Class of 2017! Cary High School
Do you know the Student Services staff?
Do you know the Student Services staff? 10th-12th Grade Counselor A-G Ms. Strader
Do you know the Student Services staff? 10th-12th Grade Counselor H-O Ms. Bowers
Do you know the Student Services staff? 10th-12th Grade Counselor P-Z Mr. Young
Do you know the Student Services staff? SAP Counselor Ms. Bryant
Do you know the Student Services staff? Dean of Student Services & ESL Counselor Mr. Johnson
Do you know the Student Services staff? Counseling Interns from UNC-CH Ms. Kiefer & Ms. Hanley,
What do I have to do to graduate in June of 2017?
Game Time!
Specific Graduation Requirements for Future Ready Core (FRC) English I, II, III, IV 4 Math Science (Earth, Biology, Physical or Chemistry) 3 Social Studies (World History, American History I and II, Civics and Economics) Healthful Living 1 Electives 10 TOTAL 26 ******These are minimum graduation requirements.******
Electives: 2 elective credits needed from: Career and Technical Education Arts Education World Languages Optional--You can choose to concentrate in one of the following areas: Career and Technical Education (CTE) any other subject area (Math, Science, Social Studies, English)
Honors & AP Classes Please consider your teacher’s recommendation when registering for next year’s courses! If you are unsure whether or not you can handle the rigor of an honors or AP class, please talk to your teachers, as they best know the curriculum and study time/homework time
NC Scholars This is not a monetary scholarship, but a seal that will appear on your high school diploma designating that you are a NC Scholar. Qualifications needed to be a NC Scholar: Unweighted 3.5 GPA Biology English I, II, III, and IV Earth/Environmental Science Common Core Math I Chemistry/Physics Math III Higher Math World History American History II World Language I and II American History I Civics & Economics Two Advanced Electives
Athletic Eligibility 85% Attendance required during the semester prior. Must have passed 3 out of 4 courses during the previous semester Must maintain overall 1.5 GPA Must not be convicted of a felony See your coach or Coach Dunphy (Athletic Director) for more information
Schedule Change Requests Students are expected to take the courses that they registered for (primary and/or alternate selections) If there is an issue, please see your counselor during SMART lunch.
CollegE Planning Grade Point Average (GPA) College Admission Offices pay careful attention to the following: Grade Point Average (GPA) High school and community activities Difficulty of course load Recommendations SAT/ACT scores Essays Class rank
UNC System Admission (Minimum) Requirements By satisfying FRC graduation requirements you will meet minimum requirements for UNC System Schools, except that you will need to take 2 consecutive levels of a world language. The minimum requirements for admission changed in 2013! Minimum admission requirements: 2.5 GPA and 800 SAT (Critical Reading & Mathematics) or 17 ACT.
Transcripts This is personal information! Keep it private! We will review all sections (save general questions for the end)
Average GPA of Incoming Freshman Class Game Time!
College Planning Resources Main purposes: 1) PSAT, SAT, AP testing information/practice 2) search for colleges & majors ACT, PLAN testing information/practice Must create an account on this site to send transcripts to schools within NC Apply to many schools in NC Search for colleges by region or major Search for careers & take interest inventories
Before you go: