Introduction to NC WISE Training Sessions Introduction to NC WISE Basic Introduction Terminology Security Changing Passwords School Processes Logon Process Opening screen (features) Introduction to eSIS Search Criteria Demographic Loop Main Points: review the 3 sessions let the attendees know the first session will not primarily be hands on
Problem Solving Process (TAM) School Teacher Lead School Trainer Data Manager Education Center Debby Penland NC DPI Main Points: remind that the data manager is the only person allowed to call wendy - this should help speed replies by limiting the number of phone calls Help Desk
Terminology TAM eSIS User Name or User ID Teacher Assistant Module The program teachers will access for attendance, grades and to view student information eSIS Electronic Student Information System The program data managers, administrators, and counselors will access User Name or User ID The name assigned to the user by the State Department of Public Instruction Main Points: give a brief explanation of each term user names may not always match the legal name. The user name for certified personnel is assigned by SDPI and is pulled from the teaching certificate on file. If the certificate still has a maiden name or married name that has changed, the only way to change the user name is to submit a name change to SDPI ($50).
Terminology Database Exit Each school system is assigned a training database and the final database Each database has a unique name Training database is LEA15TRN Actual database will be LEA140 Exit Click on the Door icon to leave TAM Close Internet connection User must exit program if he/she will be away from the computer – TAM must never be left open unless actively in use! Main Points: emphasize that the TAM is never to be left open. Not only are security and confidentiality at risk, but bandwidth will be compromised resulting other slowdowns of the system.
Terminology RATS Acronym for Read All the Screen! There is so much information on the screen at one time, you need to get used to looking at different parts of the screen to see where you are, what you are doing and what you can and cannot do from there! SESO Acronym for Save Early, Save Often! Whenever there is a diskette icon on the screen and you have made any changes to that screen, click on the Diskette Icon! This saves the changes you made. If you don’t click on the Save icon and Exit through the Door icon, your changes are not saved! Main Points: emphasize that the TAM is never to be left open. Not only are security and confidentiality at risk, but bandwidth will be compromised resulting other slowdowns of the system.
Security User Name (User ID) and passwords User Names are assigned to individuals, who have sole responsibility for all data entered under that name User Names and passwords are not to be shared with anyone else User Names and passwords are not to be displayed/stored On the computer “desktop” On printed documents open to others Beside the monitor Passwords Must be at least 8 characters long Must have at least two non-alpha characters Must be something the user can remember! Can be reset by the data manager when necessary Will automatically expire after 90 days If a user does not use TAM for 30 days, the User Name will be disabled and will have to be restored by SDPI Do not attempt to logon more than twice in a row! If you try 3 times and fail, you will be locked out of the system! Main Points: stress that the person with the user name has the ultimate responsibility for any data entered under that user name – do not share user names and passwords with anyone! passwords expire every 90 days. user accounts not used for 30 days will be disabled and can only be enabled by SDPI. (ie: teacher who does not enter daily attendance or grades and does not go to NC WISE except at grade reporting times will have their account disabled. In these instances, you will want to sign in to NC WISE at least once a week to make certain your account is working properly.) users need to choose passwords they can easily remember – we will not be able to identify user passwords for them.
Logon Process Main Points: remind school trainers the LEA140 is the actual database. For training, we will use LEA15TRN.
eSIS Main Screen When you logon NC WISE, this is the first screen you will see. It is not the first screen teachers will see. This screen will be used by data managers, administrators, counselors and others who need school wide access to data.
eSIS Main Screen The first thing you will notice is the lack of student information showing. To show a student’s information, do the following: Press F7 Press F8
eSIS Main Screen You will notice School Information now appears. Student information for the 1st student in NC WISE also appears.
Parts of the Main Screen The eSIS Main Screen is divided into several parts. Some parts “overlap” in purposes. As you learn NC WISE you will decide upon the easiest way for yourself. And each user will be different!
Menu Bar The Menu Bar is a standard part of any Windows program. Clicking on one of the options displays a drop-down menu of other options.
Menu Bar: Main Menu Main Menu shows you these options
Menu Bar: Common View Common View shows you these options
Menu Bar: School School shows you these options
Menu Bar: Lock Lock does not reveal a drop-down menu bar. Rather, it takes you out of NC WISE to a screen that will ask for your password in order to return.
Menu Bar: Lock This is the screen you see when you click Lock. eSIS holds onto your User Name and Database. When you type your password and click OK, you re-enter NC WISE.
Menu Bar: Lock Password has been re-entered Click on OK button.
Menu Bar: Lock After you have entered the Password and click on OK, you return to this screen.
Identification Information eSIS always shows you the database you are currently using. You are also shown your User Name.
Icon Bar Tasks that you will use often are shown using Icons. If you move your cursor over once of the icons, a description of that icon’s purpose is shown.
Student Information Some very basic student information is shown on this screen. This helps you make certain you are looking at the student you want.
Student Information Notice there is a scroll bar to the right of the student information. If you use this to scroll down, you will see the next student with the Legal Last Name Martin.
Student Information Note the position of the scroll bar has moved. The student has changed from Marcella Martin to Trevor Martin.
Students Shown You have a choice of seeing only students enrolled or All Students (current and those withdrawn).
Find a Student The Find a Student icon will show you where a student is at the current time. You must have the clock on your computer set to match school time and you must have entered class period information correctly
Find a Student Clicking on the Find a Student icon shows this information.
Status Line The Status Line shows the operation you are currently using. Often, when you don’t know why eSIS is not allowing you to complete a task, you can look at this line and find out why!
Demographic Loop The buttons at the far right are part of the Demographic Loop. This means when you click on one of these buttons, you will be able to move to the next screen without coming back to the Main Screen.
Demographic Loop Click on Basic to enter the Demographic Loop.
Demographic Loop After clicking on Basic I see this. To move to the next screen, I click on either the right or left arrow.
Demographic Loop This is the next screen. If you continue to click on the Right Arrow, you will move through the Demographic Loop until you return to the Basics screen.
Save Icon Whenever you enter information and before you go to the next screen, click on the Save icon (looks like a diskette)
Exit Icon When you have finished working on a screen and have saved your information (when necessary), click on the Door icon to go back to the previous screen.
Exiting eSIS I clicked on the Save icon on the previous screen and returned here. To EXIT eSIS, click on the EXIT icon on this page.
Exiting eSIS You are asked if you really want to leave? Click on Yes.
Exiting eSIS You will be returned to this screen. You MUST close your internet browser. Click on the X at the upper right-hand corner of the screen to do so.