CCP & CTE Leadership Summit A Joint Effort Between NC Community College System Office and NC Department of Public Instruction Spring 2017 **Room set up to have folks sit by service area with colleges 9-10 Welcome, Intro, info through pathways slide 10-10:45 table discussion about the existing pathways and alignment with (i) labor market demand and (ii) coordination of each partner’s offerings. 10:45-11:00 Begin introduction of tool 11-11:45 Begin work session of articulation tool 11:45-1:15 lunch break 1:15-2:00 Continue work session 2:00-2:30 Report out 2:30-3:00 Questions and closing (need to ask for future topics)
Meeting Goals Foster collaboration between secondary and postsecondary partners. Enhance aligned opportunities for students to participate in Career and College Promise pathways. Understand the difference between CTE CCP Pathways and Career Pathways. Understand the benefits of and key areas to include in local articulation agreements. Develop agreements between partners to support effective programming. Sneha Self reflection about the program coordination/relationships-survey tool
Partnership Goals What are the goals for your partnership? What do you hope to achieve through your work together? Record your ideas on this padlet: JoAnne - Record on padlet
Seamless Transitions Efficient and effective use of the high school experience through Career and College Promise College Transfer Pathway Career and Technical Education Pathway Cooperative Innovative High School Lisa
Existing Statewide Articulations NC Community Colleges Comprehensive Articulation Agreement NCDPI High School Dual Credit Allowances for CCP High School to Community College Articulation Agreement Lisa, Sneha and Bob
Opportunities within Career and College Promise (CCP) All NC HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS SPECIAL DESIGNATED HIGH SCHOOLS Lisa will discuss this slide
Clear Pathway Definitions CCP CTE Pathways Career Pathway Global Framework for Education and Training Common Language Streamline Education and Training Process Address Regional Labor Shortages Encourage us to Listen to Employers Upfront Part of the Larger Career Pathway Governed by legislation Meaningful pathway advising is critical for all students, including College Transfer pathway students. Joanne/Bob Make sure that we connect the career pathway concept to ALL students- may not be a traditional CTE student but ALL can participate in the advanced placement options. Bob and Jo Anne Help staff understand the big vision - Career Pathways is a Global Concept
2014 Vision Overview CTE Career Pathways Work Engaged Employers Comprehensive Career advising Advising Program of Study Credentials Interviews Work Assessment Interest, Ability, Skills HS - Academic and Technical CC - Academic and Technical Labor Market Information Experiential/Work Based Learning Career Plan Certifications Diploma Degree 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 When we first started out, JoAnne, Catherine and Myself developed a two year RFP, to test some on these pathway elements BEGIN BUILD The basic elements are Career Advising, Programs of Study or Training, Leading to work - A streamlined approach to preparing the workforce Briefly - Career Advising includes, Advising, Assessments, Sharing Labor Market Information and the Developing an individual career plan, employability plan, or strategy to move toward work The program of study in this 9-14 case include high school and then community college career and technical education courses with experiential work based learning We asked each grantee to test out this career advising and training or programs of study or classroom and work based learning. finally we have interviews and then work Unique to these elements were the upfront assessment of individuals skills, competencies, and credential that might allow for advanced placement in the training continuum. This was our concept, a concept laid out in come 5 pages of the RFP, Elements that we are continuing to test as we enter the last months of this pilot grant and elements you will here some of the successes and failures through our break our sessions during this conference. Graphic Highlighting Three Main Components Career Advising Programs of Study – Work Based Learning, Stackable Credentials, Multiple Entry and Exit, Engaged Employers Assessment of Competencies, & Credentials, Placement in Education / Training
The intersection of these Program of Study components is where students benefit most from our collaboration. CCP is a option by which students can acquire the education needed for career goals CCP is part of the larger Career Pathway concept
Grade 13cr 27cr AAS HS Graduation Requirements Grade Core Math English Sample CTE Program of Study with CCP Pathway HS Graduation Requirements Electives (Articulation) Credentials Grade Grade Core 9 Math English Social Studies Science Word/Publisher CTE Elective Excel and Access Certification 10 Access 11 CCP CTS - 115 CTI - 110 ACA-111 12 Physical Education World Language CTI - 120 CIS-110 Certificate 13cr 13 CET - 110 NET - 226 HUM - 115 NET - 1 26 SEC - 110 DIPLOMA 27cr 14 ECO - 251 ECO - 251 CET - 111 NOS- 230 DBA - 110 AAS High School Jobs $ College Jobs $$ Jobs $$$
Pathways Seamless framework in demand driven, data informed, clusters Characteristics Seamless framework in demand driven, data informed, clusters Engage Employers Offer Career Development & Awareness Coordinate Training and Programs of Study that accept credit and articulate credit for prior leaning, integrate work based learning, contain multiple entry and exit points, award credentials, certificates, diplomas, and degrees that meet workforce needs Place individuals in full time jobs
Connecting to Workforce Demand Workforce Goal: North Carolina’s goal of having 67 percent of working-aged North Carolinians with education and training beyond high school by 2025 Focusing on demand driven offerings Using 5-star job chart 0jobs/Star%20Jobs%20Diagram.pdf Working with local/regional employers to create meaningful programs Bob and Lisa Employer Engagement Concept Identify Industry Needs, share knowledge and skills needed to fill gaps, advisory to programs of study commitment through long term participation, participate in all types WBL, recommend credentials Labor Market Information Blending Student Interest with Labor Market Demands Interest Gap - Students Enroll in Jobs where Openings Maybe add the PDF 5 star chart (link above)
Career Advising for All Students Goal: To develop a meaningful path for post-secondary plans Counseling practices Career coaches Advising infrastructure - “intrusive counseling” Intentional planning Sneha and Lisa Career Assessments Career Planning
Collaboration: Contracting with HS Faculty to Teach CC Courses Ensure you have qualified faculty and that you adhere to info in CC12-018 when employing high school teachers as instructors in colleges courses. Ensure that content taught in CCP sections of college courses is equivalent in every way to that taught in any other section of the course. Ensure that you have accurate documentation of when the course is taught (if it is F2F), again, just as you do for any other section of that course (or any course),and that the documentation establishes specific college class beginning ending time/dates.
Collaboration: Contracting with HS Faculty to Teach CC Courses Bottom line is that colleges have a responsibility to ensure learning outcomes are equivalent in all sections of courses for which you have academic responsibility. This would include ensuring the same sorts of evaluation processes for all classes.
Local Articulation Agreements Memo Of Understanding (MOU) For effective partnerships, clear agreements are the foundation for success. Incorporate all existing agreements. Think through each agency’s responsibilities. Who, what, when, where and how? Guide for Course Alignment: tionAgreement.pdf De Tool to guide conversations about the needed elements of an MOU. De will facilitate the work and the directions on how to use the tool. Lisa to give context-reasons for clear understandings.
MOU Working Document Who, what, when, where and how? Facilities Program/Course Availability and Articulation Personnel Registration Fees Transportation Textbooks Supplies Other Areas We encourage the colleges to develop a local articulation agreement with the LEAs in their service area. These local agreements can respond to the needs of the local business and industry. Our state agreement does not include courses where there is less than 1,000 high school students enrolled, so if the course is unique to your area, you will need to add it to a local articulation agreement. On the website you can find a guide to developing a local articulation agreement. And we have an online self-paced course on creating a local agreement. Books, Equipment, Faculty, ===== 9/2/2016
WORK TIME Report Out Homework: Take the tool to a grade alike meeting or other options to get input from others who are impacted by college partnerships. What other elements should be included, what other barriers exist, what plans can the partners make to minimize the barriers, etc…
Topics for Future Meetings As we think about ways to support your work together, what topics would be most helpful at future meetings? What additional support can we offer? Record ideas on this padlet: Gather on padlet
We want your feedback! Please provide your feedback about today’s summit.
THANK YOU! CCPLT Contacts: Jo Anne Honeycutt, NCDPI De McKenzie, NCDPI Sneha Shah Coltrane, NCDPI Bob Witchger, NCCCS Lisa Eads, NCCCS THANK YOU!