PowerTeacher Pro for Administrators Trainer Name Trainer/Consultant
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Setting Up District Grading Preferences Setting Up School Grading Preferences Time for Review enter notes
<Your name here> Meet the Trainer Specify a few things about yourself enter notes <Your name here>
Course Server Information Sign in to the following server to complete course activities: https://trainingXX.powerschool.com/admin Username: XXaghs1 Password: aghs1 [Trainer note: Please customize this slide by adding the URL of the assigned server for the course (replace XX with the server number). Change username and password information, if needed. Change /admin to /public or /teachers as needed.]
Setting Up District Grading Preferences enter notes
District > Grades Scales > New Grade Scales Create regular grade scales for traditional and standards-based grading. District > Grades Scales > New
District > Grades Scales > New Special Codes Scales Create a scale that includes special score codes, such as “NC,” and associate it with a regular grade scale. District > Grades Scales > New
Now It’s Your Turn Complete hands-on activities 1-4: Create an Alpha Grade Scale Create a Numeric Grade Scale Create a Special Codes Scale Create a Standards Rubric Grade Scale enter notes
District-Level Grading Preferences Configure grading preferences and calculations for multiple schools to provide grading consistency throughout the district Save teachers from having to set up the preferences in the gradebook for each section they teach
PowerTeacher Pro Settings: District District > PowerTeacher Pro Settings
Default Gradebook Type: New Sections At the district level, set PowerTeacher Pro as the default gradebook for new course sections. PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Default Gradebook Type
District Teacher Categories Set up assignment categories, such as Test and Project, for a selection of schools to provide grading consistency. District > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > District Categories for Teachers > Add
Now It’s Your Turn Complete hands-on activity 5: Set Up District Categories for Teachers enter notes
Final Grade Calculation Methods Use the following methods to calculate students’ final grades: Total Points - Divide the number of points the student earned for the class by the number of points possible for the class Reporting Term - Calculate the final grade by averaging and weighting grades from shorter reporting terms Standards - Base final grades on standards scores Categories - Calculate final grades by averaging and weighting grades from assignment category totals
Standards Weighting and Specific Sum When setting up a standards calculation method, select the Specific Weighting or Specific Sum attribute to calculate a student’s final course grade from weighted standards grades Include some or all of the standards aligned to a course Define the settings for how higher-level standards grades will be calculated from lower-level standards grades District > Courses > (select a course) > District - Standards tab
Traditional Grade Calculation Formulas Create a calculation formula for a selection of schools, for each reporting term. District > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Traditional Grade Calculation Formulas > Add
Now It’s Your Turn Complete hands-on activity 6: Create a Traditional Grade Calculation Formula enter notes
Traditional Grade Preferences Set up traditional grade calculation preferences for each school. District > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Traditional Grade Preferences
District > Citizenship Codes Set up the citizenship codes that teachers will use. Citizenship codes are behavior indicators and do not count in students’ final grades. District > Citizenship Codes
Now It’s Your Turn Complete hands-on activity 7: Set Up Traditional Grade Preferences Complete bonus activity 1: Set Up a Citizenship Scale enter notes
Working with Standards-Based Grading Which scores count in the final grade? How many scores count in the final grade? Are grades for higher level standards automatically calculated from scores on lower level standards? What calculation type should be used on the range of standards scores to represent students’ performance?
Standards Calculation Types Most Recent Scores - Student learning culminated over time Mean - Average of all scores Median - Throw out high and low scores Mode - The most “typical” score Weighted Mean - High-point assignments count more Highest - Best for performance assessments None - No default; a case-by-case method, or set the default at a different level (district, school, teacher)
Standards Grade Preferences Define how standards final grades are calculated for schools throughout the district. District > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Standards Grade Preferences
Now It’s Your Turn Complete hands-on activities 8-9: Configure Standards Grade Preferences Review Standards Settings on Courses enter notes
District > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Display Settings Set which schools use standards and control how information appears in the gradebook by default. District > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Display Settings
Now It’s Your Turn Complete hands-on activity 10: Configure Display Settings enter notes
Manage Next Year Calculations Create the grade calculations for the next school year prior to running the End of Year process. District > PowerTeacher Pro Settings> Manage Next Year Calculations
Setting Up School Grading Preferences
School-Level Grading Preferences Configure grading preferences for one school to provide grading consistency throughout the school Save teachers from having to set up the preferences in the gradebook for each section they teach
PowerTeacher Pro Settings: School School > PowerTeacher Pro Settings
Default Gradebook Type: Existing Sections At the school level, set PowerTeacher Pro as the default gradebook for existing course sections Change the preference for individual sections Use DDA to update the preference for all sections at once School > Sections > (select a course) > (select a section number)
District Categories for Teachers View the district-created categories made available to the school, and manage which ones are available to teachers. School > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > District Categories for Teachers > Manage Categories
Traditional Grade Calculation Formulas View the district-created calculation formulas. School > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Traditional Grade Calculation Formulas > (select a formula name)
School Traditional Grade Preferences Edit final grade calculation formula, saved calculated grades, and citizenship preferences for the school. School > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Traditional Grade Preferences
Now It’s Your Turn Complete hands-on activity 11: Edit the Traditional Grade Preferences for a School
School Standards Grade Preferences Edit standards grade calculations preferences for the school. School > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Standards Grade Preferences
Now It’s Your Turn Complete hands-on activity 12: Edit the Standards Grade Preferences for a School
School > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Display Settings Edit how information appears in the gradebook by default for teachers at the school. School > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Display Settings
Now It’s Your Turn Complete hands-on activity 13: Configure School Display Settings
Enable Administrator Access Allow the users in an administrator security group to access teachers’ gradebooks. System > Roles Administration > User Access > (select a user group)
Teacher Schedules > (select a teacher) > PowerTeacher Pro Administrator Access Access a teacher’s gradebook in read-only mode. Alternative navigation path: From the Start Page, search for the teacher’s staff record. In the staff pages menu, click PowerTeacher Pro. Teacher Schedules > (select a teacher) > PowerTeacher Pro
Now It’s Your Turn Complete hands-on activity 14: Access PowerTeacher Pro as an Administrator
PowerTeacher > PowerTeacher Pro Data Migration Current-year data will be migrated from PowerTeacher Gradebook to PowerTeacher Pro. PowerTeacher > PowerTeacher Pro
PowerTeacher > PowerTeacher Pro > Migrate Data Migration Status The teacher monitors the status of each section as data is migrated from PowerTeacher Gradebook to PowerTeacher Pro. PowerTeacher > PowerTeacher Pro > Migrate Data
PowerTeacher > PowerTeacher Pro > Migrate Data > Summary Migration Summary A teacher uses the Summary tab to review the number of migrated assignments and scores. PowerTeacher > PowerTeacher Pro > Migrate Data > Summary
Time for Review
A B C D Question 1 Question 4 Which of the following grading preferences can you set up for schools at the district level? (Choose all that apply.) Report templates must be in which format? A B Assignment categories Flags (score indicators) C D Grade calculation formulas Grade scales
Answer 1 Question 4 Which of the following grading preferences can you set up for schools at the district level? (Choose all that apply.) Report templates must be in which format? A B Assignment categories Flags (score indicators) C D Grade calculation formulas Grade scales
Question 2 Where do you click on the district-level PowerTeacher Pro Settings page to prevent teachers from editing grade calculation settings?
Answer 2 Where do you click on the district-level PowerTeacher Pro Settings page to prevent teachers from editing grade calculation settings?
Question 3 If a traditional grade calculation is not set, which of the following is the default formula? A B Reporting term weighting Standards weighting C D Total points Category weighting
Answer 3 If a traditional grade calculation is not set, which of the following is the default formula? A B Reporting term weighting Standards weighting C D Total points Category weighting
(Choose all that apply.) Question 4 Which of the following statements are true about the district-created categories shown in this image? (Choose all that apply.) A B There are no inactive categories The Classwork category is not used at one school C D The Project category is available for all schools Teachers can edit the categories
(Choose all that apply.) Answer 4 Which of the following statements are true about the district-created categories shown in this image? (Choose all that apply.) A B There are no inactive categories The Classwork category is not used at one school C D The Project category is available for all schools Teachers can edit the categories
Key Points Setting Up District Grading Preferences – Set up final grade calculation formulas and grading preferences at the district level to provide grading consistency and to save teachers time Setting Up School Grading Preferences – Set up some grading preferences at the school level to provide grading consistency and to save teachers time enter notes
Question and Answer
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