midwifery education standards supported by Dr Helen Shallow Thought Leadership Group has been established with midwife, lay & other health professional representatives from across the UK Listening events to be arranged across the UK Timeline – proposed that consultation on new standards will take place June 2018 Current standards out for consultation (ends September 12th): Standards for pre-registration nursing education New education framework (includes new standards to support students in practice) Standards for nurse and midwife prescribers Proposal to remove the Standards for Medicines Management
For further information Website: www.rcm.org.uk Telephone: 0300 303 0444 Email: info@rcm.org.uk www.facebook.com/midwivesRCM @MidwivesRCM