Brief Introduction to ASSURE & ARDC Mississippi Airports Association Colonel,USAF (Retired) Steve ‘Lux’ Luxion, ASSURE Associate Director
UAS Will Change our Lives
UAS Challenges MS understands this industry well [Read slide] The graph, from a 2013 AUVSI study, shows the projected economic impact for Mississippi. This projects the industry would have about a $20M impact on the state’s economy in 2015 and grow to about $60M in 2025. Based on our current manufacturing base, planned expansions, and recruitment efforts, we believe this is very conservative. Winning a Test Site would compound that impact even more. We have been coordinating with the Congressional delegation ever since this opportunity was put into law We started talking to our local partners and potential team members last year, and hired a consultant to help us prepare for the competition
Difference of Cultures Regulators Ultimately responsible for safety of system Methodical Data driven Can be seen as “Bureaucratic” Industry Ultimately responsible to return on investment Agility – first to market Technology driven Can be seen as “Cowboys” Public
SAFE & RELIABLE ACCESS TO THE NAS ASSURE - Regulations - Standards - Guidance SAFE & RELIABLE ACCESS TO THE NAS Industry FAA Concepts of Ops Use profiles Technology Expertise Resources 3rd Party Research People Systems Operations Data/Info/Recommendations ASSURE
What is ASSURE? Long title: The Alliance for System Safety of UAS Through Research Excellence - The Federal Aviation Administration’s Center of Excellence for Unmanned Aerial Systems Short title: The FAA’s Drone Research Center COEs are “entities with substantive ties to universities which advance the state of transportation knowledge within a particular aviation area FAA William J. Hughes Tech Center manages COEs COE’s get two funding vehicles Grants (mandatory 1-to-1 cost share) IDIQ Contracts (cost share negotiable) 23 Schools, 100+ companies – big team for a big job!
ASSURE University Team
ASSURE Certified Industry Partners
ASSURE Research Projects sUAS Certification DAA for BVLOS A-A Collisions A-G Collisions Mx, Mod, Repair… DAA Systems (TCAS, ADS-B, Radar) Criticality Human Factors (HF) Noise Study Secure/Reliable C2 HF-Control Station Design Standards Part 107 Waiver Case Study Detection of sUAS Near Airports UAS for STEM ….
ARDC – Our 501(c)3 ASSURE Research & Development Corporation (ARDC) 501(c)3 Non-Profit – Solve problems / seek opportunities outside work for the FAA Another mechanism to conduct FAA/Gov’t work Leverages ASSURE Alliance and its relationships Knowledge and experience gained from FAA research With only one contract and NDA, if required, with ARDC ARDC does the rest to leverage our ASSURE teammates to best meet the needs of the sponsor
Thank You ASSUREuas
Quick Thoughts: Challenges Regulatory risk (ASSURE Primary Focus) Assess to National Airspace System Rules, regulations and guidelines People (training & certification) Systems (certification) Operations (type certifications) Technology Risk – rapid change Think early aviation combined w/speed of technological innovation Opportunity ! Operational Structure & Costs Internal program v. hiring services company
Quick Thoughts: Seizing Opportunities Only limited by the power of creative solutions Cheaper (Helo Flight Hour Cost $2K/Hr vs. UAS) Faster Safer Hardware Trucks Sensors Software: It’s all about DATA Planning On-board systems Processing the data (on & off board) Aggregating the data: MetaData
Back Up Slides
What is ASSURE? Long title: The Alliance for System Safety of UAS Through Research Excellence - The Federal Aviation Administration’s Center of Excellence for Unmanned Aerial Systems Short title: The FAA’s Drone Research Center COEs are “entities with substantive ties to universities which advance the state of transportation knowledge within a particular aviation area FAA William J. Hughes Tech Center manages COEs COE’s get two funding vehicles Grants (mandatory 1-to-1 cost share) IDIQ Contracts (cost share negotiable) 23 Schools, 100+ companies – big team for a big job!
ASSURE Executive Board
Current Research
FAA Funded ASSURE Research (1/5) Validate small UAS (sUAS) ASTM standards – Kansas State (A1) Validate industry-consensus ASTM F-38 standards Develop detect and avoid (DAA) to enable sUAS beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations under specific operational limitations (A2) – UND/NMSU Can we find a way to expand portions of the NAS to enable sUAS ops under specific limitations?
FAA Funded ASSURE Research (2/5) Air to air collision (A3) – Wichita State/OSU What happens in a UAS impact? Engine ingest? Air to ground collision (A4) – Alabama Huntsville/MSU How big can a UAS be before it’s a hazard to people?
FAA Funded ASSURE Research 3/5) sUAS maintenance standards/cert.(A5) – KSU/Embry What are maintenance requirements? What is tracked & how/where? How do you train sUAS maintenance personnel? ASI & Repair Station Certifications? Accident reporting requirements/details? Surveillance criticality for DAA (A6) – NC State Can we use current surveillance equipment (transponders, ADS-B, TCAS) for UAS DAA?
FAA Funded ASSURE Research (4/5) Human factors (A7) - Drexel Which functions should – or shouldn’t – be automated in UAS control? What are the minimum design standards for UAS control stations? - Drexel/OSU UAS operator training/certification – UND How do you train/certify UAS operators on this system? Visual observer training/certification - NMSU How do you train/certify UAS visual observers on this system? UAS Noise Study (A8) – MS State/WSU Are UAS Noisy? What should noise standards should the FAA set?
ASSURE FY 17 Research (5/5) Minority STEM outreach – Tuskegee/NM State UAS to teach STEM to disadvantaged youths Secure C2 & Spectrum Management (A9) (OSU) What should standards be for secure & reliable C2? Human Factors: UAS CS Cert & Procedures (A10) (ERAU) What are minimum standards for UAS control stations? Low Alt. Safety: Part 107 Waiver Request Study (A11) For Ops over people: how to apply for waiver? What are mitigations and how are they certified?
Part 107 Mitigation New rules for commercial uses of <55 lbs drones Operational limitations (daylight, not over people…) Visual LOS Ops Over People Requires Waiver ASSURE Project A4 Research Air-to-Ground Severity Study Based on results of research thus far Recommending waiverable mitigations Developing / recommending process for evaluating mitigation With approval: put process in place by or as close to as possible end of August Data also used by Micro-UAS Aviation Rulemaking Committee
ASSURE FY 17 Research (Likely) Air-to-Air Collision Studies Follow-on (WSU) Engine ingest (OhSU) UAS v. Rotorcraft and Private Aircraft Air-to-Ground Studies Follow-on (UAH) Quantitative Risk Assessment Model for sUAS BVLOS Ops over Populated Areas (ERAU) UAS Lithium Battery Impact Studies Parachute studies sUAS Detection Near Airports (MSU) Evaluating different technological solution types Slew of other current research follow-on studies
ASSURE Research Fueling Change Expertise 22 Universities & 100+ Industry partners Core to three FAA UAS Test sites Experience ASSURE UAS inventory: 340 – USAF: 316 Only the DoD flies more UAS yearly than ASSURE Knowledge gained from on-going research Influence 200+ locations in 13 states, nine countries Minority outreach to African-American, Native American, Hispanic populations On 14 different FAA/Int’l rule-making committees
Working with ASSURE Collaborate with ASSURE partners Join ASSURE Annual Membership: $1,3, or 5K Participate & influence research Public reports released by the FAA ASSURE Research & Development Corporation (ARDC) 501(c)3 Non-Profit – Solve problems / seek opportunities outside work for the FAA Leverages ASSURE Alliance and its relationships Knowledge and experience gained from FAA research