“Toilet talk” using social norms in schools Chapel Hill High School SAVE Chapter Chapel Hill, NC
Social norms What are they? General beliefs about what “most people” are doing The actual “normal” behavior that is expected and exists in a group
Social norms Where do they come from? What we all see and experience around us The messages we hear from others about behaviors The messages we receive from all types of media about what is “normal”
Social norms Who believes them? In a high school Students Younger students Parents Teachers and other Staff The community
Social norms examples Belief “Everybody is doing it” Truth Maybe many people around you are but not everyone So it only appears that “everyone is”
Social norms “the perception” When interviewed students believed that 75 % of students drank alcohol 66% of students smoked marijuana Thus the feeling “everyone is doing it” Therefore to be normal I should to?
Social norms “The Reality” When surveyed for actual numbers 33% of students had drunk alcohol in previous 30 days 24% of students had smoked marijuana in previous 30 days
Reality check Students thought that .. 75 % of their peers drank alcohol But in reality….. 33% drink alcohol What do you think?
Reality check 2 So how about for marijuana? Belief = 66% smoke Reality = 25% smoke So where is the real majority? So everybody is not doing it?
Social Norms Making the comparison Everyone wants to be part of the “In” crowd Make the comparison using those making the positive choice. Prosocial Behavior So for example if 25 % of students report smoking marijuana in last 30 days We want to promote that 75% of high school students did NOT smoke Marijuana
Toilet talk Built around “fun fact” questions High level of student involvement Provides a way to educate about perception vs. reality
Toilet Talk Fun facts Students come up with questions Some examples Do you use Twitter? Favorite Day of the week? What is your hardest class? Pirates? Ninjas? Or Chuck Norris?
Toilet talk fun facts Students have a week to go ask classmates Do you use Twitter? Favorite Day of the week? What is your hardest class? Pirates? Ninjas? Or Chuck Norris?
Toilet talk Bring answers back to club meeting Tabulate results Do you use Twitter?No - 70% Yes - 30% Favorite Day of the week? Friday - 55% Saturday - 23% Thursday - 11% Wednesday - 6% Pirates? Ninjas? Or Chuck Norris? Pirates – 25% Ninjas – 49% Chuck Norris – 26%
Reality check Select the issue you want to highlight Decide if you are doing a Social Norms Check or just an awareness highlight of an issue
Reality check Locate your reality information Use reliable sources of actual survey data One great source is local, state or national data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) done by the Centers for Disease Control
Reality check If you are doing a Social Norms Check Find your perception information Either through your own survey or available data
Make the comparison Add a special section to your Newsletter REALITY CHECK Or Did You Know?
Make the comparison When asked how many high school students smoked marijuana in the past month students thought 72% smoked The actual percent that reported smoking marijuana in the past 30 days is 25% ¾ of students DID NOT smoke marijuana! so... “Everyone is NOT doing it” Follow the crowd? From 2011 CHCCS YRBS survey
Toilet talk it’s your turn We’re going to come up with 5 “Fun Fact” questions Find a partner and think of one “Fun Fact” Find another pair and share your “Fun Facts” Select your group’s favorite question Share with the whole group
Our reality check question Since we’re talking about preventing violence today we’ll use a youth violence question Perception We lack some of the perception information that we would want so we are going to do a “Highlight” Reality Check
Reality check In past 30 Days 5.9% of High School students report staying home at least one day because they didn’t feel safe at school. 5.4% report having carried a weapon on school property (2011 USA YRBS)
Reality check completion Be sure to add a thought or message to reinforce the point you are making Like If you see a weapon or an unsafe situation at school report it to a teacher, counselor, administrator or SRO. This is our school. Let’s keep it safe for everyone!
Collect the answers Methods to poll students Old Fashioned person to person paper and pencil (like we’re going to do today) Cell phone live polls like “Socratic” or classroom clickers Create on line questionnaire with link such as Survey Monkey, Google Docs and Zohopublic Others??
Your “mission” During the break and lunch poll other summit attendees with our Fun Fact questions Have fun doing this!! At the end of lunch find one of us and return your answers At the end of Final Session pick up your completed copy of “Toilet Talk” Summit Version 2015
Thanks for coming If you have questions or want to be in touch Facebook Chapel Hill HS SAVE Twitter @CHHS_SAVE Email Advisor Jim Wise jwwise@chccs.k12.nc.us Phone (919) 929-2106 x41270